Over deze baan

Positie: Hoofdaanvaller
Bruto salaris: [Toon] USD / maand
Startdatum job: 2022-01-07
Einddatum job: 2022-03-27
Datum toevoeging: 2 jaar geleden
Weergaven: 2912

Job omschrijving

728 / 5000 Hasil terjemahan Dear Agents: A club in Indonesia is looking for a male candidate with an OPPOSITE Position with the following qualifications: 1. Under 30 years old 2. Have strong spikes and high jumps 3. Have a height above 200 cm 4. Played in the European Top League/Arabic Peninsula/Brazil and has played in the National Team of his country. For those who do not meet the requirements above, we will not respond to all emails and or messages to us. The Indonesia League will play for 3 months starting from January 7, 2022 to March 27, 2022 and will be added 1 month of preparation before the competition, so about 4 months,


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