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Ciudad Habana, Cuba
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@HCLT: hi dude, i dont wanna be rude, but we have a "no agression threat" so if vatreni feel offended, let him talk and express himself, i didnt know tthat you get the lawyer degree of judge or something like that. ?
sorry if i offend you, or you fell offended by me, i didn't mean in that way, for me only was strange that someone had this doubt, thats all, its like ask for example, what colour is the white car of HCLT or something like that ?
@MaskYs: nice at least people who speak and write in french know that im not joking ?
of course CEV have more elite team, than norceca or south america, asia have money but no level. Norceca only have USA, Canada and Cuba and the others are weak and South America Only Have brasil and Argentina and argentina never would beat brasil, at least now. anyway best league are in europe its fine that the best continental championship stay in europe, that was a dumb question
@vatreni: plus juantorena, plus experience that they have now, leal, simon and juantorena are playing, hierrezuelo and leon are in cuba and they dont play since 2011 and 2012 respectively, that team was very young, simon and hierrezuelo were 23 years each and they manage to reach the final, playing againts powerfouls squads like brazil, serbia and bulgaria, a true odisey, was a pitty when they lose the finals but everybody know that was enought to say that cuba play that competition excellent but not perfect. anyway im still curious about the future, maybe one day we can have all those man in one team xD my team suckers ahhaha, BTW the setter never was a problem, hierrezuelo set amazing balls, but he suffer the "young boy" syndrome, to much unstable and he dont have patience with his teammates, he gets very emotional, like everybody knows
yes but i dont know if they translated the entire document already, in the end the document not only talk about volleyball but also others sports and the social services of the govermente with those that have won medals in other sports like Boxing or Baseball, they paid a smal quantity but its enough to live quiet good in cuba i guarantee that. but like i say not words says about the pro players like simon or Juantorena,we assume that if they wanna leave cepeda and the players that still remain in cuba play abroad, they can also call the others that dont deffect from our nacional team
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: there is no need to call Marshall, is to old and i don't think he would back, besides he can return to Cuba for holidays, but he deffect from the team in 2001 and maybe the law change but is still considered a treason
@HCLT: eu percebi tudo, mas nao sei escrever ainda como deve de ser, em cuba que eu saiba não há assim grandes ego, todo o pessoal se conhece, todos jogaram juntos desde que eram uns moleques e ainda mais, todos vinham de famílias carenciadas, há um ou outro que precisa maturidade, porque os tempos mudaram e ficam as vezes muito materialistas, como é o caso das novas figuras, que acham que só por nascer em cuba, vão ter um futuro 5 estrelas no voleibol enfim, Simon e Juantorena vão assumir o papel de lideres por ser os caras mais velhos, há um que sempre fica zangado mas é cenas dos cubano como o canhoto do hierrezuelo que anda a arranjar sapatos para poder comer, veja só enfim eu só quero andar nas competições sem medo ninguem e seja o rival que for exista uma possibilidade de ganhar, mas pronto a defessa mesmo com essas figuras e o jogo tatico do time nao esta garantido enfim vamos ver
@HCLT: indeed cara, but im pretty sure that even with all those stars in my team, things wouldnt be easy for us, they might played together few years ago, but now volleyball is changing and superstars come and goes everytime, look mikhaylov that guy now is a ghost since 2011 he just play shit we cannot say that with all those stars we can win easily i only want a competitive team, with not regrets. thats all, i dont wanna be 1st ranking just win a medal in the olympics and gold in WL if is possible, WCH is the most hard to win. anyway if they beat the poles eu ja tou contento ahhahaha .
well this new policy only have 5 days, i personally expect that cepeda would be the first player who should benefit from the law, he have some skills ? and he is young 24 years old, besides i don't know if mesa would follow to, along with keibel gutierrez and bartmannn you are free to leave the post whatever you want, this is not about me or you, its something that vb had searching for a long time, THE CUBAN FREEDOM IS ALREADY HERE.
360 what???? he just receive the ball stop and spin, for be a 360 reception he should spin before receive dumbass, nice attack BTW ;)
Kadu get into the game that night, because Leal didnt feel well and was in a recovery session, he plays in the Junior team of Sada Cruzeiro, that was his firtst game as a pro-Player, he only have 19 years old, but he take the responsabilty well. even knowing that he was a substitute from leal
Yadier Sanchez Sierra from Cruzeiro to Kepco in the K-league

Source: his own manager
@handan: even with that he has more money than never you will have, please those are old waters. losers are always complaining about the past.
my point is why play for a team that make you play very long season for the same amount of money that the other team offers you even if you dont play the entire year, after all michael and the others cuban dont play for our NT so they dont need improve more their level, at least not improve at the same speed that guys like matey or kurek or zaytzev does. i think is a good decisition, he is an opposite, maybe he can play in turkey the next year ang bring some quality to that MONEY league, who knows??
hi bitch shut the fuck up, he doesnt play in any NT so he doesnt need a hard work season to earn money, air jumbos had a good offer for him, and he agree, besides he cant play in russia due his bad choice from leave novosibirk to another team when he still had a one more year of contract. due his desiction he was banished to play in russia for a year. handan search before talk.
that michael sanchez transfer is more old than this entire website, come on people you can do it better
that michael sanchez transfer is more old than this entire website, come on people you can do it better
Jail threat for Giba! 10 anni fa -3
like if he were gay like you
actually we defeated the italians one more time in 98 in the WL final 4 round robin and thats all, cuba was the best 2nd team, our mental and tecnicall game its not enough to work with that strenght that we only have

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