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Univercity of Economics
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4 jaar geleden


Michał Ruciak nice action 12 jaar geleden +1
He meant that there wasn't touch of the block.
Big Denis as always
Wilfredo, please make a topic."How do you drink your coffee - with sugar or without ?"
Trentino Volley Hits 12 jaar geleden +3
1:07 Matey Kaziyski
Is this a real ??

no, it's photoshop
Facundo Conte spike 12 jaar geleden +1
rafaello - It's very hard,but if there is a setter who can provide that ball this days - that's De Cecco.
165 Volleyball Digs in 3 minutes 12 jaar geleden +13
Fantastic work. Henrique will be bored again :D
I have always been a fan of Fred Perry ;]
Someone - U.S Federal Reserve can create its own money made of thin air ... With some words - They can print money as they want and nobody can't say nothing because that's the law. + that the U.S Federal Reserve is able to broke any contract without getting a fines from the government. More simple - their over the U.S government and any social institution on the planet earth.It's hidden from the society but if you watch some facts you'll see that. So how do you sound you this ;]
Dragan Travica 12 jaar geleden +1
lol I didn't noticed that
Dragan Travica 12 jaar geleden +1
Does he has a serbian origins or something like that ? His name is unusual for italian. Rachel is right, his serving skills are fantastic.
Dragan Travica 12 jaar geleden +1
The italians wanted a movie about him, now you got it. When I was making it I didn't expected to be so good. But I noticed that the opponent's block can't read his game or if it does it's really hard for them.
Player Payment 12 jaar geleden +3
Sometimes in Bulgaria using Kaziyskis
Tsvetan Sokolov tribute 12 jaar geleden 0
So one more time, very clever suggestion about not watching your movies - how I can check if you did what I like without watching? Got the point?

It's pointless ... You're keep talking about my movies and still can't hear what I' telling you.
Watch what you want, eat what you want, drink what you want. Never said to you to NOT WATCH - I said nobody is forced ... there is difference.
That's the problem with the russians. They have fantastic league, but the broadcasting is a problem outside Russia.
Best player in Italian league 12 jaar geleden 0
Where I can watch the Italian league online ?
Matey Kaziyski (7th movie) 12 jaar geleden -1
3 wrods - hahahahaha :D
Tsvetan Sokolov tribute 12 jaar geleden 0
Roninho, you remark back then made my movies better. But here you're wrong, because we are not talking about my movies at all ... We are talking about the movie conception. I wrote that I'm stopping to make movies, because I had an educational lessons in Germany and if you noticed there was big time of period about 4 months when I didn't create nothing + that you didn't like it. Something funny: Did you noticed that every time when Nikolov spikes or serve he open his mouth like he is gaping.
Running 12 jaar geleden 0
Nagor that's true about the running, but I'm doing the opposite because I like to run in the middle of the night. For example at 11 p.m with my handsfree and the streets are empty waiting for me ?
Tsvetan Sokolov tribute 12 jaar geleden +3
Zyta, first of all I'm not a kid. That is unrespectful, you don't even know me. I didn't said anything to offend you - right ?
I mocked you because of your comments before, read them gain and think about it.
I tried to explain you something about the movies and then you said something like "That's so clever OMG" and then you said it was an impression ... well for me the impressions don"t sound like this.

And that:
Can't you just think "okay I like use replays, when I will find good one maybe I will use it" or just don't use it at all.

That's what I'm trying to explain you, I'm using every good replay in my movies, but you didn't understood that.
I didn't told you to skip my movies or any movies. If you don't like some kind of videos - well you don't have to watch it - For example I hate the 2nd and the 3rd highlight movies (1 is enough) and I don't watch them. You gave me your "constructive comment" and I gave you my "constructive respond" about how it's not gonna be good.Clearly you misunderstood me and took it too seriously, maybe it's my fault too.
Running 12 jaar geleden +1
Every day I run 6-10 km. It's very relaxing (yeah relaxing) for me when I run and listen a good music.

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