Over mij

I'm 26 years old volleyball fan from Poland, right now I live in London. In my free time I always try to find some time for my hobby, to make some new movies. Hope that you enjoy my work, more info about me you can find on my facebook page, cheers.

Fan gegevens

University of Rzeszow (Physical Education)
Ranglijst punten
Lid geworden
Profiel weergaven
Laatste activiteit
7 maanden geleden

Sociale profielen


Matteo Martino tribute 10 jaar geleden 0
I'm waiting for comeback your movies :)
155 Volleyball Digs in 4 min 10 jaar geleden +1
Showing volleyball from better side, movies coming back, I invite all users to my new channel ?
@Koxiu: where I can download Poland - Turkey match ? Give me links and I'll add this action immediately ;)
oh what a Sokolov spike (2 times) , unbelievable ?
p.s You know the best actions from volleyball must to be here ? this is VOLLEYBALL MOVIES
For sure in funny moments I will not forget about Theo Wallace ?
USA in The Olympics 2012 10 jaar geleden +3
eRKa maybe you make a movie about Clayton Stanley from Olympics 2012 :D ? come on :D
USA in The Olympics 2012 10 jaar geleden +5
Great movie, a lot of actions Stanley which is big plus for you :D , it's nice to see movie about Usa team when somebody other make it :) when I watched it I knew that you do it moment from the 2:28 to 2:32 to rhythm of the music, amazing, thanks for the video, for sure I will return to this movie more than one occasion :)
new generation of best opposites in the world, thanks for video, cool to watch :)
Also we have in volleyball brothers:
about which I forgot ?

In football we have another interesting story when it comes to the brothers, at the world championships in 2010, Boateng brothers played in the other nationalities, Kevin-Prince played for Ghana and his brother Jerome for Germany.That was the first such case in the history of the football world championships.
We need songs! 10 jaar geleden +1
Song below should fits perfectly to movie about situation in Federation of Cuba :)
I need a polish translator 10 jaar geleden +2
Simon and Juantorena with the chance to return to the national team of Cuba, Leon and Diaz will not return ?
yes it's true, sory for my mistake ?
nice movie, thanks for a lot of materials :)
Donald Suxho = advertisment of toothpaste Colgate ?
Rachel Rourke 10 jaar geleden 0
siły napewno jej nie brakuje :D
Tempo of his action with Luciano De Cecco a lot of time are to fast for middle-blockers :D Great movie as always, I hope to see him in Rzeszów :)
Group A:
Bulgaria - Poland 3:1
Brazil - USA 3:1
Bulgaria - Poland 3:2
Brazil - USA 3:1

Group B:
Iran - Germany 1:3
Iran - Germany 1:3
thank you very much :)
Where I can download this match ? :O
Group A:
Brazil - Bulgaria 3:1
Poland - USA 3:1
Argentina -France 1:3
Brazil - Bulgaria 3:2
Poland - USA 3:1
Argentina - France 2:3

Group B:
Germany -Russia 3:2
Cuba -Iran 1:3
Serbia - Italy 2:3
Germany - Russia 3:1
Cuba - Iran 2:3
Serbia -Italy 1:3

Group C:
Finland - Netherlands 1:3
Japan - Canada 2:3
Portugal - South Korea 3:1
Finland - Netherlands 1:3
Japan - Canada 1:3
Portugal - South Korea 3:0

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