
Cimed Florianópolis - Vivo/Minas (SET3)

Volleybox 2009-04-25 • 10893 weergaven • 25

25 reacties

NagorPL 1445 14
13 jaar geleden
Grałem nią, nie pamiętam jak się nazywa ale jest beznadziejna jednym słowem, jakoś wolno lata i ma jakby grubą powłokę.
jannkesPL 279 6
13 jaar geleden
Ma ktoś może info o tej piłce którą grają w Brazylii ???? Ciekawe czy podobna bardziej do Mikasy czy Moltena...
14 jaar geleden

Originally posted by taynara from Brazil
14 jaar geleden
beautiful hd...

Originally posted by spola from Italy
14 jaar geleden
Excelente partido...

Originally posted by Michael BUM from Costa Rica
14 jaar geleden
ur nt adding to this site ur just being a wanker

Originally posted by Douche bag from New Zealand
14 jaar geleden
ur a faggot heeelmooi

Originally posted by Douche bag from New Zealand
15 jaar geleden
HeelMooi, sorry about my comment on to be or not to be happy in Europe. I made a mistake.

Originally posted by Edu from Brazil
15 jaar geleden
Yeah you guys are right, Holland does kinda suck and we did lose really bad in 1992 against Brazil, also Europeans aren't as happy as Brazilians. Why is it that we are so bad at being happy? Thanx a lot man.. you made all sad for being European now. Why'd you have to be so angry at me man? ?

Maryc, asking me why I'm so rude is implying that I AM indeed rude, it's implicit in your question and I must say that i do not agree with your stance. You have not seen me play, so any claims about how my level of play compares to theirs are based on little to no evidence. I'm glad you like their way of play, I don't, we have a difference of opinion on our hands. I do not like the tone in your message, it's not very democratic.. I think you owe me an apology. I was trying to add to this site, by giving my opinion (freedom of speech is something we value in my country). Perhaps you don't in yours and that's fine, but don't stink all over me with your comments. I agree with you though that Brazil plays really good volleyball.

Originally posted by HeeelMooi from Netherlands
Tashunca_UitcoPL 13 1
15 jaar geleden
HeelMooi Why are you so rude? What's the problem? I like their way of playing, good volley they play in Brasil...
15 jaar geleden
To HeeelMooi: they are happy because they know in near future they will win lossers teams like Holland and others, like we did in the final of OG 1992. And also as you are an european guy I think you do understand nothing about be happy!

Originally posted by Edu from Brazil
15 jaar geleden
OKay and why are they so fucking happy at the end? It's not like they're good at the sport.

Originally posted by HeeelMooi from Netherlands
15 jaar geleden
There's actually qute a few players here that i know surprisingly. I see Andre Nascimento and Bruno for instance. This clip still sucks though and I'm better then most of the players on court here. Why are there so many fans watching this and being annoying? Why don't they come to holland to see me play. What's with the red and yellow? Jezus! And I mean come ON!

How come so many players went back to the brazilian competition while they could play in Italy or Russia? Do they like being poor? Or are they scared of being seperated from their mommy? Anyway, great clip thaxn for adding, really impressive play as well, wish I could play at that level ?

Originally posted by HeeelMooi from Netherlands
15 jaar geleden
to ma byc dobry poziom siatkowki? 1

Originally posted by Haha from Poland
15 jaar geleden
Sorry, wanted to say "same starting-six since 2002"

Originally posted by Kasjan from Poland
15 jaar geleden
Edu, have you seen the Olympics?? It's not, that i'm against the Brazilian NT, but its boring to see over and over again one team winning one cup after the another...glad to see, that the top teams are very even! Brazil had an epic team, but what they forgot is, that it's important to support young people. Teams like Serbia, Russian and Italy did this. Brazil has the same team since 2002. The only thing that changed is the setter and thats just because an argument with the trainer. The young players had no chance to participate @ the Olympic games. Rezende gave them a chance at the WL 08, but once again there were some old players like Nalbert.

Originally posted by Kasjan from Poland
RenanZBR 1538 15
15 jaar geleden
OO Edu, não discute com os caras não...... é so voçê ver os videos da Liga Polonesa.....POrra, que coisa feia, os caras não sabem receber bola, e quando o fazem, sai de qualquer jeito. Só sabem atacar mesmo, e olhe lá. Já perdi a vontade de conversar com esse merdinhas.O vôlei la é muito mais prestigiado do que aqui, mas nós é que temos os melhores jogadores (basta contar o número de MVP nas competições internacionais).
Tashunca_UitcoPL 13 1
15 jaar geleden
Edu Good luck to Brasil in this year WL. We are going to see who's going to win, might be Brasil, might not. Do not jump ahead so you won't have to blush later in case of Brasil's misfortune. Brasil is a superb team but no one is undefeatable as we all know from Olympics finals...
15 jaar geleden
To Kasjan >> next June some of these players will be presented to you, when Poland will face Brazil in World League. Players like Lucas Saatkamp, Eder Carbonera, Bruno Rezende, Thiago Barth (showed in this video), and so on, are in the Brazilian team for WL. So, get smart because in my opinion they will defeat Poland team and you will know these guys. Wait and you will see... About this video, it does not present the best of Brazilian league. There are several others much betters available in youtube. Our league is very competitive. If you consider that we exported many players to Italy, Russia, Spain, Japan, Turkey, Greece, France, Argentina, even Poland, and our league is very good in terms of Quality.

Originally posted by Edu from Brazil
15 jaar geleden
to nawet mój wideo na yt ?)

Originally posted by Kasjan from Poland
15 jaar geleden
Ok sry, nie wiedzialem o tym ?

Originally posted by Kasjan from Poland
15 jaar geleden
This will be added and my highlights from serie a Finals from 2004/2005 not?? What the Hell is going on here? Anyone knows even one of those players on the court?? Cause i dont...

Originally posted by Kasjan from Poland
15 jaar geleden

Originally posted by beach monster from Poland
15 jaar geleden

Originally posted by daniel. from Poland
RenanZBR 1538 15
15 jaar geleden
POooouuuta que Pariu.......FINALMENTE tem um video da liga brasileira.....thanks for the video..

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