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Michał Łasko (2nd movie) 12 jaar geleden 0
I like him too, but i do not consider him a great champion either. He can't compare to opposites like Ivan or Mikhaylov, but he is a very good player and I actually think that he is better now than he was 2-3 years ago (don't have much materials to base my opinion on, just a few games I watched from that time and then the games I watched him in this year). And the fact that he is left-handed helps him too. It's always a little bit more difficult for the opposing team if a player they need to block or whose attacks they need to defend spikes with left hand. Do you maybe have any links to games when Zorzi played? I have seen maybe 1 or 2, it's not enough to base a judgement on :)
Truly great one. But then, all of their movies are great, every single one. If you would like to see more, check out the GMCnetwork channel on youtube. I think the only one I don't like is the one titled "Commander. Volleyball version". Otherwise, amazing work :)
Marcin Możdżonek funny point 12 jaar geleden 0
About Możdżonek being invincible:
? It looks really funny, cause the guy who actually wins this is 187 cm compared to Mozdzonek's 211 cm? I know the height isn't everything and smaller players can continuously block taller ones, but this video makes me smile every time I see it. Mozdzone looks so lost and as if he was thinking: "How the hell is this even possible?" ?
Aelinn is a girl? Just saying ?
Michał Łasko (2nd movie) 12 jaar geleden 0
Kjeldhor - he is doing well :) The whole Jastrzebski Wegiel needs to play as many games as possible, since they are almost a new team and need to adjust to each other. I think that they will keep playing better as the season progresses. And so Michał will be better and better. BUt for now it's good for him. I'd say he's been the best player (or one of 2-3 best players) in his team. Plus, the adaption wasn't very difficult for him as he knows the language ;-)
This is actually my first comment here, so far I've been only reading yours. But now I couldn't resist any longer.
My question is: why do you keep this absolutely pointless conversation alive? The point of every coversation/discussion is to share one's views, right. That all of you already did.
Now the situation is, that everyone has their own opinion and obviously no one is going to change theirs, because if that had been the case, they would already have done that. Now you're just repeating the same points and views, adding nothing new to the conversation, but venturing into personal comments and judgements (example: Henrique's and raylight's mock dialogues).
I would understand that if you kept giving new stats, adding new viewpoints to the conversation, but this is not the case.

And by the way: hello ?

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