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I'm having fun taping matches and making highlights recording: WinTV Hauppauge HD2-Nova editing: Pinnacle Video Studio 15

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Forestry University - Florence
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3 jaar geleden

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yep :D stop and jump... is a long time i didn't see that
make attenction at 4:35 (last action) a MB attack from second line
Song: Billy Idol - Rebel yell
nice movie.... how's going martino in plusliga?
ehmm... i'm not osmany, and i'm not a very fan of him
Jeff Menzel Killer! 11 jaar geleden 0
ray.. u forgot someone... Raphael did an excellent work.. and.. can u count how many dig Colaci did?
"Sono felicissimo per questo successo incredibile, che ancora una volta siamo stati capaci di raccogliere. E' stato ancora un successo del gruppo, in cui i singoli sanno esaltarsi; è tutta la squadra a permettere ad ognuno di dare il massimo. Quello che stiamo facendo in questi ultimi anni rimarrà indelebile nella storia della pallavolo moderna, perchè sembra facile ma in realtà credo che sarà impossibile ripetere la serie di vittorie che abbiamo ottenuto a tutti i livelli. E' stata una partita molto difficile, strana ,ma d'altronde le finali sono sempre così. Rispetto al Cruzeiro abbiamo messo in campo più cuore, più adrenalina e più voglia di vincere. Il premio di mvp? E' la terza edizione di fila che lo vinco, ma se devo essere sincero stavolta sono rimasto piuttosto sorpreso perchè Kaziyski o Stokr lo meritavano di più. Per la verità in una squadra così è effettivamente difficile scegliere un solo giocatore. Siamo tutti mvp.'' -Osmany Juantorena- "I am very happy for this incredible success, that once again we were able to collect. What we are doing in recent years will remain indelible in the history of modern volleyball because it seems easy, but in reality i think it will be impossible to repeat the series of victories that we got at all levels. It was a very difficult game, strange, but then the final match is alwaysstrange. Compared to Cruzeiro we fielded more heart, more adrenaline and more desire to win. mvp? it 's the third edition in a row that I win, but to be honest this time I was surprised because Kaziyski or Stokr deserved more. to tell the truth in this team it's difficult to choose just one player. everyone is mvp.'' -Osmany Juantorena
thx pearl, i'll try those songs in next videos
maybe some of those channel got a free streaming, i hate paystreaming
@sllaveq: probably he was littel scared, cause Anderson played in the italian league last year so Radostin got more video tape about him, I dunno if it's a right conclusion, maybe he had another reasons but it can be one of those
i think modena is back
not a serius injury... just a little boring thing, but trento got an important league now (world cup next week) so Rado porbably was saving him
Thank you Giba !!! 11 jaar geleden +3
fantastic both... video and player
good job.... but.... why the yellow card? it's a great thing u should show?
4th spiker
Wallace de Souza 11 jaar geleden +1
very fast arm.... I dunno how it's possible he didn't throw his arm with an attack
i wantto see the whole match
"How winners are made" 11 jaar geleden +1
great video (but I don't like very much at 1.13 when u post a referee - i dunno who is him - but seem u got something against him)
that was a match i'll always remember

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