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Heren volleybal transfers 2012/13 12 jaar geleden -15
Zhekov is a very good setter which anyone can see if he watches his matches, he has speed, good distribution to the wings, great sets from places other setters can't set //bad reception, his MB work is not great and he doesn't use some Brazil techniques from bad reception. He made great season in Piacenza if you have noticed. Certainly better than Zagumny for example (distributes better, but slower). In Europe Tihacek and Vermiglio are better, but I don't think Tischer, Esko or Travica of Falasca to be above his level. People here have irrational opinion about some players based on very small unrepresentative sets of data, but since the level of reasoning here is not great this is expected. Volleyball players are not the smartest persons of the world, you know, may be smartest sportsmen, which doesn't mean much
Justin Brubaker 12 jaar geleden 0
Great song :)
It was partially our fault. Under Stoychev we received little aces from him for WL and ECH matches. His serve is very tough and lands deep inside the field, not near the end of it.
Vlado said that it is not logical to change Radostin Stoychev so he obviously doesn't support this decision. By saying that Stoychev overwork he implies what great professionalist and idealist is Stoychev, who wants the Olympic Dream to become true more than anyone
Bulgaria - Germany (Highlights) 12 jaar geleden +2
According to Vlado Nikolov Matey played his best match since 2007 - he had 85% in attack in the first three sets Georgi Grozer will be rivalling for best opposite in the world this and next years :)
Vlado Nikolov was also against the change of Stoychev, read more carefully
Giba pipe attack (3rd movie) 12 jaar geleden 0
The two best players on pipe for the time in one team
We, the Bulgarian fans do not deserve the mindless and hungry for money policy of the federation, neither we deserve Matey to quit the NT. What wrong have we done to them?
I am glad I can help :)
Daniel, I was very angry with Todorov's performance on block yesterday. This guy actually has problems with mentality
If Zhekov was setting horribly during the 18-14 to 18-21 turnover you could say a loser mentality has appeared, but when the setter has zero years of experience both in NT and playing abroad you wonder how the hell he set so good before that turnover has appeared
I like both Georgi - Bratoev and Georgiev
Why traitor, he will be the Macedonian part of Bulgarian NT success, that's the fastest way for you to have a player on podium
Now I saw what Revan wrote. Matey played better than any Cuban player yesterday, 71% in attack, with bad setting and double and triple blocks, serve, block, even reception. He didn't deserve that mental break of the others!
Roninho, I disagree. Stoychev fixed our reception - something Prandi couldn't do. Stoychev fixed the spikes with MBs of Zhekov, again something no one else has achieved before.
I think that with so many troubles with main players reaching the semifinal and playing good vs Germany was overperforming
Poor Kaziyski. He didn't deserve that. I hope for the next qualifier Bulgaria will have full team without health problems to have chances. I didn't expect to win a set without Zhekov and we won 10. And still could win vs Germany before this long series of fails in attack after good reception of Grozer's service.
Ricardo Garcia fakes 12 jaar geleden +4
Don't worry MasterOfPuppets, I am not giving away the first spot :) It is hard earned after all
Japan training 12 jaar geleden 0
Fukuzawa is the best :)
I think that players who are not complete yet should go to Trentino instead for the big money, if they want to become machines. Russia can wait

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