TV Bühl

Bühl, Duitsland

Over deze baan

Positie: Hoekspeler
Bruto salaris: [Toon] USD / maand
Startdatum job: 2022-07-04
Einddatum job: 2023-04-10
Datum toevoeging: 2 jaar geleden
Weergaven: 3350

Job omschrijving

We are looking for a strong passing experienced leftside to be a go to guy and help to lead the team to the championship. We offer every day professional practice, first league arena, physio, weightroom, team doctor, electric car, nice appartement in the city center, bike, travel and insurance covered. We are focused on players with EU passport. Highlight and full game videos needed for application. Try out possible and appreciated.


  • Small city with family atmosphere
  • Data volley scouting
  • Cooperation with best 2nd league team 30 min away possible