2011-09-07 • 7475 weergaven • 4 replies
1. you can search for:
волейбол - volleyball
мировая лига - world league
чемпионат россии - Russian Championship
чемпионат италии - Italian Championship
лига чемпионов - Champions League
чемпионат европы - European Championship
чемпионат мира - World Championship
клубный чемпионат мира - Club's World Championship
универсиада - Student Games (Universiade)
олимпиада - Olympic Games

2. then pick what you need:
Россия - Russia
Польша - Poland
Бразилия - Brazil
Германия - Germany
Болгария - Bulgaria
Куба - Cuba
Сербия - Serbia
Испания - Spain
Франция - France
Италия - Italy
Египет - Egypt
Пуэрто-Рико- Puerto - Rico
Тунис - Tunicia
Аргентина - Argentina
Чехия - Czech Republic

мужчины - men
женщины - women

скачать - download

if i missed something you need, you can let me, or other russian-speaking users know


Kk15 1301 11
12 jaar geleden
thanks!! may be only one things more, male/famale ?
raylight 3006 15
12 jaar geleden
Berny 606 6
12 jaar geleden
Awesome, only my father knows azbuka, so this is perfect. thanks!
RevanExtasis 746 11
12 jaar geleden
hahah dont trust in me but since i found this page i have been to learn some words and how to read in rusian, i mean Cuba wrote in russian its almost the same kyba for me haha its not the same whith brazil or poland but whith USA haha that was easy CWA forever haahha
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