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KK15 Yeah, but we had to wait for them since Women European Championship in 2009.
That's the first time I can be fully satisfied with the teams qualified to the final round. Nevertheless this year's intercontinental round was one of the weakest in the past couple of years. Too many key players were injured/exhausted, and the game level suffered a lot due to that.
Roninho pewnie mówisz o akcji 3:04 gdzie także uderzył nad blokiem (Diazem) a mi chodziło tym razem o akcję 2:46, 3 set na przewagi gdzie po złym przyjęciu bomby Leona przez Salparova uderzył nad potrójnym blokiem z sytuacyjnej wystawy (słanej dołem z 5-6 strefy).
Nagor właśnie sobie przypomniałem tą akcję, najlepsze w niej było to, że wystawa szła sposobem dolnym z 6 metra i to jeszcze z okolic lewego skrzydła, a więc zza pleców Kazijskiego, a tu pyk, nad potrójnym :D
Somebody had shaking hands while voting. I can fully understand that, as I myself had to aim for the 5 a bit longer because of emotions.
You've destroyed the system Roninho.
Serie A - 5th Semifinals 13 jaar geleden 0
Yep, that's right. Even the loss of their most valuable OH didn't stop them, that's obvious Patriarca can't offer so much firepower, but he's still efficient. Everybody knows what keeps Cuneo alive even if their spikers aren't that bright- magic defence, so demotivating for their opponent. Trento had to struggle as hell, but Modena was untouchable home, at least in the 2nd round.
Piotr Galiński. Słynie z tego, że gada farmazony i myli wszystko jak leci, przynajmniej w meczach, które oglądałem (ztcp to on jest od kopanej w PS). A Branko Pistovic to Słowak, który przyszedł do Verony w trakcie sezonu, swoją droga kompletnie niepodobny do Bartmana.
Serie A - 3rd Semifinals 13 jaar geleden 0
And what did you expect? It's nothing special that people are looking for a sensation, that's their right, like Trento has the right to lose sometimes. Trentino didn't kick ass but they won a tough match yesterday. You can say they kicked Modena in the first match as well they were kicked in the second. I think you're a bit too touchy.
Serie A - 3rd Semifinals 13 jaar geleden +1
Yes, that was a good match, but what helped Trento win were the inviduals (serve) in the most important moments. In the First set Juantorena destroyed the 3 point advantage of Modena right before the final part of this set, and Stokr made an ace later on when they were fighting for a break. Second set was also tight, but Kaziyski finished it with his serve, also he brought Trento out of some troubles in the 3rd starting from 2:6 to 9:6 for his team in a run. Sokolov played a nice match, he finished half of the balls sent to him and didn't make big errors.

I think if Trento keeps their game on the same level Modena will beat them home once again, because they played a very good match yesterday and it was away.
Serie A - 3rd Semifinals 13 jaar geleden +2
Macerata simply played a better match, just like the previous one. They were more efficient in attack, but what helped them the most was a lot of commitment in defense (maybe Savani's serve was lucky, but take a look at that rally with Papparoni's terrific defense before). About Cristian- he worked his luck out, simply he hit the ball hard and took the risk 2 times, if he hadn't Macerata wouldn't have probably won this match. If the saying "luck keeps the better ones" is still actual, it would fit this match perfectly.
Dick Kooy funny attack 13 jaar geleden +2
Lucky Luchetta rules.
Serie A - 2nd semifinals 13 jaar geleden +1
First of all Kurek is not a great player. Second I was talking about what Leonardi did with the freeball after Matey's serve. I know that's random, but I've seen like 5 or more similar situations recently when he was serving. I'm talking about simple mistakes while the ball is given by the opponent.
Serie A - 2nd semifinals 13 jaar geleden 0
That's Alexiev's syndrome, I just realized.
Serie A - 2nd semifinals 13 jaar geleden +2
Did anyone else notice everytime Kaziyski starts to serve at his maximum power his teammates do everything to stop his good run? I've seen it so many times- like simple mistakes from free balls. Wonder how the match would have gone if Trento hadn't screwed 2nd set.
Serie A - 2nd semifinals 13 jaar geleden 0
Once again we could see Modena is other team while playing home. I hope somebody uploads Dennis' show.
Nightfox meant we're all children of God (?) I guess, cause, otherwise Kaziyski would be Jesus (well many people find him that way, so can't eliminate that option). Nice to hear nothing bad happened, life is quite fragile, one unexpected move or even no move can end your journey, at least in this world, doesn't matter what your life status is.
Bratoev didn't play much and it proves nothing, but he made an ace in a meaningless match against Cuneo and it proves he got nerves of steel...

Wish you good lecture, raylight.
Acuspike Hitting Machine 13 jaar geleden -1
That has sense, you can learn to snap at your maximum reach, that's very useful, wish I could use this one when I was able to play.
Searching for Matches 13 jaar geleden +1
I remember I've downloaded some matches of him in Dinamo, one was against Belgorod, but it had dramatic quality.

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