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Wow,great video.. You made me forget Lube lost this match :D
Trentino Volley Hits 12 anni fa 0
Music fits the movie very well :)
@kk15 I only watched the end of the fourth set and the tie-break because I wasn't at home (they won); last week I watched only the first part of the italian cup final and they lost... Now I know what to do on next match ?
We all knew Trento was a difficult opponent to beat, perhaps the hardest,considering the last season and the current one.. Plus,they have the problem of not knowing how to handle the match for at least three sets and this leads to loss of control of the match and here we are,an italian cup final lost at tie-break.. I'm always of the opinion "hope is the last to die",but,in these conditions...
@pearl oramai si è capito qual è il problema.. Spero facciano davvero qualcosa per risolverlo perchè altrimenti,oltre a scudetto e coppa italia,considerando la partita contro Trento,quest'anno potranno dire addio anche alla champions ?
I think Lube will win,too. But I don't wanna say anything more,I'm just going to watch the match ?
Good job!! :D
He always scores the most difficult and important points.. he's one of those players who can solve a lot of complex situations :) if he goes to Macerata,I would be so happy,too :D
@Kk15 thanks ?
@pearl ma soprattutto,se dovesse di nuovo ripetersi la situazione di una settimana fa a Macerata,per la prossima partita in Champions contro Trento!! LOL
I couldn't see Cuneo-Macerata,but I'm SOOOO happy they won!!
@pearl sicuramente avranno letto i nostri consigli... E devo dire che l'esorcista ha fatto proprio un buon lavoro! ?
Macerata played the last matches very badly. I agree with you guys,it'a a matter of being focused on the match,of doing everything to win the set and so it's a matter of mind. Yes,in every team there are ups and downs,and of course this one for Macerata has to pass quickly,if they still have the intention of winning something... Since three of our NT players are there and Macerata is still a great club,even if young,let's hope this will happen soon!!
@casamodena Lasko in Macerata will be a great idea to replace Omrcen and I think that Drago,Sava,Parodi and Lasko could get more "fellowship" playing in the same team...
@pearl ho letto il tuo commento,è vero quando si vede la propria squadra giocare così è normale essere amareggiati e dispiaciuti,ma purtroppo non possiamo far nulla per cambiare la situazione... Tranne sperare che questo brutto momento passi in fretta e che Macerata torni ai livelli che noi sappiamo può raggiungere,con un pò di convinzione in più ?
@Roninho The voices are overlapped with each other,so I understood the words,but they don't have so much sense xD if you can make a translation of what they are talking about,maybe I can sense and figure out properly what they said :D
Italy - Brazil 12 anni fa 0
Finally I can watch this fantastic match again... Thanks a lot raylight :D
Cristian Savani 12 anni fa +1
@pearl fatto :)
Cristian Savani 12 anni fa 0
What a wonderful player.. I've never seen so much strength in attack.. He impressed me the first time I watched him playing,his services were unbelievable,I could clearly hear the sound of the ball hitting the ground :O
Italy - Serbia 12 anni fa +1
Thanks to both :)
Italy - Serbia 12 anni fa 0
Thank you so much proud... Do you also have Italy-Brazil? I'd like to watch that match again...
He's a really powerful player,but in order to be a champion,you have to be great inside and outside the court... A player shouldn't behave like that...
I saw the match on TV,Roma played well,but Macerata played better,this team is getting better everyday.. I agree with the comments there,the video is too short,but well done :)

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