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they were "call to fight". wiedzą lepiej 12 jaar geleden +5
auć ?
Jeez raylight CHILL OUT! You still, as a team, have no huge, amazing, impressive, "OMFG" successes with this great player, so even if he would be second class player it's not end of the world.

I think NightFox wrote here to me that not Matey has titles but whole team [Trento]. So it's time for you to understand that in vball TEAM is more important than one Matey. So you should more focus on those who are working for his glory too, like for example whole Serbian NT is working for Ivan to shine. Alexis and Quiroga are working hard for De Cecco to let him amazed whole vball world, etc, etc, etc. Matey can be on of those who make team special, but he won't be THE ONLY ONE who does that.
I mentioned them all together, because with them all Matey got some results. Comparing to your NT, what results you have without players like those I mentioned?

My counter - argument - Except Ricardo Garcia, Gustavo Endres and Sergio Santos, what did the other players of Brazil win with their clubs in Europe?

What would Matey win in clubs without Grbic, Winiarski, Vissotto, Riad, Juantorena?

Kaziyski not good in blocking is very old news, Zyta, I hear it all the time, but I don't see it. I see him making single blocks on Dennis // staying forever in the air// on Milijkovic, on Wijsmans.

even Bruno 190cm can make single block on Mozdzonek. single blocks happen.

You talking about positive reception but what about perfect? Anyway the point is brazilian or also argentinean style of play is not based on statistics as much european teams. You can show me as many stats as you want, saying that Dante is worse, but it won't change the fact Matey would be fourth.

You and the guy fit into the pattern of thinking constained by style."He will not fit in this style, he will make the team weaker"

I didn't say that. Perhaps for you absence of Matey in the team means team will be weaker. In my opinion Brazil wouldn't be weaker with him, but won't be weaker without him.

Anyway you always praise Matey for spiking and serve, and I get it, as he is great in those elements. But volleyball is something more than this. That's why Brazil, even if won't win World Cup is still the best, that's why Cuba is loosing with Argentina's first squad [i'm not counting Pan Am Games, when ARG played without trio CQD] and Russia for example struggled with Argentina and only Argentineans lack of experience made this match easier for them.
Anyway let's back to the style of play. You mentioned Vissotto. I'm not big fan of him, even if he played well yesterday. I would see Theo or Wallace as first, but in Rezende's team experience is advance, that's why he is still first. But if you want to see if Vissotto fits to Ricardo's style of play my advice is to find some matches of Voley Futuro from last season. And I will let you to think why Leo had to leave Voley Futuro after the season. Marlon and Bruno play not so fast like Ricardo, so it's not so bad in BRA for now. But he is not a leader. Brazil base their game on good serve, not as powerful as Matey's, but good enough to score aces or put good block. Kaziyski is not very good blocker [if someone likes to compare Kurek and Kaziyski, Matey should take a lesson from Kurek when it comes to block ?]. That's the first thing which makes him not very good for style of play. Second thing good, balanced reception. Did you know Dante was as weak as Kurek and Kaziyski in reception and Rezende told him he need ti improve otherwise he can forget about NT? Yes, this "one-of-the-best" Dante. If Rezende says someone like Dante such things, you think he would make exception for Matey? Why? He has no better technique in attack than Dante. And defense. It's not only Sergio, it's for example young Bruno, who is the best in defense from all setters [can't give you stats, but that's not a lie]. Whole in the reception, whole in defense, let's say smaller, but still whole in block. Do you think Rezende would make exception for Matey and change whole system, because he is an incredible spiker and server? No he won't. Because he can choose more balanced player, not with "god-status" and keep team winning. That's what he does for years. For Brazil important is TEAM, not one incredible player.
Considering the style of play of Brazil the answer is obvious. He would be fourth choice in Rezende's team, if you don't understand why perhaps you have to learn about volleyball a bit more.
Nagor znowu nazywasz kogoś pajacem bez powodu...?
Let him enjoy at least this "fact", he will come back and find out the truth ?
but now will a break for World Cup, so it's not that bad for him ad the club.
It's good that Serie A understand they have to put matches into internet if they want more sponsors, make sport more popular, but this project must be improved.
You know, I understand that all teams should be shown in tv during the season, but c'mon such match like Trento - Lube on sportube only, especially when match was on Monday, not Sunday? what sports we have on Monday? I'm not even talking about situation when someone can't install the Ray-V like me, but many of my friends have had slideshow, not actually live stream.
Kk15 what do you mean by Cuneo's chemistry? I haven't seen the match.
I like the way Nowakowski looked threw the net at Plinski, as for calm guy like Nowakowski I would say hardcore :P
Mariusz Wlazły serve 121 km/h 12 jaar geleden +2
Overlook Wlazly played actually in our NT three full seasons [05, 06, 08], comparing to Guma, Gruszka or Swiderski it's nothing. Besides he says now he has no problem with health, Winiarski has a lot of problems, even more than Wlazly with health, now this finger but he still wants to play. It's not about health in Wlazly's case. Look at Murek's case, he stopped playing for NT because of health, but everybody respects him. Maybe it's true, that no matter what he says, people will react negative, but who is guilty? You get what you give, people need a reason to start reacting negative for someone's words. It didn't come from nothing, just like that. And don't tell me about jealousy again. We have more players with bigger titles than Wlazly and people love them and respect them, like Winiarski or Swiderski. If some people, who don't like Wlazly, don't like him just because of his talent and money, they should feel the same about Gruszka, Guma, Winiar, Kurek or foreign players like Grbic, Giba, Miljkovic etc. But they are not jealous. Jealousy is the easiest way when someone wants to defend favourite player. I get it, you want to defend him, that's your right, but it does not work with Wlazly, sorry. Just like Mozdzonek said, fans have their own rules, if he hadn't play vball, but just be a vball fan in Olsztyn he would act in the same way some fans act [means not very nice], when they see him now in Olsztyn, after he left club for Skra. Anastasi said in interview: don't expect fans will love player who doesn't want to play for the NT and I agree.
Well... it wasn't "Conte style" but let's say half successful :P
Mariusz Wlazły serve 121 km/h 12 jaar geleden +1
przemek16 I agree, if he won't give 100%, it's pointless, but fans who supported him for years and cried when we've lost in Beijing in 2008 [I know few who cried], fans who actually give him those money, because without interest of fans vball players, especially in Skra wouldn't have those big contracts, those fans deserve for some more than his "No comment.". That's it.
Świetna jakość jak na iplę :)
Mariusz Wlazły serve 121 km/h 12 jaar geleden +2
przemek16 a czego Mariuszowi zazdrosci? decyzji o olaniu kadry? kasy? umiejętności? [tych mu nie zazdroszczę, za to żałuję, ze wraz z nimi nie ma zdrowia i chęci do gry w kadrze] czy może tytułów? [tytułów to ja mogę zazdrościć Ivanowi czy Brazylii, Maniek jak na swoją karierę ma ich trochę mało, 6 MP mnie nie kręci]. Ja uważam, że z niewolnika nie ma pracownika, faktycznie jeśli ma się zmuszać to niech nie gra, tylko, że jak ktoś podjął decyzję o tym w marcu, to jednak wypada raz aporządnie powiedzieć "definitywnie kończę", to wreszcie mu dadzą spokój, łącznie z kibicami, tka jak Wijsmansa już dziś nikt się nie czepia, a my w końcu zaczniemy myśleć logicznie i przestać się na niego oglądać, już abstrahując od jego decyzji, ale ze względu na zdrowie i wychowamy sobie porządnego atakującego. Natomiast co mnie akurat wkurzyło, to fakt, że człowiek, który nie chce grać dla własnego kraju, nie powinien wypominać, że skoro zawodnik jakiś gra dla kadry Włoch to nie może rgac u nas z polskim paszportem [M. Łasko]. To z jakim powinien grać Mariusz, skoro nie gra dla naszej kadry?

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