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Todorov can block him, he jumps fast and very high. They haven't met yet
Teodor Todorov 13 jaar geleden -3
CSKA claim 385. It looks believable to me - from his games so far
Italian Cup 2011 13 jaar geleden 0
Cuneo have the best Italian OH so they can afford foreign MB and libero, there's the difference
Italian Cup 2011 13 jaar geleden 0
Trento failed with the serve, and because they lack balance, this was fatal
Italian Cup 2011 13 jaar geleden 0
Revan, you forgot to add Nikolov who made the most break points. Trento's reception was poor - Matey Kazyiski was their best receiver. All others failed
Teodor Todorov 13 jaar geleden -2
I don't know why, but we play well against Serbia. We haven't lost match against them since 2004 I think. I think there is some misunderstanding. None of them is high level overall, but Sokolov is high level in attack, Todorov is high level on block and Bratoev is high level on serve. The three of them make one high level player right now :)
Juantorena is better than Leon, but Leon is 17 years old! wait until he passes the 23 years barrier to compare them
Teodor Todorov 13 jaar geleden -3
Bulgaria - Brazil 2:3, sorry, I wrote what I wanted, not what happened :D
Teodor Todorov 13 jaar geleden -2
Bratoev had his best match in the last game Bulgaria - Brazil 3:2, not on the beginning of the WL. Sokolov had 60/100 attack for the whole competition, total sum of attacks against Brazil, Netherlands and Korea, and didn't have under 50% in any game. I didn't say they are ready, but that they are showing something already. Sokolov is playing very well in Seria A and CL every time the coach put's him on the field. Of course they need to develop to the maximum of their potential. If they were ready, we would have played on the WCH final, not Cuba
Teodor Todorov 13 jaar geleden -3
Neither we did Henrique. Matey and Nikolov were not in top shape
Teodor Todorov 13 jaar geleden -3
On the official site of CSKA there are very strange numbers both for Mayo and Todorov:

I will call next week to ask how they measure it
Teodor Todorov 13 jaar geleden -3
Viktor Yosifov, Nikolay Nikolov :))
Teodor Todorov 13 jaar geleden -3
Well he have too much opposites and few blockers, so we need him there :D
Teodor Todorov 13 jaar geleden -1
I agree with Henrique partly, but I think that those young players have a lot of potential and they showed some of it in WL (Sokolov with 60% attack against Brazil, famous with defense and now with high block, Bratoev with serving, Todorov in the first two games). Prandi did a lot to develop them, Stoychev will do more. Especially Sokolov is very close to complete player. About improements - Bulgarian school of Rock don't train payers in the way Brazilian school do. They specialize too much and that's why are incomplete. Kazyiski and Nkolov don't need improvement, because they are the best in the world (or among them)
Renan - Dunga = Sergio. I forgot to add Rodrigao to the list
Philip Maiyo 13 jaar geleden 0
And Kazyiski, Wijsmans, Musergski
Teodor Todorov 13 jaar geleden -3
I like the video very much. There is one spike against Brazil in the beginning of this video

This could enter such a video.

Also I would like to see some serves from him. Although not powerful server, his float is very bad for the opponent reception sometimes ?

P.S. Todorov scored 9 points in one set today (Bulgarian League)!
About Kazyiski and Huantorena - I think that they are same level
For me it is hard to judge Murilo, because I watch him only in Brasil NT, but he is great at serving and reception for sure. The problem with analyzing Brazil players from NT performance is that they have synergie when put together because of their style, their rhytm, their coach, the idealism towards defending NT colour... For sure I can tell that Ricardo Garcia and Gustavo Endres are players from the highest possible class imaginable, since they were excellent in Italy, too (Sisley Treviso). I think Dunga too is there. Visotto, also, when he is motivated
Matey Kaziyski (3rd movie) 13 jaar geleden 0
By the law of normal distribution what is most popular is not the best, but the mediocre

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