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Yeah,actually reading Wlazly's statement made me realize that may be not everything in your federation is as perfect as I thought,but still...the difference is cosmic :D I really hope that after hosting the WL,more people will see how important is to invest in volleyball and will look at our championship more seriously... I don't know...I'm no expert,but it's not my job to be one.The federation needs to just abort itself,since they're not doing anything. And why am I only talking about the clubs - in addition to coaching the team,Rado had to find sponsors for our NT this summer...the big guys couldn't even do that.It's like "Excuse me,isn't that your job or something?"...so frustrating. I don't know what coaches are interested in(to answer your question)-they're interesting in whatever the president of our federation tells them they're interested in.Their job is more precious to them then speaking their mind.If you go against "The Man" you get axed,because in Bulgaria it's always the coaches fault,never management.
Considering the state of our sport(especially our team sports),every bronze medal the guys have won between 2006-2009 is nothing short of a miracle,so if that didn't evoke any interest in sponsors I don't know what will...Also,most of our clubs are so used to the system of "sell-get commission" that I don't even think they know how to manage things - get kids interested in volleyball(though CSKA has done a few public lessons in some schools with some of its best players)or go look for additional financing...There can be NO comparison between the professionalism in Poland and Bulgaria when it comes to volleyball - our guys think in terms of short-term satisfaction (money)and yours believe that improving your championship is worth it in the long hall(strong NT). Guess,who's right? :P It's really,really complicated...
"why schools volleyball don't arise for the youngest" I honestly don't know...In every school that I've been,volleyball was the sport that we played the most in our PE classes(only in 5th grade,I remember playing basketball). It was my PE teacher in 6th grade that made me love this sport and he's the one that got me and another girl to train outside of school(suffice it to say,I'm forever grateful for that:) ) So imagine my surprise listening to an interview with a Bulgarian national player a couple of months ago,saying that volleyball was the sport they played THE LEAST at his school[and keep in mind that he went to a school for kids,preparing to be professional athletes(there might be an actual term for that...sorry I don't know it :D )] BTW,Serbians have the exact same problem - low level league,players playing for foreign clubs,so it's not like we're an exception...It's still sucks,though :D
@tysia,you have no idea how happy I would be,if I could watch those guys live every week...Unfortunately,our league is very weak so if they want to have any success(both on club and national level) they have to play abroad.As little success as we have with our national team,it's thanks to the opportunities and experience that our players have gotten in foreign leagues.Plus, Nikolov (for example)having to make ends meet,with the money he would get over here,is not something I wanna see...It's sad really - that's why we follow A1 so closely,'cause it's home to so many of them(thankfully,the Scudetto is really well covered in Bulgaria) :)
Torrent site 12 anni fa 0
Which game do you need,in particular,I might have it? ?
@raylight,he means Cvetanov,but I doubt there's any footage of him from 2004 :D
Awesome :D
I was gonna say "Let the controversy begin!",but then I read your comment :D I LOVED the music you've used,hope people will appreciate it :)
USA - Argentina 12 anni fa 0
@Zyta - Thanks :D @pearl - How so many people have the time to go to jail is beyond me...haha
USA - Argentina 12 anni fa +2
I just complained that I've seen very little of Kiraly,like an hour ago :D Don't have the time now,but I'll watch it tomorrow :)
Oh,goodie!!! Great job,vtnklmdc,sorry I didn't get you anything :D
I've seen very,very,very little of Kiraly and even I can say the guy is outstanding :D Considered by many,the best of all times,praised for his character and leadership just as much as for his amazing abilities on the court.I wish there was more about him here,on Youtube or wherever...
Mitar Djuric 12 anni fa +1
I admit I wasn't impressed watching him in Olympiacos,but since the WCCh this year he's been on my "Players to watch" list :) Rafael uses him a lot,they "clicked" very quickly :) As someone said,he's the perfect replacement for Riad - he definitely needs to improve his blocking,but his serve and attack are strong.He's becoming a very important and reliable player in Trento - always in the double digits :D
Yes,really beautiful :)
@pearl - It's me...I'm a bad influence...:D I told him once that he's too harsh with his rating and I'm afraid I scarred him for life :P @Berny - we kid,'cause we love :D
@pearl - haha OK,I guess I have to live forever now ?
"'cause you've got the rare gift of being able to put a smile on my face when i read what you write"
The feeling is mutual,as you know ?
Completely OT,but please tell me I'm not crazy and I'm not the only one who loved "The tick of it" and "In the loop" - wasn't the first referee of last night's Trento - ZAKSA,the spitting image of the brilliant Peter Capaldi?
Also,(and they're doing this for a second week in a row)if you don't know Osmany is 1,90...you know some people say it's the little things that make them happy?With me,it's the small things that bug me ?
Great video :D It shows that you've spent a lot of time doing it :)
@Berny - we've been at war since I could remember :D No,seriously,the way I see it - in a month or so,you'll give 5 stars to every video,especially those with hip-hop songs in them :D
@Berny - you're breaking down...BWA-HA-HA :P

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