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Bartosz Kurek about his transfer to Russia

Wilfredo_is_Marshall 2012-04-08 • 3774 wyświetleń • 13
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13 komentarzy

Wilfredo_is_MarshallRSAuthor 4186 20
11 lat temu
He is going to Russia!!!
Wilfredo_is_MarshallRSAuthor 4186 20
12 lat temu
On his fb official, I asked him if he is going to Russia, sadly he did not reply. If he does, I will make sure to tell you guys first!!!
adam13PL 38 1
12 lat temu
Wg. mnie Kurek powinien wyjechać z Polski. Polska liga jest jedną z najlepszych na świecie jednak granie ciagle z tymi samymi zawodnikami/klubami nie wpływa dobrze na rozwój zawodnika. W Rosji/Włoszech na pewno grał by coraz lepiej, z korzyścią dla siebie i reprezentacji.
kuba9426PL 441 7
12 lat temu
GavottoVisotto why not to Bełchatów?
sakuPL 1032 9
12 lat temu
he should go to other, leuage, he wont learn anything new in poland anymore
GavottoVisottoPL 15 2
12 lat temu
Bartek should go to Italy. 2-3 seasons and he will be different, better player. I think that he gain a lot of new experience. Then he back to Poland but not to Bełchatów.
supporteursPL 225 6
12 lat temu
nie puścimy go; D A serio, jak zdecyduje tak zrobi ;)
pararelaPL 7 1
12 lat temu
Zostanie ;)
AndreAmaralPL 19 3
12 lat temu
If Kurek and the rest of his team stay in Skra we'll have almost the same situation in next season...They'll win everything here in Poland, and then they'll lose in some European Final (which I think we all know) they'll be organising :D
americandollPL 27 1
12 lat temu
ja też :))
gienia111PL 153 6
12 lat temu
mam nadzieje że jednak zostanie w Skrze
juantorena95RO 137 5
12 lat temu
its possible that kurek will go to russia?
MilkaPL 116 3
12 lat temu
so... we still don't know anything :)

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