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5 jaar geleden


Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 jaar geleden -6
Pesazi, you’re right about my remarks, but they love the hype, it’s some kind of compensation for their permanent frustration. Obviously, LIKE I SAID BEFORE, Zagumny isn’t so bad, he was good in the mid-2000s. I was a bit cruel, but truth is most guys here CAN BARELY READ. Oh, never mind about my Bulgarian fan question. I already gave my impressions on Ricardo, Grbic, Ball… Let him search. lol
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 jaar geleden -11
NXT – Mom, please, gimme 200 drzyzgas. Gimme, gimme, gimme… Mom – Why do you want all that money, Karol Nxtowski? Buying more candies? Be careful, my dear. You’re so lazy, last time the other kids ate all your candies and you came back home crying like a little girl. NXT – No, Mom! This time is serious, you won’t believe... Polaco kids’ biggest idol Henrique is coming to town. He’s scheduling several shows in Poland! Mom – What? This is huge! Henrique is coming to Poland? If you’re lying again like when you said your IQ was at least average you’ll be in trouble. NXT – Mom, I read on v-movies. I finally learned to read, did you know? Remember that Zyta, the evil girl that works as Henrique’s agent? She announced he’s coming to Poland and Bulgaria, with the show “HCLT insults kids and freaks live”. If he points at me and call me “Polaco kid” I’ll die of happiness. Oh, if only he could threw something at me… I’d be the most popular kid at kindergarten. Mom – Honey, you’re 14 now, it’s time you leave kindergarten. If you behave well, maybe I’ll take you to Henrique show, though I don’t believe you. Like such an important guy would be coming from so far just to see Polaco kids… NXT – … And Matey freaks, mom. He’s going to Bulgaria after Poland. The price of the ticket there is 800 zhekovs. Mom – What? Sweetheart, I remember the days when the rate was one drzyzga to two zhekovs, now it’s one to four. Zhekov now worth nothing… What am I saying, you can’t get simple math or basic economics... Go play something, go read some Henrique’s old messages, he’s such a genius.
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 jaar geleden -5
Quote (NXT)
Now you'll call me Polaco kid that doesn't get anything.

I have some Polish friends here that laugh at the so-called Polaco kids. If you feel like a Polaco kid, there’s nothing I can do.
Quote (NXT)
Does losing to Brasil make some setter bad?

No, genius. Look at De Cecco, he never won against us and he’s fantastic. I think you need to improve your reading skills.
Quote (NXT)
Brasil lost World League and Olympics to USA in one year and lost a few more matches later and earlier - does it make lets say... hmm... Giba a bad reciever?

I think Giba is the worst ever! Please, look again at my answer about De Cecco. BTW, players like Giba and De Cecco can make a difference. Do you think Guma can? I’m so sorry for you.
Quote (NXT)
That's exactly what your point seem to actually be.

Nope. Like I said, your reading skills are terrible. Did you ever read a book? If you’re not a kid, then your answer makes you sound like a non-intelligent guy. I’m sorry again.
Quote (NXT)
Try to respond with some sense please not casual "Polaco kid!!!!

I think that “Polaco kid” thing got deep in your heart, eh! lol
BTW, I didn’t even mention Polaco kids on my previous comment. Dude, you have some serious issues. Poor NXT…
Quote (Someone)
I do not think, that he is the best in the world. But saying that he is week, because of bad match in WC 2006 final is nonsense.

OK, bad reading comprehension again… I said “that guy is the face of the Polaco team that Brazil defeated so many times.” Do you understand the expression “MANY TIMES”? Then I gave one example, saying that I remember his screams of fear and desperation on a specific match. Oh, illiteracy… Obviously Guma isn’t that bad, and since you’re one of my fans you know what I think about Pawel Zagumny, but he was never that great. These Poles trying to hype him are just desperate, typical biased Polaco fans that flood so many forums, funny people. It’s nice to have a good laugh at them.
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 jaar geleden -9
Schneider64, now that you mentioned Ricardo Garcia, I think it’s impossible to watch a Zagumny’s clip. Pawel Zagumny is such a mediocre setter. For me, that guy is the face of the Polaco team that Brazil smashed, trashed, annihilated, humiliated, made a fool, and defeated so many times. I still can hear Guma screaming while shitting his pants once Brazil smashed, trashed, annihilated, humiliated, made a fool, and defeated Poland in the 2006 worlds final, with the habitual slap-in-the-face/punch-in-the-nose we give them. Poor Guma! If only he had some talent, Poland could have done better in many majors. I feel bad for my Polaco friends – I really do.
Igor Guillen 12 jaar geleden +1
WTF! Who’s Igor Guillen? Never of heard of this guy before. If he were some talented guy, but from the actions here he seems quite ordinary... He’s playing in Bahrain? Let me guess, he couldn’t find space not even in our second league. Desculpa, mas os Jogos Abertos do Interior parecem mais emocionantes.
Sure, man. Grbic and Vujevic were both fantastic. Vujevic is one of my all-time favourite players. As for the “bad guy” look, the main contenders IMO are a Cuban player from the nineties called Rodolfo Sanchez and the Italian Andrea Gardini – I can easily see Gardini in the cast of “The Sopranos”.
The Russians complicated an easy match in quarterfinals, but managed to win. The Serbs were recovering from food poisoning – at some point in pool play Serbia went to a match with only seven of its twelve players. Baranov and Rodrigao were separated at birth. :-p
Michał Kubiak (4th movie) 12 jaar geleden +12
My favourite Polish player, Kubiak adds smartness to Anastasi scheme. Watching this guy playing in London will be great. Kubiak is one of those natural talented players, with a rare ability to score in very tough situations. A smooth receiver, excellent server and highly skilled hitter, Kubiak belongs to that category of players worth watching live.
Yup, that guy. Carlao played left side, middle and opposite during his career – universal player. In Barcelona the coach created that scheme where in one rotation Carlao (MB that year) moved to left side, Marcelo Negrao (opposite) played middle, and Tande (left side) was opposite, switching positions temporarily – remember that? Negrao, at 19, finished the Olympics as best scorer, best blocker and MVP.
Girls, that Sergio Mauricio guy is the narrator (maybe Rachel likes him). To compensate that lunatic we have always a good commentator – Marco Freitas (former coach) and Carlao (former player) alternate and save the day.
Champion and Zyta, I think every country has at least one narrator that everyone loves to hate. When we had the volleyball boom in Brazil, the commentator for those matches was Luciano do Valle (fans nicknamed him “Luciano do Volei”), a cool guy.

Later we had Marco Antonio as the main one, but unfortunately he died of a heart attack a few years ago. He created so many fun expressions and was so charismatic that players and fans loved him.

After Marco Antonio, the main narrator was Luiz Carlos Jr, a guy with a broad understanding of vball, but he was transferred out of the blue to other sports and now we have to tolerate the unbearable Sergio Mauricio, “Mr. Spectacular”. Life can be tough…

Everything Sergio Mauricio sees is “spectacular”. And the stupid expressions he uses… Gosh! Theo was born in Brasilia, so the narrator calls him “the boy from Brasilia”, over and over, don’t ask me why. Whenever he sees Giba he makes some remark about his famous moustache, even when Giba doesn’t have one. Gimme some patience… However, for me, the worst is about Volkov. The Russian middle player has that dragon tattooed on his arm, which reminds annoying Sergio Mauricio of an old song from the 70s called “Menino do Rio” (the boy from Rio), by Caetano Veloso, where at some point the composer describes a surfer with a dragon tattoo on his arm.( So, stupid Sergio Mauricio decided to call Volkov “the boy from Moscow”. I can’t see any connection between Rio and Moscow, and this nickname that retard created is really annoying. When Russia plays and Sergio Mauricio is the narrator, I pray for Alekno to floor Apalikov and Muserskiy, but nooooo… He has to put Volkov and I have to listen to that stupid narrator calling the MB “the boy from Moscow” and explaining for the 167th time that’s because of the dragon tattoo. Vball fans suffer sometimes…
Tiago Violas 12 jaar geleden +3
Nice movie, dude. Loved the angle, the full action, the selection of plays you made. Even the song is really good. I’d never expect to hear some tune by Gotye on v-movies – normally here we have crap music like Village People or The Corrs. Tiago Violas has a lot of potential, he’s a quick thinker, precise, needs more game vision, but this is something he’ll get with more experience. He reminds me of a young Nuno Pinheiro, who didn’t need too much time to become one of the best setters in the world. I like Portuguese players, some of them are very talented, perhaps they need to face the big boys more often, as the team lacks experience. We know it’s too soon for Portugal to win a berth to the Olympics, but next time, who knows… Maybe in Rio 2016 we’ll see the Portuguese squad among the 12 teams at the Olympic Games. ___________________ Valeu, portuga! Muito bom o vídeo, coisa rara por aqui. Tomara que você faça outro vídeo do Tiago. Caso tenha material do Nuno, ele também merece estar aqui. ;-)
Brazilian Team in TV commercial 12 jaar geleden +2
The hardest part must have been making Bernardinho speak slowly. Some of the girls on the women’s team he coaches at Superliga complain sometimes they can’t get a word he says. lol
You guys have probably seen that famous shirt: “It’s Austria, no kangaroos”. Yeah, lots of people get confused with Austria and Australia. Champion, believe it or not, a friend in Canada, also a vball fan, asked me if Bulgaria had ever won the South American championship. I’m such a mean guy that instead of explaining to him where Bulgaria is, I just said: “Nah, we beat them all the time. They never reached the final, as Argentina also always defeats them”.
I love this one, Champion. I had seen it before. Such a dumbass bitch! Pearl, I heard some North American guy once saying New Zealand is in Europe. lol
Proud, it was hard resisting the temptation, but I found another video. Anyway, “Ken Lee” is such a classic… Best Bulgarian hit ever! Zyta sang it to a few Bulgarian fans during the WL finals. She loves that song.
Quote (Proud)
@HCLT - Those clips are pure comedy gold!Do you by any chance have a video of me speaking English?

I have this one with you singing.
We can also see you here, in the beginning and in the end, flower shopping.
I remember that "SuCHo" guy. lol
Matey is such a nice guy, a real gentleman. Hey girls, believe me, his English has improved a lot since Beijing 2008. You’re talking about the way he pronounces “character”, which is funny indeed, but pay attention to the gerunds, he says “ing” in a interesting way. Eastern European accents are funny, but there’s no way to mistake a Pole by a Bulgarian – when Poles speak English they sound a little bit like Russians.

There’s a Polaco commentator (Zyta’s favourite) who says “whadelse” when he tries to say “what else”. Zyta calls him “Mr. Whadelse”. She’s so mean!

Anyway, my favourite accent when it comes to a foreigner speaking English is the German accent. It’s simply hilarious. Check this out:
Hey Proud, here it goes a video of Pearl speaking English. Notice she’s making a huge effort to avoid those famous Italian hand gestures – it’s tough for her. :-p She’s so cute. Nobody can resist.
Awesome dig, but it wasn’t clear net like the title of this clip says. Even a single block helps the digger to position himself properly. Anyway, it was a helluva dig. I remember Zyta almost blew my eardrums screaming when Ivanov dug that ball. Annoying Zyta!

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