
Marmi Lanza Verona - Lube Banca Macerata (last points)

ivolley 2012-11-26 • 1658 weergaven • 4
Marmi Lanza Verona led 2:0 and 24:23 in the 3rd set against Lube Banca Macerata. Then Ivan Zaytsev served powerfully three times, scored 1 ace and Macerata started fighting. The best scorer and MVP of the match was Ivan Zaytsev who scored 28 points (2 aces and 65% in attack). Nice match of Marko Podrascanin with 16 points. From the other side the best player was Mauro Gavotto with 23 points. Macerata defeated host with Verona 3:2...

#IvanZaytsevTheTsar #MarkoPodrascanin #NBVVerona #CucineLubeCivitanova #ItalianSerieA1201213

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4 reacties

TotoEG 57 4
11 jaar geleden
The player which played the last serve for the losing team is having a great serve, and he might be better afterwards.
handanTR 81 5
11 jaar geleden
Verona should have scored at 24-23. It was a good reception. Travica never seems sympathetic to me .Even when he kissed Ivan :))
pearlIT 1003 11
11 jaar geleden
Oh, I forgot: pls pay attention to 0:38 :)
pearlIT 1003 11
11 jaar geleden
Too many changes for Giuliani in his starting 6; he was about to face a bitter defeat. Starovic suffered with a little knee injury so Zaytsev played opposite and, since Savani and Kovar are out, Giuliani tried the new-entry Kooy with Parodi and Pajenk in lieu of Stankovic ... too much! Macerata lost the first 2 sets pretty badly and in 3rd set, Verona had 2 match-balls...then Zaytsev went serving and an ace of his, a huge block by Podrascanin and a Lamparello's counter-attack changed the whole match.

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