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6 jaar geleden


Jakub Jarosz 3rd meter spike 12 jaar geleden 0
Amazing set ;)
Statics say enough..
just amazing from poland, the last action was also very nice :)
All these emotions... That's why I play Volleyball!!!!!!
How tall are you??? 12 jaar geleden 0
I tottaly agree with wilfredo ? Let's make it ?
Jo Van Decrean (2nd movie) 12 jaar geleden +2
Well, For my next movie I will ask berny what music it has to be :) And thank you all for the good reactions on my movie ;) It made me happy and I'll make some more movies :D
Yes indeed, there's no sounds.. My apologize.. Something wrong with th programm I'd used..
Jo Van Decrean (2nd movie) 12 jaar geleden 0
it's my first movie, so I have not a lot of experience ;)
How to make a video? 12 jaar geleden 0
Well, I make my movies with Windows Movie Maker. I search my parts and than copie them to each other. The music is just a button with WMW. And it do take some time, for searching the parts, but when you have them it's very easy ?
All-star games is a must to see ;)
Nice reactions :)
Luciano De Cecco great set 12 jaar geleden +1
Within a few years this will be the best setter of the world!!! Argentina's proud ;)
How tall are you??? 12 jaar geleden +1
Age:16 (januari 17)

I'm receiver =)
Marshall's spike 12 jaar geleden +1
Marshall vs. Kurek.. who shall win?? think about the first spike in Kurek's 6 movie ;)
Marshall (3rd movie) 12 jaar geleden 0
Can some one make an new movie about him?? I havn't any matches zo I can't, but al his movies are from a few years ago..
No plinski??? Why is he not in this team.. he's for me one of the best MB of the world.. And it's a shame that wlazly have that ishue.. with him they will be way better!!
Champions League 2011/2012 12 jaar geleden -1
I think Maasseik or Lennik can be far as wel, Maasseik hopes to be in the final four and i think they are capabel to do that.
I adore the whole matches from Raylight, that's the only parts of this site where you can see the evolution of players in one game. Highlights and movies about 1 player are only the good parts of his matches, in whole games you can see there reaction after a bad serve of attack. I think that for people like me (young volleyball players) is that awesome. I'll take everything I see here with me to my own games.

Seeing stuf makes you only better, isn't ??
thanks fiore.. That's mean that its over for Belgium...
Can you give some points from the sets from Italie.. That's importante for Belgium ?

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