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seems sure that they will join the serieA this year (until now, if they don't find another sponsor it would become the last year çç). But also seems that they want a younger team (=no more Fei and Papi). Nothing else, unfortunally (exept few voices).

AZS Częstochowa 2010/11 13 jaar geleden 0
and what about Ghost love score??=)
Michał Baranowicz nice action 13 jaar geleden 0
yes I know, and at the biginning I thought it is a big opportunity for him to learn from one of the best setter in the world, but actually now I realized that from NT poin of view it would be better for him to play...
Akolita, about MRoma I really hope you're right! At the moment we don't have any new players, and we don't know what will happen with the best players, exept Zaytsev (he his staying). And I agree, it's really hard that we can sign Grbic in my opinion, but it would be great! Grbic+Milijkovic, a dream*_*

Sala with Mastro in Cuneo, very good couple!! I totally agree with you Zyta! but in that case I hope Fortunato can find another team, because it's a pity seeing him on the bench...
Zyta, what about that action where Bruno setted for kooy's pipe from the 7th meter?*_*
Michał Baranowicz nice action 13 jaar geleden 0
great! Baranowicz action and the whole point are both really nice! Now he is the second setter of italian NT, he was preferred to falaschi (Travica is the first). There were few rumors about him in cuneo as second of Grbic, but I hope he'll have the chance to be the first setter may be in a weaker team, because he needs to play a lot in order to improve also for the olympics! interesting rumors:
Piacenza is interested in Cernic;
seems that Roma want to realize the dream of Milijkovic, may be with Grbic as setter... (...)
Modena is losing a "challenge" with Macerata for the MB Pajenk.
Winiarski confermid the interested of Modena, but even if he said that he is pleased for this fact he wanna stay another year in Poland
And think about Grbic that was also Trento capitain!!=)
If I get bored after 10 minutes of a match Brazil-Bulgaria of the world championship, this have to be a parody...
"Leandro in Cuneo - lol ... next year there will be the same fight in the finals ? "
I'll keep an eye on Macerata too!! btw, good option for Cuneo!

Btw, Stokr be aware, it seems that if you become opposite in Trento, after you have to pass through cuneoXD

@raylight, I though exactly the same!!!XD
but what did luck191 said to deserve all this minus?O.o
Serie A - V-DAY 13 jaar geleden +3
and Italy ahahahXD
But Bulgaria and Trento are on the way to be almost the same team ehehe ?
wow, it's just amazing, so full of emotions, smiles, anger, determination, happiness, sadness... extraordinary!
if they played as they know, they could take one more sets (at least) also without Parodi, in my opinion. That wasn't Patriarca best, but neither Nikolov best, or Mastro best, or Volokov best (I'll said it was Volokov wrost!), or Grbic and Henno best... while each Trentino players was great. That's make the difference. Patriarca played very well for example during the semifinals, and Macerata has great servers and blocker (omrcen, Podrascanin, Stankovic)too. Last year was the same, Trentino didn't loss because Raphael wasn't there, but because Cuneo played 100% or even more.
Serie A - V-DAY 13 jaar geleden 0
Della Lunga was very good, I think, but unfortunally I've never seen Verhanemann playing, so I don't know...=)

Nightfox, but Bulgaria isn't a weak team=)

Zyta, I can promise you that Bruno meant "really really annoying" in a bad way=)
I knew hei postponed the surgery, btw it's sure he will be in the WL?

No big surprise that Sokolov and Nikolov will be the opposites? (even if Milushev did very well in the second part of the season with castellana=)
Vujevic in Sir Safety Perugia (A2); Travica officially in Macerata (Dragan); De Giorgi officially new coach of San Giustino, while Starovic's manager underlined that he hasn't signed with san giustino yet and he has also other offerts
very enjoyable!!=)
Serie A - V-DAY 13 jaar geleden 0
About Stoytchev be polite in the interwiev it's true, and he always shows respect for every team, even if he is aware that probably his team is stronger. And when he lost, he doesn't look for explanation, he just admits "todey they were stronger than us", or "Today we commetted to many mistake/ our serve didn't work ect".

Honestly I was surprise that Giuliani spook about the CL after the V-day (someone asked him "Do you regret Parodi?" and he answered "No, I don't, but I regrets the CL, I'd preferred be eliminated in the first tournament than losing at golden set at quartefinal, so we could keep energy" And he also said that they used a lot of energy during the semifinals)

Btw, sometimes I wonder if Stoytchev would be so good with a weaker team. He is a great worker, and I'm sure he makes his players improve a lot... but I will be curiose to see if he can do what Gulinelli (almost) did with Castellana Grotte, for example, or Bagnoli with Modena
Serie A - V-DAY 13 jaar geleden 0
Zyta, I saw an interview, Bruno - in his last press conference- said that stoytchev "ha rotto - posso dirlo?- i coglioni"(the best translation I found is "to be a pain - can I say that?- in the ass". When I saw the movie first I laugh because Bruno was funny in a certain way, but actually he didn't have to.

About the second part, I totally agree.
I also want to say that I was there, at Palalottomatica, and may be I was distract, but I didn't notice Cuneo BB be offensive (and I was close), and just few times in the second set they boo (I found this world on a dictionary, we say litterally "whistle", in a negative meaning, it's offensive) when trentino players were serving. Instead Trento fans "boo" almost always, from the first serve of Volkov. And I saw the same also during the CL, for example, if I remember well.
And BB kept singning (may be with less entusiasm) also during the third set, and at the end they acclaimed theyr team and after they clapped for Trento when they got the cup and the medal. and after they sang "Vlado Nikolov, Vlado Nikolov". And he sadly smiled and wave=)
I read more than once critisisms about the BB, and of course they have to be partially true, reading that seems they are devils and others are angels, but my impression is different. (of course I can be wrong)

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