Toyota Motor Volleyball Team Plan Return to V.League

2 anni fa

During the Walkure era, they joined the V.League from the 2014/15 season and won 1st place in the 2015/16 V Challenge League II, and won 1 win in the replacement match with the V Challenge League I Kashiwa Angel Cross (currently Chiba). They were defeated and unfortunately lost by a point difference and missed the promotion. 

In the following season, they were ranked 1st in V. Challenge League II and also fought a qualification match with Kashiwa, and although they were 1 win and 1 loss again, they won by 0.1 points difference in scoring rate and entered Challenge League I. 

They left the V.League Organization after achieving 6th place in 2017 / 18 V Challenge League I and 9th place in 2018-19 V.LEAGUE DIVISION2. Since then, they have continued their activities, such as leaving 10th place in the 10th National 6-person Volleyball League Comprehensive Men's and Women's Championship in 2019.

 #YukaSato , who is active in Saitama Ageo Medics, is one of the people who was active in Walkure.

Source: Volleyball Monthly
