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1995 ( 1)
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MasterPuppets leave him alone, he's cuban that explains all, escaped from cuban jungle to europe he has never seen professional sport places. as looking to his comments he is dreaming about our players by thinking too much time about them. :O it's mental illness. revan, where your countrymen cubans playing? banana, palms, gorrillas '' ihhhooo ihhooo" :D
i see you thought too much time for writing your next comment under our players, your obsession destroying your dignity. revan where are you now? cubans are in cage or jungle? "koko" is Igła's voice, words from funny song from football euro but for cubans like you sounds very familiar to your monkey-mother. ;P
facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=488901607849874&set=a.488901467849888.1073741838.110189779054394&type=1&permPage=1 All photos! :D
The idea is too crazy !! Volley court looks too small for supporters !! We need binoculars! ;-D
I'm going to support Serbia and Italy in this group !! GO ATANASIJEVIC AND SAVANI ? ? ?
Dear Kaz! Don't give our team and us unnecesary pression !! ;-) Just keep calm and wait for all matches!! I'm so excited. France beat Italy 2 times, Bułgaria is still dangerous with Sokolov they would be the biggest surprise in whole tournament !!!
donmatteo and matheus should be banned. one time i trusted matheus words about transfers and now i see how he is bored, the same situation with donmatteo, btw i don't know why are they doing that, for what but ok.
matheus! bullshit bullshit the same as your wijsmans in resovia this antonovic is your joke! cupkovic left skra he announced on his profile that many days ago! that's why skra is looking for new receiver.
trolling with bullshit from your head about our transfers, not here!
Qyss what are you talking about?! Kubiak is main face of JW, contract with JW for 2 next years! Coming Bravo won't change that.
I heard about Rooney in Skra, but Alexiev? Can i know your source?
In Zaksa i can believe, Bravo in Jastrzębie too they need valuable receiver, Bernardi will convince him and this unknown argentinian talent will be good choice for AZS.
Nicolas Uriarte is arguing with referee. I can imagine him with Plina in Skra. Nice duet. :D
"it wasn't attack but shot" :D
Ivović and Brdović were great and they were better than our debut juniors in second match! Deservedly won! I miss Atanasijević, i heard he played amazing against Bułgaria and got 22 points! :) I really would rather Atanasijević maybe not in Skra, but in Poland. Starović great game in second match.
the best action was when Serbian player hit Żygadło's hairdo : D
gvnn87 do you really think that? this guy is totally obsessed and commenting players from my country, look at his history of commets firstly! he really doesn't have own life, doesn't care about his cuban players/teams but others just hating others, full of agression. moreover he was joking about Visser's death, he is no human! what will you do if this "revan" will joke that murders were italian who killed Ingrid? he has no dignity. i just need one thing ban this smelly cuban because he's monkey from zoo and no class, he won't change this behavior and my "vulgar respond" on the same low level as his for sure didn't hurt him, he's monster, revan care yourself and leave people alone. everyone here has own subjects and no one here makes mess like you. if you were not here on this site there won't be any offending.
dude, Agamez even left Turks because he wanted cosmic money! He is going to Iran, Japan, Katar or China. Club should start to think realistically, you too. Rouzier bad performance in finals but look how he played in european cups! i will always repeat that.
And what's more, we was writing to dominican embassy with threats "give us Contreras, pass up him across the border!" and it didn't work. So it'll be a risk for club who everyone was asking "where is Contreras" and club didn't have valuable receiver for all this season because of this incident.
no way, ok i got it "Siarhei Antatnovich" in wikipedia i don't believe, he plays in well-paid turkish Büyükşehir Belediyesi Stambul and he has still vaild contract i see and it's impossible, look what was said by menagment that will be player from UE, it's also tip for supporters who thought Elvi Contreras will finally come because he was signed with Zaksa year ago and he unfortunately couldn't come to us because he had incident in Italy border by having false passport and he couldn't come to other country which is in UE and in Schengen and he must stay in Russia. Zaksa has enough of this kind of problems because half a this season everyone was waiting for Contreras arrival.
revan are you obsessed about our players? you know about them much more than me or my countrymen, dear cuban communist monkey. it's radiculous you don't care about your cuban players losers who can't play in national team and can't live in this sick country. it seems you are depressed by problems of your country and your life, be far away from the civilized Europeans who really love this sport and have no problems in life like you because you're taking out your frustration from your poor cuban life to this forum.
btw, get the rid of your cuban LEON from Poland who is in my country and he only likes our girl's money, she's so naive. all cubans are smart trash.

btw, and you should not have the profile entered country like Portugal and flag! it is a shame for the country to have such an emigrant like you, and someone who does not know will think that you're Portugal guy i saw one case like that, you're just smelly cuban that explains all!

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