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Cuba - Iran (Highlights) 13 jaar geleden 0
Ah, Roninho... você SEMPRE é muito gentil com nós brasileiros... Obrigado!!! It would be a great idea to make a video about Murilo, good choice.I agree with you both, Murilo is Brazil´s best player in this world league... I wish I could help you with some material but I must confess that computers can be sometimes a little bit complicated to me... I´m sorry... Keep up making videos, you´re very good!!!
Miguel Angel Falasca 13 jaar geleden +1
Falasca is really a very nice setter, and in my opinion he´s on his best moment right now, since for a setter, the experience of years and years playing can make him take better decisions on court.And he was very important for Spain in 2007 in the final of the european championship against Russia
Cuba - Iran (Highlights) 13 jaar geleden 0
Oi, Renan, faz tempo que a gente não se fala... Eu concordo com você, vai ser dificil tanto para a Italia quanto para o Japão, que também está nesse grupo. Tem um oposto nesse time do Iran, eu não sei o nome dele, mas o cara é muito bom, acabou com a Cimed no mundial de clubes no ano passado, imagine se esses caras jogassem as ligas europeias... porque eu acho que falta sempre um pouco de experiencia nas horas decisivas. Pelo menos isso o Brasil têm, né? Não sei, estou muito preocupada com a atuação da seleção nesse ano, queria saber se você tem visto os jogos da liga, o que você tem achado?
Cuba - Iran (Highlights) 13 jaar geleden +3
I see a huge potential in Iran, since they are very strong in Junior competitions, and on the next World Championship they are in Italy´s pool, I´m curious to see what may happen...I think it could be good for some of them to play in foreign leagues, so they could get more international experience.
Cuba - Poland (Highlights) 13 jaar geleden +3
I watched the entire match since it was broadcasted live in Brazil and I must say that it was a great victory for Poland, under the eyes of Ernesto "Che" Guevara... It´s not easy to play in Havana, the gymnasium is always crowded and physically is very hard because of the heat. In my opinion, Kurek was the best player of this match and yesterday he did the same in the victory against Argentina. Another nice victory and, as always, another great celebration of polish fans...
This player is fantastic...Imagine the level of risk of this kind of serve,the player must be really concentrate and confident to do that... By the way, cuban players are always providing good materials for videos...Fantastika!!!!
Poland - Italy (Highlights) 13 jaar geleden +1
The lack of motivation that I see in some italian players is something incredible...It makes me sleepy... And the National Team is going to have problems to replace the players because the A1 series is too strong, as Renan said.
Mariusz Wlazły attack 13 jaar geleden +1
Beautiful attack, great jump and strength. Brilliant player!!!
Brazil - Bulgaria (SET4) 13 jaar geleden 0
Pois é Renan, lembrei do Tande... Como vou esquecer? A geração do Tande, Mauricio, Carlão, Negrão, Giovane fez com que eu me apaixonasse por volei, ainda criança... Em uma epoca em que nada, absolutamente nada no Brasil dava certo, nem na politica, nem na economia, muito menos no esporte, eles ganharam a primeira medalha de ouro olimpica em esportes coletivos. Fiquei um pouco chocada com o "velha guarda"... Mas isso também é uma questão de perspectiva... Tudo de bom para você!!!
Brazil - Bulgaria (SET4) 13 jaar geleden 0
Thanks Chrison! I haven´t seen that video before and it´s always good to remember of Tande playing... PS: great website, great videos, ok?
Brazil - Bulgaria (SET4) 13 jaar geleden +1
Nagor, you´re right, he suffers a lot, it´s kind of funny. The other guy in the broadcast who is making comments, is Tande (Alexandre Samuel) . I don´t know if you remember him, wing-spiker, olympic champion in Barcelona 1992.
Serhat Coşkun fantastic dig 13 jaar geleden 0
That´s the true spirit of a volleyball player... He didn´t care about anything but defending the ball. It makes me remember of that amazing defense of Vlad Grbic during the olympic final (Sydney 2000). One of the most incredible things I´ve ever seen in a volleyball match!!
Giba attack (2nd movie) 13 jaar geleden +1
I can´t thank enough everytime I see a video with Giba... He has done so much for Brazil and still does... Last sunday, after the match against Netherlands, when he said that he was there to guide the young guys, to help them,those words really moved me.... PS: Renan, você acertou em cheio, muito obrigado por ter adicionado este video,OK?
Brazil - Bulgaria (SET4) 13 jaar geleden +1
I would like to say just one thing about the subject Dante/Giba: Dante has just come back from Russia, he was the last one to arrive, and last week he injured one finger during a training, nothing serious, and I do believe he will be on the team in no time, let´s remember that he can also play as opposite.He´s not 30 years old yet, so in my opinion , he´s still has some years in the national team. NightFox, how special is this guy, Todorov... over 380??? And it seams that he plays in the national team for a long time. I like this kind of personality on a player, he´s fearless , and he´s gonna go very far. Excelent work of CSKA on preparing new players...
Brazil - Bulgaria (SET4) 13 jaar geleden +1
The matches against Bulgaria were amazing... Both teams played very well... This guy, Todorov really really impressed me!! He´s got such a personality on court and he looks like a young boy, "baby face" , but his volleyball is impressive.Where does his guy play? ? The best brazilian player of both matches was Murilo, incredible leadership, confident and in great shape. I´m a little bit worried about Vissoto... He didn´t play very well
Japan - Brazil (Highlights) 13 jaar geleden +4
I would like to thank you guys for this execelent video!! Last year was really special for Brazil, after very difficult times and it´s good to remember a nice victory. The year of 2009 was special for you polish too, since for the very first time you were european champions... So,congratulations to both of us for the amazing 2009!!!
Cuba - Brazil (Highlights) 13 jaar geleden 0
Ah, Renan, ainda bem que alguem me entende... A copa do mundo é legal, é obvio que eu vou ver também , mas eu acho um exagero o que acontece no Brasil,o país para completamente... A unica coisa boa disso é que podemos sair mais cedo do trabalho ou outra atividade que se faça para poder ver os jogos da seleção (uma folga de vez em quando é bom, né?) Depois, quero saber sua opinião sobre o jogo contra a Holanda PS: o melhor daquele jogo de 2006 foram o 4° e 5° sets mesmo... Você não perdeu muita coisa, o Brasil estava péssimo no inicio
Novica Bjelica 13 jaar geleden 0
Renan, eu cresci ouvindo esse tipo de musica porque a minha irmã é super-fã dessas bandas, mas eu particularmente sou um pouco mais tranquila... Sabado tem jogo contra a Holanda as 19:00h ... Eu pensava que ia ser de manhâ , menos mal
Raydel Hierrezuelo Aguirre 13 jaar geleden +2
I believe Cuban volleyball presents always such beautiful images, perfection on the movements... Hierrrezuelo has a lot to improve as a setter, he´s still very young and it would be good for him to play in a foreign league. Nagor, this song is great, perfect with the video
Cuba - Brazil (Highlights) 13 jaar geleden +1
This match was simply amazing... And I totally agree with Renan, Murilo is very important to our national team, not only as a player but as a natural leader. I see him as the future capitain of Brazil

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