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Bulgaria - Poland (highlights)

tomof78 2020-02-13 • 2335 wyświetleń
25th September 1981 in Varna, Bulgaria - Bulgaria vs. Poland 1-3 (6-15, 6-15, 16-14, 9-15)
Match of European volleyball Championships 1981 in Bulgaria between hosts and team of Poland. It was round robin. Eventually Poland was second and Bulgaria third.
Among Polish players: No.7 - Wojciech Drzyzga father of Fabian Drzyzga, No. 4 - Lech Łasko father of (Italian player) Michał Łasko and No. 2 - Maciej Jarosz father of Jakub Jarosz.

#FabianDrzyzga #LechLasko #WojciechDrzyzga #MaciejJarosz #IreneuszKlos #AleksanderSkiba #Bulgaria #Poland #EuropeanChampionships1981

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