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Best players of European League (5th round)

Wilfredo_is_Marshall 2015-08-05 • 2165 wyświetleń
Gregor Ropret, Renee Teppan, Athanasios Protopsaltis, Aleksander Śliwka, Genadi Sokolov, Henri Treial and Dimitrios Gkaras compose the Dream Team of the Week! That was the fifth round of this competition. The European League is an annual continental volleyball tournament, introduced in 2004. The event is the European equivalent of the World League.

#GregorRopret #ReneeTeppan #AthanasisProtopsaltis #AleksanderSliwka #HenriTreial #GenadiSokolov #DimitrisGkaras #EuropeanLeague2015 #bestplayers

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