In your country volleyball is a popular sport?

2011-12-15 • 22278 wyświetleń • 58 replies
In my country, Italy, volleyball is one of the most popular sport, but it isn't much popular. Programs about sports in general never tolak about volleyball, and i can see the Serie A1 matches only in a secondary channel. The players are less payed than in other sports. Is volleyball a sport only for intlligent people (because the complicated rules)? So, what's the situation of volleyball in your country? Is more or less popular than football? In your country volleyball  is a popular sport?
samueleke 393 8
12 lat temu
It's our second popular sport, after Football, I think.. But football still got a lot more atention... :s
volley 15 1
12 lat temu
noo :'(
first football and the others sport aren't popular
NightFox 1457 14
12 lat temu
football ...
Joachim7 321 4
12 lat temu
In my regio volleyball is so unpopular that some people believe it's a sport only for women...
And maybe then volleyball...=(

It is a pity considering how fucking bad our football NT is and how amazing we are in sports like Hockey and the potential we have in Basketball or Volleyball...
Feo 16 2
12 lat temu
1. Football
843293261849. Ski jumping
843293261850. Volleyball
Sllaveq 790 10
12 lat temu
Football, but we have the worst football team in the world! Village team can defeat us for sure..
Volleyball may be the 2nd//
12 lat temu
Feo, you are so wrong. 1. Football agree with you, but 2. volleyabll. Honestly I have no idea why football is so popular in Poland while polish NT and polish clubs suck. I hope it will change some day, but still polish football looks bad. Compare successes in volleyball and football, in this year we had more successes in vollayball than in football in last 30 yeras. But I dont think there is so huge diffrence popularity between football and volleyball, not any more.
daniel2224 63 5
12 lat temu
in Poland:
1. Speedway
2. Volleyball and Football
3. Basketball
Someone 875 10
12 lat temu
Maybe in your region... Football is of course the most popular and there is a big difference between football and other sports. By number of viewers volleyball is quite popular, but there's not a lot of people who play this sport unfortunately ?

Do You understand the question? Or You just kidding us don't you?
daniel2224 63 5
12 lat temu
no motorcross, this is speedway

Polish league is the best in the world...
Someone 875 10
12 lat temu
It does not mean that it is the most popular... ?
daniel2224 63 5
12 lat temu
in west poland this is most popular sport...
12 lat temu
@someone, maybe you are right, but I think volleyball has become more popular last times. About speedway I think it is a joke? I know how good polish league is, and I live in Torun where we have good speedway club, but im not intrested it at all. Definetly speedway isn't number one in Poland, even not number 2 or 3?
qsek 831 10
12 lat temu
i think that there isn't counrty on the world where vollleyball is more popular than football. for us it is strange how can people does not like this sport, but guys... they just like others sports, they play them and watch, and i think we should respect that and don't ask people : how can you don't like volleyball?
Sometimes i hear from others that they hear too much about volleyball and that's why they don't like it. Football is popular, but a looot of my friends interest in speedway/motocross (i think because in Rzeszów is quite good club).
and i think that you forgot about handball, which also is quite popular (a lot of people watch polish NT and my few friends play this sport)
Frank 28 2
12 lat temu
In Canada the most popular sport is Hockey and then Football (American Football), at least here in my province. Volleyball isn't very popular here, we only got 3 university with a men volleyball team in Québec. That doesn't make an interesting league when there's only 3 teams :s .
Blawatek 47 2
12 lat temu
Agree with qwertyuiop12345, I have my type for the worst football team ?
Roninho 758 13
12 lat temu
In almost every country football is in the first place. This is the easiest and easily accessible discipline. In Poland, football is the most popular. Second place is for volleyball or speedway. You may not know but on average at every match in the speedway is 10 thousand people. More than volleyball. I live in Torun. In the city where the sport is the most important has just speedway. I would recommend this sport because the emotions are very great! From 2 years in Torun is the Grand Prix. I was 2 times and it is something amazing. And finally see the action!
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
I already wrote something like this not long ago. Anyway, I'll write it again. Apart those sports that aren't actually sports (like formula 1 or GP motorbikes) the most popular team-sports in Italy are (more or less):
1. Soccer (obviously)
2. Basketball and Volleyball
3. Rugby
4. Waterpolo
5. Baseball (i think...but i'm not sure)
qsek 831 10
12 lat temu
we can not forgot that in Poland very popular are wintersports - i think that Adam Małysz in his best shape few years ago had got more fans than all volleyball;)

on internet i read that this is official rank:
1. football

2. krykiet

3. hockey on the grass

4. tenis

5. volleyball

6. ping-pong

7. baseball

8. golf

9. rugby

10. basketball.,Najpopularniejsze-sporty-na-swiecie-ringowo.html
Berny 606 6
12 lat temu
First sport in Slovakia is football (long time ago I wrote some stuffs, why is that in global), second is ice hockey (our team in 2002 was WChampion and whole country was on feet), than every year after this, slovakians cries: we will win WCH etc., then finally VOLLEYBALL and Basketball at the same rank. Then other sports I dont care.

Slovak volleyball NT did too many fantastic results in whole history, like football (8th place in WC 2010?? who cares) and icehockey (1st WC 2002 - who cares again). I dont want to write volleyball results, its so boring, but its a shame, that still our youngsters would be footballers and hockey players (but this is not medias problem or anybody - PARENTS could change that.) E.g. for myself - father was volleyball player in Czechoslovakia national league- mother was athlet, but father didnt force me to volleyball, because mother sad: He choose his own favourite sport (yeah, here it goes 6 to 11years football in front of my house, 11-14 basketball in highschool, finally 14-26 volleyball, but I had to choose myself ofcourse.) NOW I regret every stupid minute, which i spent with football, basketball etc. After 10 years in 26years finally i start to play in profi club, because I could regret myself to my death. So this is my example. How many people had equal past than me.
I will raise my child with volleyball, not for football and basketball, because I will tell them, look to your father, you have to be more like he was. Child in 10years doesnt know, what is for him right decision about sport.
Sorry about my bad english
Aelinn 166 3
12 lat temu
@daniel2224 I am from western Poland and I've lived there all my life. I can assure you that speedway is not the most popular sport there. It is popular and certainly more than in eastern or southern Poland, for that matter. But definitely not the most popular one. It would make the top ten, for sure, but maybe place 4. Unfortunately, there is football, football and then something else. This is something I totally don't understand, for the reasons already mentioned here by dreamandhope.
Volleyball is popular and is getting so more and more, but still has a loooong distance to football ?
@Sllaveq Believe me, your football team is way better than ours, we really and truly suck ?
jrlechado 9 2
12 lat temu
1. Soccer
2. Volleyball
3. Maybe Basketball.

The diference between soccer and volleyball in Brazil is as huge as Everest can be.
12 lat temu
1. Football
2. Handball
3. Volleyball
Berny 606 6
12 lat temu
I read in slovak volleyball federation site, that volleyball is second variety of different sport in the world (after football) ? so its not that bad right?
Someone 875 10
12 lat temu
I think that map brought us by chrison isn't correct. It could be counted by number of countries or by registred players- without counting fans. I've searched the internet and that data is repeated everywhere- there's no other sources unfortunately ?
Overlook 280 5
12 lat temu
And I think that people in FIVB are most interesting politics than volleyball. They create complicated rules of tournaments, which change every time according to someone's business. Look at last ECH or WCH and perspective of people who “aren't in” volleyball. They see that losing match in some situations is more payable than win! Moreover FIVB should do everything to develop this sport, but they aren’t. How they treat players, who are the most important or should be? They even can’t communicate with CEV and others federations. And I don’t say what I think about theirs marketing.
I'm sport's journalist and I try promote every discipline, which isn't football, especially volleyball? But I also have write about this primitive sport? or, the worst, make relation from some tournaments or matches. I can watch the most interesting moments of match in sport news and that’s all. For me so far football’ve been the most boring sport, but now I’m writing article about American football and I changed my mind?
Kk15 1301 11
12 lat temu
Nice topic!
Polish guys, I thought that Volleyball was even more popoular than football in Poland!

In Italy the sport itself is really popoular (I mean the 'played' sport, not the 'watched' sport), because every school has a volleyball court in is gym (may be few schools doesn't have a proper gym, otherwise it's a volleybal + basketball very small court)! And there are (at least in Roma) a lot of championship between different classes of the same school or different schools. It's rare that a school doesn't have at least a female team (even if it can be very awful, but it exist), but usually there are both the male and female team. So, may be the real rules aren't really know, but the basic is known by everyone.

And volleyball is the first famale agonist sport in Italy.
But football is the first male sport practised in Italy, of course.
Other sport quite practised are tennis, basketball, swimm, rugby (male only, almost), also atheltics, artistic gymnastic, waterpolo. There are a lot of people that do cyclism for fun, but also excursionism and climbing, and most of all, SKI!!

But if we speak about the watched/followed volleyball... Well, we are lucky that most of the clubs plays in small towns, that don't have many others stong team, so they give every support to volleyball (e.g. Cuneo). The Serie A isn't really that followed imo, even by who plays volleyball and even by who follows the NT. But there isn't any information trasmitted on tv, and nothing more than the results written in the newspapers (vs 4-5-6-7 even 10 pages about football in the cronhical newsp., and 1 page vs like 30 pages about football on the sport newsp.).
The NT is more followed by the people, but still not really followed by the medias, expecially TV medias (the matches are trasmitted, but it's all limitated to this, mostly)... When we won the semifinal (the first semifinal won after 6 years!!) of the ECh, we had 2 whole pages on the Gazzetta ( at page like 40 or 50), but before this two pages it was all soccer and F1.
I think that rugby NT is more followed (and defintly has much much more space in medias) even if they won NOTHING! Already 40.000 tickets sell for 'Six nations' Italy-England in february...
I think that football and F1 are maaaany level before volleyball.
Kk15 1301 11
12 lat temu
ps sorry if I always speak too much!! ?
Blawatek 47 2
12 lat temu
No kk15, unfortunately in Poland sport #1 is still football (i have no idea why). Volleyball has the second place, then F1 and winter sports, but handball is quite popular too, I think.
rtr 42 2
12 lat temu
1. Football(not sure why , russian football like Brazil's hockey)
2. Hockey
3.Figure skating
4.Volleyball , basketball , Biathlon
I think that the main cause why volleyball is so popular in Russia ,cause we play in it on PE lessons .Children (5-11years) usually play pionerball . It is soviet game . It has all volleyball rules, but it's easier to play in it as you should to caught a ball instead of return it.
PS: sorry for bad english =(
Sllaveq 790 10
12 lat temu
By the way how do you judge wich sport is #1 in your country? I judge football is in Bulgaria because there are the most money given..
Moreover it is the most played game for sure..
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@Kk15: but have you ever asked why Italian Rugby NT is so popular?? I'll tell you why: as long as we have all those HOT guys (Parisse, Canale, Bergamasco bros etc.) making soft-porno calendars (Dieux du Stade) they'll have no need to win anything to be so famous!! :D

For those who have no idea of what i'm talking about :D :) :
Kk15 1301 11
12 lat temu
but of these 40.000 tickets sold I guess at least 60% are to men, not women... or not?
ps btw I wish our vb male NT to do the same ?
Berny 606 6
12 lat temu
ale fuuuj, thats awful ? now I will have a nightmare Mara. What have you done ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Berny: meeee?? what have i done?? ? i did nothing mate...really, i can't understand what you mean ? Btw, your nightmare is my sweet dream hahahah ?

Kk15: "Dieux du Stade" calendars are bought mostly by MEN, not women!!!....try to understand, girl ? And, yes i agree with you, let's hope our guys will do something similar as well...they could call it "Dieux du Sports Hall" haha
12 lat temu
unfortunately, volleyball in the Netherlands has the 14th place

1 football
2 Fitness
3 Golf
4 Tennis
5 Swimming
6 Walking
7 Running
8 Ice skating
9 Cycling
10 Bowling
11 Hockey
12 Dancing
13 Bridge
WITAM 22 2
12 lat temu
Football shoudn't got as much fans as it has in Poland. We've got one of the worst football team in the history of Poland and ppl still watch it, moreover half of those fans are like 'Im going on match so im gonna take baseball or balaclava.

hanus 155 6
12 lat temu
In australia beach volleyball is quiet good, (not great still) and indoor has a strong school competition nationwide (except the state i live in) but is still poor in terms of popularity.

I think of reading about karch in a book he wrote where he talks about playing beach volleyball everyday during his youth but there just arent the people or facilities for me to do that!
12 lat temu
In France it's not a very popular sport because we already have
football (as everywhere),
handball (french national team is World champ, European champ and Olympic champ, not bad right)
Rugby (In final in last world championship)
Basketball (in final in last European championship)

What i want to say is that unfortunately in france we have a lot of top sport in their own category, and volleyball didn't have great results lately so it's hard to have medias behind us and without medias....
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@arisley: and do you know the real paradox in all that?? Ex FIVB President Ruben Acosta is mexican ?
Berny 606 6
12 lat temu
In Slovakia TV: we can see Italian women league (not for me) in Eurosport2 (but this is not our channel) and then matches with our NT (only home matches) on state TV. Thats all about Vball
Berny 606 6
12 lat temu
lukasso : E2 never does that unfortunately. Only italian women league
NightFox 1457 14
12 lat temu
That's funny Henrique, but how do you have friends all over the world and I don't ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Berny: Italian Women league is excellent. Don't be a male chauvinist and watch some games of girls too ?
Berny 606 6
12 lat temu
I have only ČT4 sport (czech channel) and there is one volleyball game weekly from Czech league men, but this league is boring (ofcourse Slovakian league is boring twice ?). My GF has these "football channels" like E1, E2, Sport1, S2, extreme sports and other bullshits, but in these TVs when i come to her, in 90% is football on them. But i dont care last 2 years. I have Laola and the last year (we will have anniversary 24.12) v-movies, so thats it ?
Kk15 1301 11
12 lat temu
@HCLT and lukasso, you wrote ineteresting comments about volleyball popoularity in USA, and it's insane to think that Americans didn't follow much vball in Beijing, considering they won like... 3 golds and 1 silver with 4 teams between outdoor and indoor?!
Berny 606 6
12 lat temu
Yesterday our volley NT men gained valuation of The best slovakian sport team of 2011. So volleyball dominated this year in our country :D and there were no football and icehockey.
And I have to say for football and icehockey:
Overlook 280 5
12 lat temu
So congrats, great to hear that they become appreciate. BTW ice hockey is fantastic sport. I wish we had in Poland so good team like yours, you should be happy about it;-)
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Berny: you see mate?! always complaining about how poor attention is paid to volleyball in Slovakia...bahh ? Now go and celebrate...and shut up ?
Berny 606 6
12 lat temu
Thanks a lot HCLT. Mišo is really good setter, but he didnt play in NT many matches. He is starting to be forgotten maybe ?

Overlook I am not ? because If you have no money, no icehockey ?, but if you dont have money, you can play volley ?

pearl I am under the table now ?
rbk17 143 2
12 lat temu
I think that people from soccer doing everything to not groving popluraisation of volleyball, and They paid much money for volley activists to not growing volleyball.
Kk15 1301 11
12 lat temu
Also Polish male NT was named Polish teamof the year, right?

But I have to admit that sometimes I really hate Anastasi, he didn't won nothing with Italy all the time he coached the NT, and in half an year he won 3 medals on 3 competitions with his brand new team!!! ?
Blawatek 47 2
12 lat temu
@Kk15, yes, you're right. Also Anastasi was nominated in category 'Coach of the year', you may hate him more from now ?
Aelinn 166 3
12 lat temu
@Kk15 I understand that you're referring to the second time Anastasi coached Italian NT? Because, if I remember correctly, the first time he coached them, he won 2 European Championships, Olympic bronze medal and a couple of medals in World League (I believe that it was at least one gold?).

Well, I'm not complaining about the 3 medals in 3 competitions for Poland under Anastasi's coaching ?
4 lat temu

In Egypt

1- Soccer

2- Handball


kaljumbos 31 2
4 lat temu

@MohamedKhedr is handball more popular than basketball?

4 lat temu

@kaljumbos yes in Egypt we have a strong handball team.

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