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dman99 11 1
11 jaar geleden
Poland fans I feel sorry for you but Kurek and Bartman are young maybe too young, next time they will be better. I hope Bulgaria, Italy or Russia win it. I like Brazil but its nice to see a different team win it.
NightFox 1457 14
11 jaar geleden
Sokolov 22 points in 3 sets ....
Someone 875 10
11 jaar geleden
Congratulations for Bulgaria. I count on You (but I'm afraid that Russia is out of range- their getting in shape).
VK_Grad 116 3
11 jaar geleden
ПОЖЕЛАВАМ ВИ ОТ ВСЕ СЪРЦЕ УСПЕХ ЗА НАПРЕД , ЗАЩОТО ЗНАМ ЧЕ ТОЗИ ОТБОР ЩЕ ИМА ГОЛЯМО БЪДЕЩЕ !!! Вие сте още млади и преспективни и искате да се докажете и в момента го правите по особено добър начин изобщо пред света . ВИЕ СТЕ СТРАХОТНИ И ГО МОЖЕТЕ (ГОВОРЯ ЗА ЦЕЛИЯ ВИ ОТБОР) !!! ГОРДЕЕМ СЕ С ВАС !!!
VK_Grad 116 3
11 jaar geleden
Не мислите ли че е така ?
VK_Grad 116 3
11 jaar geleden
This national team of Bulgaria is better than with Andrew and Matthew. They now have a team!
VK_Grad 116 3
11 jaar geleden
Now mind to tell us?
VK_Grad 116 3
11 jaar geleden
Poor team are we now ?
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
Георги Братоев 10 мин след победата във фейсбук:

Byrite karat Duba da pyska oshte po dulboki korena.Iskate ili ne Bulgariq shte igrae polyfinal
P.s. tova e i za Matey, i Andrey vie ste chast ot nas

Ти продължавай да си пишеш..
VK_Grad 116 3
11 jaar geleden
Еми знам, аз на това съм писал същото .
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
Щом смяташ, че Жоро и останалите момчета са заблудени, а ти си правия..
Нали ти казвам.. продължавай да си пишеш..
VK_Grad 116 3
11 jaar geleden
Не си ли доволна от играта на отбора ?
VK_Grad 116 3
11 jaar geleden
Не трябва сега да мислят за това след като има много по - важни неща пред тях .
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
Защо да не съм? Това е игра, която е градена 4 години! Това е целия труд на Пранди и Стойчев и Плачи.
Мога само да съжалявам хора като теб, които делят отбора и се осмеляват да обиждат играчите му. Може би не знаеш, но Матей ще се върне и се чудя ще продължиш ли да го обиждаш и тогава..тази волейболна икона.
Ако си на акъла "предатели" значи не си дорасъл за постъпката на Радо и Матей, която аз иначе смятам за прибързана, но те бяха подлъгани.. борбата с федерацията обаче е мъжка! И така както много ланкаш, ако не са Радо и Матей да свалят Данчо след някоя друга година и Жоро ще си взеше шапката, и Цецо, и още кой знае кой.. и айде аливедерчи.. Ще ги видиш, ама през крив макарон и се чудя пак ли ще са предатели, сегашните герои..
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
На това изречение държа да ми отговориш:
"Щом смяташ, че Жоро и останалите момчета са заблудени, а ти си правия.. "
11 jaar geleden
CyberPunk just don't make me insult you ok? cuz i'm 100 % sure you're one of those ''keyboard ninjas'' that are infront of the screen 24/7 and in real live are just fat stinky assh*oles, so please don't ruin everyone's good mood ok?
RenanZ 1538 15
11 jaar geleden
Well, what can I say, the only macth I made a bet has failed (USA 0x3 ITA).

I won't make any bets again, but I'm pretty confident that will be Brazil against Russia on Gold Medal Match
John17 151 7
11 jaar geleden
One year ago i predicted Russia NT goes to reach the Gold in London, two steps to gold...
VK_Grad 116 3
11 jaar geleden
Az ne gi obijdam :X .... Vinagi sum vqrval v tqh i gi podkrepqm .
Vardarska 24 1
11 jaar geleden
VK-Grad чета ти и аз писанията, айде като казваш нещо се опитвай да се аргументираш и ако не можеш замълчи..Нито опровергаваш Славея, нито подкрепяш собствената си теза, само плюеш по двама играчи, които само тебеподобните не оценяват..
Vardarska 24 1
11 jaar geleden
Our guys did great work... I'm so happy about them! And I hope now they will find better clubs to play in! It's important because in Bulgaria.... better not!
And to be honest I expected more from Poland..I don't know what happened but their real place with their real game is in top 4..
Vardarska 24 1
11 jaar geleden
Are you really giving me article written by Tsveta Markova? Are you? Muhahahaa.. Man! Don't be funny!
Nena17 18 1
11 jaar geleden
Somebody can help me to find the download of the match between italy and usa of yesterday?
oioi 370 5
11 jaar geleden
@Vardarska I expected much more from my team, Maybe not a medal but from their game, which was really terrible, not an Olympic shape. I think they were overtrained and tired, Anastasi made some bad choices in playing all the time with one six and spend with them too much time on the gym.
Vardarska 24 1
11 jaar geleden
VK_Grad I had the honour to talk with Plamen.. Don't quot me him, please..
Talk by yourself not by articles and interviews given before months!

oioi, I think Anastasi is your coach /I mean he fits perfect to Polish team/ and he leads them good. I don't know why this happened.. Maybe you're right they might be tired.. also the big expectations from them made preassure for sure..
What about playing with Zygadlo, not Zagumny.. I don't have opinion on this question but I see different opinions by polish fans..
Scout 2 1
11 jaar geleden
I am really impressed by Nayden Naydenov, not with his coаching but with his self awareness. As the official head coach he could have just disregarded Camilo Plachi, rather he accepts the fact that the italian is more competent and lets him lead the team. I think Naydenov doesn't desirve the current negative attitude towards him. He isn't such a bad coach and I'm sure he helps the team quite a lot, though he can't be comperad with the class of Plachi. Nevertheless we should give him credit for his work and efforts.
ivolley44 107 5
11 jaar geleden
For me Nayden isn't somenthing special as a coach.And personally I don't like him, but I have to admit that the team is doing great and that they have spirit.
11 jaar geleden
VK_Grad,ти какво разбираш под български волейбол-мъжкия национален отбор ли?Нека печелим с националния отбор,пък с тия по клубовете да си се гаврят както искат,на Данчо курвата да определя кое как да се случва,контузии да не се лекуват,играчи да получават минимална заплата,деца и родители да ги правят на луди някви изкуфели алчни дъртаци и всичко е ОК,нали? Ignorance is bliss... Докато България ражда талантливи хора,от които лайна като Данчо да се възползват и докато "фенове" като теб позволяват успехите,жертвите и труда им да служат за маска на престъпници от най-висок клас,до никъде няма да я докараме като държава и гражданско общество.На теб не знам дали ти е кеф да те тъпчат,ама на някои хора не им харесва.Имам приятел,чиито син през ден му реве,за да го запише да тренира и той му отказва всеки път,с не мога да ти опиша колко болка,защото не иска да се подиграват с детето му,така както се подиграха с него навремето.Мислиш ли,че Казийси е първия напуснал заради тия нещастници?Не,просто е първия,който има топките да каже,че всеки има някаква граница на търпение,когато става въпрос за тия гнусари.С напускането на Радо нищо нямаше да се промени.Идва поредния треньор и готово-Всички проверки се задействаха имено,заради това,че Матей излезе и каза,че с тези хора не може да се работи.Да се надяваме,че този процес е необратим и наистина нещо ще се промени.Никой не може да ти даде гаранция,но сега,благодарение на тях,поне има няква надежда.Не искаш ли силно вътрешно първенство?Ето,че имаме талантливи момчета,а специалисти?Кой отговаря за обучаването на кадри?Погледни го старши треньора на настоящия ни шампион как се е изпъчил в Лондон,все едно цял свят не вижда и не знае,че Камило е гения,който движи нещата в момента и резултатите ни сега са плод на четири годишни усилия и още 2-ма треньори.Ама,както и да е,важно е да се диша...Ние правим революция в световния волейбол-100 години отказвахме да наемем психолог,но сега сме първия отбор,който пътува със собствен йога-инструктор...
И защо да не мога да подкрепям момчетата,да подскачам с тях след всяка точка и едновремено да подкрепям Стойчев и Казийски?От утре да не забранят да се яде баничка с боза?
Безумно много се гордея с представянето ни на Олимпиадата,НО това по никакъв начин не поправя нещата във федерацията-корупцията,зверската престъпност и чувството за безнаказаност,наглостта,некомпетентността,връзкарството и ПРОСТОТИЯТА!Докога тия момчета ще са малкото островче оазис в океана от лайна?Е,от това ме боли и затова победите ми идват малко bittersweet...
VK_Grad 116 3
11 jaar geleden
Important that to win next mach.
Vardarska 24 1
11 jaar geleden
Кой пита, Човече не се занимавай с глупости да му обясняваш на това момченце неща които са му непонятни и очеизвадно няма да влязат в главата му.
Той си мисли, че Найден и Плачи са изградили нов отбор за 2 седмици и този отбор мачка наред..
Това е отбор граден 4 години, огромна заслуга имат Пранди и Радо, а Плачи.. той е феноменален след като премина през всичката българска помия, но все още е тук и е с нас.
Тия дълги съобщения са за големи хора, не такива дето не могат да се аргументират и в подкрепа на твърденията си пускат статии на п*тката Маркова дето може и да спи с Лазаров и като кретена Зарков/Методиев (всеки път се подписва с различно име) дето взимат пари да пишат статии против Радо и Матей..
Като има кой да им се връзва па що да не пишат.. Данчо и той що да не плаща на медиите..
Такава е шитня българското общество, толкова ниско е паднало морално, че нямам думи.

Не знам как има хора, които не осъзнават, че днес така както бием, утре ще си заминат други и може и да нямаме отбор.. ама нали има такива "фенчета" дето искат да си пият биричката и да гледат как отбора бие, па че няма бъдеще тоя спорт в България, дяволи ги яли младите...

Д**би и мухльовците.. /не е насочено към тебе VK_Grad/ а към тебеподобните, които виждат само до носа си.

VK_Grad 116 3
11 jaar geleden
И двете стани не са прави! В отделни части от спора имат право, в други - не.Но определено федерацията направи грешка , а хора като Лазаров вредат на българският волейбол . Бих искал да имаме силно първенство , имаме много талантливи момчета , които отиват в чужбина , защото тук няма преспектива .Трябват ни хора , които да развият условията в България .
Vardarska 24 1
11 jaar geleden
Да допълня само като последен коментар - Колко медала спечелиха българи за отбора на Азербайджан /риторика ест./
Колко се върнаха и казаха, че отказват да играят повече за България - милата ни родина, която ни ограбва и ни принуждава да ходим в чужбина за да живеем като хора, а не като кучета.

Какво се случва с националния ни отбор по плажен волейбол... момичетата получили ЦЕЛИ 100ЛВ!!!! И екипи ВТОРА УПОТРЕБА, драги ми VK_Grad...

Тия хора и те ли са предатели според теб? И те ли са ненужни...
Спирам щото знам, че няма смисъл, а тук българоговорящите не са много..
Who_is_asking а.к.а Кой Пита ? - Благодаря ти за изчерпателния коментар.. надеждата е в хора като теб, ама уви.. един на 1000..

Polish and other friends, sorry about that long discussion in Bulgarian language..
It's about Matey and Zhekov, about Bulgarian sport at all and how non of the federations in Bulgaria is working..
Sorry once again, good day to all of you..
Scout 2 1
11 jaar geleden
Радвам се, че нашите постигат такива резултати и се надявам да вземат златото, но от друга страна и съжалявам, че точно сега постигат този успех. Сега ще бъдат експлоатирани от всички - от федерация до политици. Съжалявам, защото щяха да си проличат ясно нередностите не само във волейбола, но и в спорта ни като цяло. Краде се повсеместно, работи се некадърно. Единствените позитивни проблясъци се дължат на таланта и труда на всеотдайни спортисти и треньори и именно зад тях се крият всички паразитиращи елементи.
11 jaar geleden
Aydenov created this team?Wow...what is this strange feeling I'm experiencing right now?Is that what enlightenment feels like?VK,puh-leeease...hahaha I guess I've imagined Prandi,Stoychev and Joro Petrov,ha?But Vardarska is right,go on thinking and believing in whatever you want-is your constitutional right after all...plus it's so damn funny haha
Vardarska,от предпоследния ти абзац направо да му се дореве на човек...Страшно е,че така расъждават около 90% от т.нар. "волейболни фенове" у нас....Абе,аз съм оптимист за септември,пък ще видим ?
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
С 2 думи - егаси парадокса стана.. в момента всичко работи против Радо и Матей, но искрено се надявам, че момчетата ще ги подкрепят след олимпиадата, както и Найденов и Плачи /да отбележа, че Найденов беше от щаба на Радо и по никакъв начин не е заставал срещу него, нито се е натискал да бъде старши треньор, просто го сложиха за да е пешка в ръцете им /федерацията имам предвид//
ivolley44 107 5
11 jaar geleden
вие видяхте ли колко спортисти плакаха в ефира на бнт и казваха, че има грешки във федерациите.Те постепенно ще се отказват от бг и ще отиват в други държави, където развиват спорта, а не просто да чакат резултатите да дойдат сами.
11 jaar geleden
Абсолютно,ivolley44!Така е навсякъде,но отнякъде трябва да се почне.Както казах,да се надяваме,че процеса с проверки,разпити и т.н. в БВФ е необратим и ще доведе до някакъв резултат.
Славея,така излиза наистина.Ужасно е,че не можем да се зарадваме чистосърдечно на наистина колосален успех за нас-полуфинал,заради шайка мазни мутри,които ще се измъкнат като да не казвам какво,заради успеха на момчетата...
OyeaH 158 3
11 jaar geleden
От всичко най ме е яд, че дебелия сутеньор отиде в Лондон да си начеше крастата и си преписва всички заслуги за "сплотяването на отбора".Голям играч, малък човек!
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
We will talk whatever we want, master Kaz, аlso it is connected with OG, try some translator or shut up.
NightFox 1457 14
11 jaar geleden
I think that Trentino are bouncing their heads in the wall because Sokolov will play for Cuneo this season ?
samueleke 393 8
11 jaar geleden
I think that the winner from Brazil-Italy will win the silver, beceause in my eyes there's nothing to do against Russia ?
Aelinn 166 3
11 jaar geleden
@Samueleke I also bet on Russia, they're looking better and better. And I really wish them that gold cause I like that team.
But stranger and more unexpected things happened in volleyball and sport generally, so everything's possible ?
11 jaar geleden
CyberPunk didn't I tell u to shut up? You're strating to annoy me!
11 jaar geleden
@Aelinn and all other's that bet on Russia I've got just one question for u guys!!!!!!!! Last year at the European Championship who eliminated Russia at the semi-final ?????????????????
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
boniu1991 41 2
11 jaar geleden
If Russia's middle-blockers keep on atacking. serving, blocking as in matches with Poland and US, they will fight on sunday for gold medal. But personally, I'll keep my fingers crossed for Bulgarians. They are the biggest surprise for me. I don't like the way they behave on court, but after all this problems with federation, absence of Kazynski and Zhekov - they gained my respect.
In second semi I'd simply like to see a good match - 5 sets, good level of attack, block, dig. Whoever wins it won't be surprise.
11 jaar geleden
When is match Brazil - Italy (London time)?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
11 jaar geleden
11 jaar geleden
How did Allison and Emanuedl lose?!!!! NOOO! All my favorite teams are out! ( Serbia, Poland, and Beach volleyball Emanuel and Allison)

11 jaar geleden
Russian middle blocker are unstoppable.
NightFox 1457 14
11 jaar geleden
I agree for the russian's middle blockers. They are like a towers. And they have a machine for points like - Max ... It will be very hard for any team to stop them.
Aelinn 166 3
11 jaar geleden
@EPINEPHRINEable I also wrote that sport, in that volleyball, is unpredictable and everything can happen ? So I give Russia bigger chances, but it doesn't mean that they will definitely win. Right now Bulgaria won 3rd set (bravo!) and everything can happen in the 4th ?
Read posts til the end ?
NightFox 1457 14
11 jaar geleden
Great game, but so many wrong serves and I'm very disappointed by that.
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
Congrats to Russia, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for them in the final!
Good play by our lions, they achieved a lot in this tournament.. Good luck for the bronze, my golden boys!
NightFox 1457 14
11 jaar geleden
Yeah, I hope we get the bronze. We deserve it !
ivolley44 107 5
11 jaar geleden
Russia was vey variable.If their serve is good, nobody can stop them.But we saw how from 11:2 the score went to 14:10.We had our chances to win but to be fair the referee wasn't good at all.I mean,he made the wrong decision in very important moments in the match and the effect on our players was bigger because they are young and not as much expirienced as the russians.But that's sport ?
vatreniAuthor 275 12
11 jaar geleden
Bulgarians looks like they scare to win, but never mind they should concentrate for bronze medal match. anyway this is already great achievement for Bulgaria.
Someone 875 10
11 jaar geleden
Don't call Bulgarians losers, cause they fought really well. Yes: You are doing a comedy- your comments are ridiculous.
11 jaar geleden
Any1 got link to watch Brasil Italy-any language?
Aelinn 166 3
11 jaar geleden
11 jaar geleden
11 jaar geleden
not working ?
Aelinn 166 3
11 jaar geleden
Hmm, maybe it can be watched only in POL? Cause I'm watching it on that stream right now ?
Then try checking sportlemon.tv or drhtv.com.pl. Otherwise I don't know ?
11 jaar geleden
ty second one is working. drhtv.com.pl EVERYONE!!
Joachim7 321 4
11 jaar geleden
This Brazil is unstoppable...If they keep playing like this, Russia won't have any chance to take a set...
And Murilo is just amazing ?
Someone 875 10
11 jaar geleden
I won't say so. Russia looks strong. It seems to be very equal match. Italy played poorly today, so I won't be so influenced by the result.
Joachim7 321 4
11 jaar geleden
Russia looks strong indeed...but nowhere near the brazilian side I saw today...I believe the final won't be one sided because of the pressure and such other things but I repeat if Brazil plays like this they can't lose.
Don't forget Russia only lose to Brazil in this tournament and it was by 3-0...not a surprise in my eyes considering the gap between these two teams at the moment.
ivolley44 107 5
11 jaar geleden
And once again the final is Russia-Brazil. With this play Brazil deserve to be the champions but nothing is sure.If Russia have their serve anything can happen.
Joachim7 321 4
11 jaar geleden
I think the opposite...Brazil and Bulgaria
RenanZ 1538 15
11 jaar geleden
Fortunatelly, to us (BRA), Italy put all their hopes on the serves, and they were extremely effective: 03 aces in the beggining of the 1st Set, and that 122 km/h serve from Savanni, BUT we have the best reception line in the competition (just look at the statistics). Without the serve, Italy couldn't hold their "spirit" and get lost within other basic things, like defense or attacks.

For Sunday, BRA x RUS, once again I will not bet anything, really don't know how will be Russia's behavior, but something I can say for sure: WILL BE A GREAT GAME !!!!!
NightFox 1457 14
11 jaar geleden
Can you give me the individual table stats of all components after the 1/2 finals ?
dman99 11 1
11 jaar geleden
Brazil passed very well today, even on broken plays there passing was so good it allowed Sidao and Lucas kept slowing the Italian middles. If they keep it up they may win the gold on sunday. I'll cheer for Russia
Anty-PZPS 66 1
11 jaar geleden
I hope that Brazil will win.
Nightmare 8 1
11 jaar geleden
@ movie makers
come on ! make movies from olympics . this is your time now now ! you cant see me ... ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
raylight 3006 15
11 jaar geleden
You are a troll, qwerty
ivolley44 107 5
11 jaar geleden
true but out of topic ?
Overlook 280 5
11 jaar geleden
I wish Dante gold medal, so in the final I will support Brazil. But I don’t know it’s good for Brazilians, because today I rooted for Americans?
RenanZ 1538 15
11 jaar geleden
A Gold Medal for Brazil today, hope to get another one tomorrow!
Koxiu 63 4
11 jaar geleden
Alekno, u are the best!
Someone 875 10
11 jaar geleden
Muserskiy ended a match twice ? I watched only a tie-break- could you tell me why Muserskiy played as an opposite?
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
Daniel_e92 51 3
11 jaar geleden
oioi 370 5
11 jaar geleden
Brilliant game!! Congratulations Russia, Alekno is a genius!!!! Poker play, highly risky but Alekno did it ? Two best trainers met in the final and Alekno played with an Ace, Mikhaylov as a receiver and Muserski as an outside hitter, unbelievable it worked so well ?
11 jaar geleden
Musersky MVP!
Aelinn 166 3
11 jaar geleden
Muserskiy 31 points (28 spikes, 2 blocks, 1 serve) and 10 successful digs. Unbelievable...
RenanZ 1538 15
11 jaar geleden
Congratulations to Russia

After that turn-over on the 3rd Set, the Gold Medal was trully deserved.

Alekno is a Magician!
marchst 244 2
11 jaar geleden
"Russia and Brazil for the gold!

If we arrive in the semi-finals, Italy will win the bronze! "

This was my prediction the 15/07/2012 hours 18.20 .
Will luck ,but i guessed!
Someone 875 10
11 jaar geleden
Russia was amazing. Who do you think would be the best players (spikers, receivers, MVP...) ?
NightFox 1457 14
11 jaar geleden
Congrats Russia ! Amazing game. Big Musersky !
11 jaar geleden
Koxiu 63 4
11 jaar geleden
MVP: ???

source: FIVB site
Someone 875 10
11 jaar geleden
So Muserskiy MVP for sure ? I am so sure about that as I was in ECH 2009 about Piotr Gruszka.

@MasterOPuppets: Yeah. Muserskiy could be one of the best opposite in the world. He's phisical performance is unbeliveable and he is so reliable.
Aelinn 166 3
11 jaar geleden
@someone @MasterOPuppets He's also very good in defense for his 218 cm ?
Lordall 54 5
11 jaar geleden
This victory brings me enough emotions to smile at the sometimes frustrating problems of everyday life... and to fight to get rid of those problems. I would be a much less happier person without volleyball, for sure. Thank you everybody who congratulated to our team... this is also almost as pleasant as the victory itself. Have a nice day.
andyz 117 2
11 jaar geleden
Amazing victory!
zver 995 13
11 jaar geleden
dman99 11 1
11 jaar geleden
That Russian coach is a genius. I thought the games was over until the coach moved Musserskiy to opposite I thought for sure it was over. Then he had 3 straight kills and you could see on the Brazil faces "how do we stop this guy?" best volleyball game I've seen since Netherlands vs italy in 1996. GO RUSSIA !
raylight 3006 15
11 jaar geleden
Incredible game Brazil - Russia, great Alekno!
Joachim7 321 4
11 jaar geleden
Am I the only one who notice Muserskiy was most of the time in 1 on 1 or 1vs0 situation? Guys please...brazilian lost by themselmes because they didn't know how to block Dmitriy but he didn't play better than any other player of this level...In 1v1 you are supposed to do the point 100% of the time even on low level...
Also Bernardinho lost the 4th set by playing with Giba and Thiago...
BTW I'm very disappointed to see the best team in the world losing because their best spiker is injured =(
In my mind they stay on top of the world but they deserved to proove it and claim the first place :s
ivolley44 107 5
11 jaar geleden
Alekno the genius.But Muserskiy was unbelievable and I mean not only his spiking efficient but and he had some good defence (considering his height)!
Joachim7 321 4
11 jaar geleden
MVP of course is Murilo Endres who else? =)
TheKhann 9 1
11 jaar geleden
Joachim, Musersky was detrimental to winning the 3rd set, but after that the entire Russian team started playing like they can. Their serve started to go in, they handled their reception really well and got to work on block as well, Mikhaylov got back in the game as well, Granking was distributing well and he did not pass to Musersky that much at all after the 3rd set. You might also want to ask the great Rezende, why did his team insisted on serving in the russian libero when Mikhaylov was right there receiving as well.
Joachim7 321 4
11 jaar geleden
I think they did it on purpose because his receiving was not so good and stable and serving on Mikhailov was a way to get him going back into the game so no need to ask Bernardinho.But I don't know why he start the fourth set with Giba instead of Dante...Somebody know if Dante was injured? Because otherwise I don't understand this change...Dante was playing quite well and has a very good block while Giba played very bad and never had a good block so very stupid to stop Muserskiy...
RenanZ 1538 15
11 jaar geleden
In my opnion, the MVP would be Bruno Resende or Tetyukhin
vatreniAuthor 275 12
11 jaar geleden
Musersky- fantastic coordination for his height.
RenanZ 1538 15
11 jaar geleden
MVP: Murilo Endres
Someone 875 10
11 jaar geleden
MVP doesn't mean the best player, but the most valuable. The most valuable was Muserskiy I think. Congratulations for Murillo- he played really well on the Olympics, but I think that Muserskiy deserved this title.
Joachim7 321 4
11 jaar geleden
MVP isn't just about the final match but about the whole tournament and Murilo was way more effective for his team in the tournament than Muserskiy was.That's why Murilo won it.
rtr 42 2
11 jaar geleden
All awards to Musersky after this fantastic final with Brazil. I am still under feelings)
John17 151 7
11 jaar geleden
in 2010 i said that Russian NT could win Olympic games and world championship !
Nowadays Russia is the best team in the world thanks to great players !
Tetyukhin...what a player incredible server 36yrs old..
Mykhailov ..definitely best opposite in the world
Apalikov,Volkov..awesome middleblockers
Muserskiy 218cm guy and he play like a 190cm guy..3 years ago i said that this guy could become one of the best player of the world some people was laughin but yesterday he showed to the world what he can do really at the highest level !
Grankin and Butko two nice setter . not very impressive but quite well.
Khtey not really in shape on this tournament but really strong player
Obmachaev not really the best libero in the world but he played very good in London.
11 jaar geleden
Why did Muserskiy play the spiker position?
11 jaar geleden
I love Wallace! please make videos of him! ?
dman99 11 1
11 jaar geleden
I thinks that's why Russia took only one offside(Mykhailov) to the Olympics. Musserskiy was their 2nd offside if they needed him.
11 jaar geleden
That wasn't the first time Muserskyi played as a opposite.. his club team used him a lot as an opposite
raylight 3006 15
11 jaar geleden
John17, if Mikhaylov was the best opposite in the world, Muserskiy wouldn't have to interfere. Mikhaylov is still not Milijkovic, but he plays great as OH. This configuration from the final is more winning than the standard, the other Russian OHs are not enough firepower

P.S. Epinephrineable, Muserskiy often plays MB when on the net and Opp when in back row in Belgorod
John17 151 7
11 jaar geleden
Raylight, totaly agree with you about this point but only on this game, cause Mikhailov on the 3 world last competition or Champions league prove that he is the only one at the opposite position !
One of my friend played with Muserkiy since 6 years ago in Ukraine he told me that he can play in every position if he work hard.
andyz 117 2
11 jaar geleden
None of the Russian outside hitters played their best in the first two sets. Musergsky can play any position, for sure, as all of us could see. Alekno made a great move to put him into opposite position. Brasilians were not ready for this. Kind of Gamova on the right side ;-)
11 jaar geleden
Andy's it's spelled Muserskiy
11 jaar geleden
MasterOPuppets when your comment is as short as "lol!" it is an attempt of spamming! Please do not do this in the future or you will be banned!!!
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
RenanZ 1538 15
11 jaar geleden
Rá, and that is something funny to see: Wilfredo and Master clashing to see who is the best spammer! ?
11 jaar geleden
RenanZ you can also sometimes be a spammer!
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
thumbs up!
raylight 3006 15
11 jaar geleden
John17, Mikhaylov, Grozer and Sokolov are the current hopes for replacing Milijkovic, but all three have one big "disadvantage" - they are still young! Mkhaylov is further down the road, but he is still managable by Brazil /WC 2011, OG 2012/ while Milijkovic never was. Grozer and Sokolov are inconsistent but beasts. We will see how those three will develop in the future, not to forget Gavin Schmidt and Bartman who can interfere. The fact is that Milijkovic has no rival. Kaziyski for example /Alekno is his biggest fan/ already has 2 rivals - Juantorena /Kaziyski himself said that Juantorena is the best player in the world nowadays/ and Mikhaylov as OH. Zaytsev and Anderson are trying to catch them. For opposites the competition for the crown is weaker, no one is unstoppable yet.
ivolley44 107 5
11 jaar geleden
ray you forget Wilfredo Leon and Aleksandar Atanasijevic.
RevanExtasis 746 11
11 jaar geleden
shut up punk WIlfredo, Juantorena and SImon are the best and shut you mouth... Sokolov and Sokolov are you kidding me ??? Sokolov didn play much when he was in Trento and you compare now with the Great IVAN, Please listen to yourself, Michael Sanchez Bozhulev is 100 times better than Sokolov of course nobody counts players that dont play for his NT here.
Sllaveq 790 10
11 jaar geleden
Revan, change the dealer,man.. he's cheating you!
NightFox 1457 14
11 jaar geleden
Don't judge him. He's a natural hater.
raylight 3006 15
11 jaar geleden
Revan is a joker, Qwerty is a hater
raylight 3006 15
11 jaar geleden
Was declared by CEV two times in a row, and because he is not Polish or Italian, they stopped with this prize, because he would get it third time in a row

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