Regular season of Italian Serie A1 2012/13

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pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@Kjeld: adesso chiamo il mio amico e gli do una bella tirata d'orecchi perché son sicura che è pure andato a vedere qualcosa e non mi ha detto niente ?(
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu


Trento, 5 dicembre 2011

Mattinata a stretto contatto con il mondo del calcio quella vissuta oggi da una delegazione della Trentino Volley. Fra le ore 11 e le 13 l’allenatore Radostin Stoytchev, il Team Manager Riccardo Michieletto, il Preparatore Atletico Martin Poeder, il capitano Matey Kaziyski e Jan Stokr sono stati infatti ospiti dell’Inter presso il centro sportivo “Angelo Moratti” di Appiano Gentile (provincia di Como).

L’appuntamento, organizzato grazie alla collaborazione e all’interessamento della Trentino Marketing (azienda di promozione territoriale della Provincia, sponsor comune di entrambe le Società) ha permesso così a due eccellenze dello sport italiano, entrambe Campioni del Mondo in carica per Club, di proseguire quella conoscenza che era già stata intrapresa durante l’ultima estate quando il Team Manager Riccardo Michieletto salì a Pinzolo per visitare il ritiro pre-campionato nerazzurro. E’ stato poi stato messo in calendario un incontro fra i principali dirigenti delle due Società che dovrebbe svolgersi a marzo 2012.

Alla Pinetina i gialloblù oggi hanno potuto visionare da vicino tutte le strutture di allenamento dell’Inter e confrontare con il loro staff differenze ed analogie nei metodologie di lavoro, in un colloquio prettamente tecnico simile a quello che Poeder aveva avuto il 4 settembre 2010 a Monaco di Baviera anche con lo staff del Bayern. Per l’occasione con i gialloblù si sono intrattenuti a lungo il centrocampista Esteban Cambiasso, con uno dei preparatori atletici Roberto Niccolai e con l’allenatore Claudio Ranieri che prima di tutto ha voluto fare i propri complimenti per le tante vittorie ottenute dalla Trentino Volley negli ultimi anni.

“E’ stata una giornata diversa dal solito ma molto interessante e piacevole – ha spiegato Matey Kaziyski ai microfoni di Inter Channel, che lo ha intervistato dopo che lo stesso capitano aveva potuto seguire da vicino l’allenamento nerazzurro - . Da quando sono arrivato in Italia l’Inter ha sempre ottenuto grandi vittorie e quindi avevo particolare interesse a conoscere questo mondo; la nostra storia nelle ultime stagioni è stata simile e la speranza è di proseguire a braccetto i rispettivi cicli”.

“E’ stato interessante potersi confrontare con un allenatore esperto e preparato come Claudio Ranieri – ha aggiunto Radostin Stoytchev - . Nonostante le grandi differenze fra i due sport abbiamo scoperto che ci sono molte cose in comune e che comunque è sempre la testa fare la differenza, ancora prima delle qualità fisiche e tecniche”.

raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
What is this Italian job here ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@Kjeldhor: uahahaha you did cut/paste from "pianeta volley" man?!!! ?

@raylight: Italian Discussion= Italian Users= Italian Job ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
no.. copy/paste from Trentino newsletter =P... maybe piantavolley do the same =P
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@Kjeldhor: chapeau ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Gente ? ancora un giorno e si riparte ?

One more day and it will all start again folks ?

@raylight: hope you'll be satisfied man...i've put the translation into English just for you ?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Thank you very much, sorry for making it harder for you, but this league belongs to the world to celebrate it together with Italian people ?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
And the keyboard wins ?

I don't understand it much, but Google helps sometimes
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Nonostante le grandi differenze fra i due sport abbiamo scoperto che ci sono molte cose in comune e che comunque è sempre la testa fare la differenza, ancora prima delle qualità fisiche e tecniche”. I like this part
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
yeah, i hope the similitude are done.. this year inter is not playing well ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@raylight: did you post the same comment twice 'cause you wanted to emphasize the fact that you liked that part of the article, right? ? I didn't know you understand Italian ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
or maybe he's fighting whit the keyboard ?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
And the keyboard wins ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu

can't w8 anymore... 2 matches in 3 day again ?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Kjeldhor, can you tape RAI matches, we will find way to upload them or make highlights/ shortcuts of them?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
i can tape the rai matches, but they will be over 8 gb each, so it's hard upload all the matches ?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
I can give you skype, we can work it out
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
i dunno if skype work on big files lol
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
It works, I transmit volleyball matches via skype
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Is anybody watching Latina v Macerata on tv or steaming??
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Please, tape the matches from today, Italian friends ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
I watched the last part of it, nice third set exept too much serve errors ?
Macerata won 3-0 vs Latina
Roma won 3-1 vs Ravenna!!!5th victory in a row ?
Cuneo won 3-1 vs Belluno
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
was outside, sorry ray can't taped...

i'll tape sunday match ?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
I will accept whatever you can contribute, Kjeldhor, no worry ?

Kk15, Roma beat Verona

P.S. Did you tape something from today?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
What a match for Vibo ? I didn't watch it but look at the score: Vibo v Trento 1-3 (25-19; 24-26; 29-31; 22-25)!!! These guys can play and be hard opponents for anyone!! I'm so happy for them!

I watched Latina-Macerata: 0-3. Not much to say about it. Lube too strong, and Latina too imprecise. Latina really played only third set, after Prandi changed Troy with Jarosz and sent on court the young Greek spiker Fragkos (very interesting player btw).

Further comments and opinions ....coming soon ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
@raylight I've no idea why I wrote Ravenna xD Probably while I was writing I was checking Ravenna-Padova result... I really don't know!

BTW, 3 tie breaks, all ended 15-13! I was really surprised about San Giustino winning 2 sets vs Modena, without Conte and with Rawuerdink out of court...

I agree with you, Fragkos played an interesting match.
I laughed a lot for Prandi terrible English, and it was great when he was speaking with Troy: "serve on Kovar" (Troy's expression: O.o) So Prandi added "The outside hitter, not Parodi... Kovar"
I couldn't believe in this conversation xD Half of the time out to say who is Kovar xD
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
kk15, san giustino can win 2 set against modena and vibo can scare trento ...that's the reason why italian league is the most difficult
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
today i'll tape Andreoli Latina VS Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Thank you Kjeld...the match I would like to see but I can't ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
taped (tryed a low quality... only 3 GB ?)
ray, do you prefer transfer on skype? or u want me to upload on filefactory?

@pearl and ray: u didn't lost a good match... a lot of errors, Nikolov whit fever, Papi sickened, Zechov.. i don't know where was his mind during the match
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Ouhouh...che batosta Vibo! I'm not sure about the translation but it should be something like "What a bad knock for Vibo" They lost 3-0 to Latina... honestly, after their hard-fought match vs Trento 2 days ago, I didn't expect such a "debacle" (25-21; 25-22; 25-14!!) ? I hope Kjeldhor can upload something about this match, 'cause I'm curious to see what happened!!
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@Kjeldhor: I started watching Ravenna- Piacenza but streaming was crap so I gave up! I've read that Ravenna won 3-0.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
Piacenza 0 - 3 Ravenna
Macerata 3 - 2 Monza
Latina 3 - 0 Vibo
san Giustino 1 - 3 Verona
Belluno 2 - 3 Modena
Roma 1 - 3 Trento
Padova 2 - 3 Cuneo

Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
good news for Trento: Macerata, Modena and Cuneo lost 1 point ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Damn it!! Trento doesn't need such "presents" from other Scudetto's claimants (btw, can you suggest a word to translate Scudetto...'cause I have no idea hahahah).. They are strong enough ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
uhmm... italian cup?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Don't know Kjeld. "Vincere lo scudetto" is more like "to win the championship". I think that in football they can say "shield"...but 1. i'm not so sure and 2. even though it's possible to use this word, i don't know if we can use it also for other sports. I guess ths is one of the biggest mystery of mankind hahahah ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
i really don't know how to translate.. but i'm sure is not "shield" the exactly word ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Well, sorry for our foreign friends who don't speak Italian...the mystery will remain unsolved ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
i've a great idea... we should call it "trentino's cup" i'm sure that all the peolpe in here can uderstand XDXDXD
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
hahahhah Kjeld what a pity I cannot give 5 stars for that ? hahahha

BTW, have you noticed that the only two people commenting this discussion lately is you and I?? ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
I've read a brief article about the match on MRoma website... it seems that Matey didn't play the whole match, and Stoytchev subsituted him several times. I think he only played the last set entirely. If I know more I'll write it.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
matey played 3 set (last one Rado tried Sokolov as a wing-spiker) and he often get switched whit Della Lunga, but only 1 reception is hard to explain (maybe whit 28 for Osmany and 26 for Bari, roma got a bad serve today)
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Matey as opposite?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Kjeldhor, tomorrow evening I will receive the file if you send it ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
no... sokolov as a spiker, we had stokr as opposite LOL
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
@ray: kk i'll upload on filefactory.. is too much faster (and i can use university connection ?)
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
argh.. i'm stupid to explain? SOKOLOV AS A WING-SPIKER/LATERAL/RECEIVER
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
I won't be surprised that we serve always on the libero, I remember vs Cuneo in 4 sets we served 4 times on Wjisman that had 25% positive and 0%, and thousand time on Henno and Ngapeth xD

BTW, I couldn't watch the match (I'll tomorrow evening, tough), but I read that at 24-17 of the 4th set (after being serving from 19-17 to 24-17 I think), Osmany served (laughing and after speaking with Stoitchev) a "sky ball", like someone use in beach volley (I've only seen Daniele Lupo doing that), serving ... I don't know how to say that... like in U13,when you keep the ball in your left hand under the chest level and hit it from down with the right hand...

I'm mad at him, how you dare to disrespect your opponents like that??!! Giani said he was really sorry about this lack of respect, and that it has never happened to see smth like this in his whole career. MRoma fans were really upset about that, and Trentino fans apologize for Osmany behaviour. I can't believe he did smth like that. Shame.

ps: when I checked the results I didn't pay attention on Ravenna winning 3:0!! I'm glad for them! Monza took 1 pint to Macerata, I have to check if Conte played or not (there was smth about his tranfer documents...)
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Well, Kk15, Juantorena served 32 times with 2 errors and 5 aces, he sure didn't want to offend you, but probably felt it is too easy to serve against Roma? I am sure he will apologize for that
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
no ray, unfortunately he really disrespect opponents ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
Is exactly the fact that in serve he did what he wanted to that makes this action so irrespectful for the opponents, raylight!!!!
If Lebl after serving jump-serve serveral times and constantly putting the ball in the middle of the net (that happened more than once)) chosed to serve like Osmany did, it woudln't have been offensive for the opponents (but probably the fans of his own team would have whistled him xD)
Whereas Osmany action said: "you showed that you are so incompetent that I can afford to serve even like a 13 years old kid vs you not being afraid of losing the match". And remember that he did it laughing.
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
He did it laughing?! To me sounds funny which means that I should fix my own manners, it shouldn't sound like that. I totally understand why people in the hall are offended, I would be mad on your place
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
From ufficial trentino news (but i don't believe it too much):

Roma, 11 dicembre 2011

Il finale del match odierno al Palazzetto dello Sport di Roma è stato contraddistinto da fischi e cori all’indirizzo di Osmany Juantorena da parte del pubblico capitolino. L’mvp di M. Roma Volley-Itas Diatec Trentino ha infatti provato a chiudere la propria ottima rotazione al servizio effettuando sul primo match ball per l’Itas Diatec Trentino un battuta differente dal solito: non al salto di potenza ma alla coreana, con una traiettoria che è andata a sfiorare il soffitto dell’impianto.

Il gesto è stato immediatamente considerato al pari di un affronto rispetto a pubblico e squadra avversaria ma è un’ipotesi che lo stesso Osmany smentisce categoricamente. “Voglio chiarire che quella battuta non voleva essere assolutamente uno sberleffo, né alla squadra di Roma né al pubblico – afferma - ; in allenamento provo spesso questo tipo servizio e mi ero ripromesso prima o poi di farlo anche in gara sfidando me stesso a mo’ di scommessa con i miei compagni. L’occasione propizia è capitata stasera a Roma solo perché sia la situazione di punteggio sia il tipo di palazzetto in cui si giocava lo consentivano. Mi spiace tanto se qualcuno si è offeso ma non era mia intenzione mancare di rispetto a nessuno”.

and translation:
On the last beat of Juantorena MATCH OF ROME: "ONLY A CHALLENGE WITH MYSELF, I did not want to offend anyone"
Rome, December 11, 2011

The final match today at the Sports Palace in Rome was marked by boos and chants at the Osmany Juantorena Capitoline by the public. The mvp of M. Itas Trentino Volley Diatec Rome has in fact tried to close its excellent service, making the rotation on the ball for the first match Itas Trentino Diatec a joke different from the usual power but not to jump to the Korean, with a trajectory that has gone touching the ceiling of the arena.

The gesture was immediately considered like an affront to the public and from the opposing team but it is a hypothesis that the same Osmany categorically denies. "I want to clarify that the joke did not want to be absolutely a slap in the face, or the team to Rome or to the public - he says -; in training I often feel this service and I had promised myself to do it sooner or later in the race by challenging myself to mo 'bet with my friends. The occasion is propitious happened tonight in Rome only because the situation is the type of scoring building in which he played so permitted. I'm so sorry if anyone was offended but it was not my intention to disrespect anyone. "
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
I wasn't there, but a friend of mine said to me that he has "a laughing face" when he did it. I will pay attention on it tomorrow... But also in they underlined it.
Also Segala, radiocronist of Trentino matches, complained about this action. And Giani and his player too...
BTW, Osmany apologized: he uses to try this kind of serve in training and it seemed to him the perfect opportunities (for the roof of the PalaTiziano and for the match situation) to try it, and that for him was also a bet with his team (that can explain the laugh, I imagine).

I guess he probably didn't realized that his action could offend Roma fans and players, but as Peter Parker said, "great powers lead to great responsabilties"... He is the best server in the world right now, he has to be an example.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
bha.. every person should be able to realize that a similar action is an offense ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
next week i'll tape:
Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia – Marmi Lanza Verona (saturday)
Itas Diatec Trentino – Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo (sunday)
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
I really can't understand why Osmany did such a stupid thing o_O It's nonsense.
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu

In an interview (you can find it on the same blog) Stoytchev said Juantorena bet with his teammates that he could serve like that, then defence and attack. Quite arrogant imo...

Honestly I think that if he really wanted to do this kind of serve for training as he said (and not for fun/bet etc), he would have done it in the first set, or at the beginning (at 0:0 you don't have nothing to lose) or when he scored like 4 aces, or when Trento was leading 12 points. Because what train can be to do a serve like that when you know you won't have a second chance to try it in the match (like at 24:19 in the 4th set?)? If he really wanted to challenge himself with this serve, to try it in a match, he should have done it when he had the chance to repeat the technical act. At the last point - after correctly humiliating Roma receivers with his huge amazing serve - a serve like this really sound as an insult, like "let's see if you are able to receive at least that serve", or "I've already won that match, I can do whatever I want" (who respect the opponents fight at his best until the last point... And I don't think this is Juantorena best serve...)
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Kk15: I've been spending half day commenting "Juantorena's issue" here and elsewhere. I agree both what you and Kjeldhor have said and I have already expressed my opinion about it. Now, please, can we stop this discussion - at least here, there is a specific thread on the homepage of this site - and go back talking about our championship?? Please guys, please ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
Yes sorry the fact is I wasn't at home the whole day so I'm reading now all the artcile about it, and I'm watching the match in the midtime, so it was natural to me to comment xD
And Sabbi closed an incredible rally at 15-15 of third set, standing ovation in the Palazzetto?
What a pity I can't record the match ?

BTW, Mosna apologized in a very kind way, I apreciate a lot ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@Kk15: Okay, that is something which interests me more: Sabbi's performance ? And, if I'm not not, Roma's starting six was with Zizzo and Maruotti as spikers and Gabriele played pretty well. Can you confirm that?
PS. Ti ho mandato un MP sul "fattaccio"...poi non ne parlo più ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
@kk15 come si è scusato mosna? non ho visto
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Kjeld questo è il comunicato ufficiale:

“Sinceramente preoccupato per il disappunto espresso dalla M.Roma Volley per bocca del suo allenatore, questa mattina, dopo aver attentamente guardato il filmato dell’ultima battuta del match di ieri sera ho voluto sentire la ricostruzione dei fatti ed il parere dei miei Dirigenti, dei Tecnici e di Juantorena – spiega – . Ho potuto appurare che si è trattato di un gesto tecnico che il giocatore usa provare in allenamento e che alcuni compagni, a mo’ di scommessa, o di sfida, credevano lui non avrebbe mai tentato in partita. Da qui, certamente con leggerezza, considerando che si era all’ultimo punto, in casa altrui, e che proprio il suo servizio aveva creato la differenza tra i due sestetti, la decisione di battere “alla coreana”. Non c’è dubbio: si è trattato di una scelta discutibile che, calata in quel particolare momento del match, poteva essere evitata. Tengo però a sottolineare che il nostro atleta ha effettuato un gesto tecnico non proprio semplice e che appartiene al repertorio di pochi (non una battuta “da sotto” come ha scritto qualcuno). Mi risulta che, già sul posto, Dirigenti, Tecnici e lo stesso Juantorena, pur spiegando le ragioni di tutto ciò, abbiamo provveduto ripetutamente a scusarsi con Atleti e Dirigenti romani che, in questa, come in altre occasioni, ci hanno ospitato con grande generosità, a sottolineare i sentimenti di stima ed amicizia che, da sempre, legano i due Club”.

“Sento a questo punto di dover esprimere io stesso, in prima persona, le scuse più sincere a nome della Società, dato che per motivi di lavoro non ero presente al PalaTiziano – conclude Mosna – ; vorrei ribadire che l’episodio non voleva essere irriverente nei confronti di nessuno, tanto meno del pubblico della Capitale che ha applaudito e sostenuto le prodezze di tutti i protagonisti di una bella ed equilibrata sfida. Se fraintendimento c’è stato, però, di certo lo abbiamo procurato noi ed allora è giusto che Trentino Volley si prenda la responsabilità sull’accaduto. Ho invitato in passato e continuerò ad invitare in futuro i nostri atleti ed il nostro staff tecnico ad evitare ogni possibile atteggiamento che possa essere oggetto di polemica o innescare atteggiamenti poco consoni al nostro sport, caratterizzato da persone che si rispettano e stimano anche nel pieno della tensione agonistica e che sanno sempre complimentarsi l’un l’altro al termine di ogni gara”.

Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
casamodena 505 4
12 lat temu
Me too I saw the episode only right now. Not much to say.. Luckily it happened in front of civil and non-historically-rival supporters' crowd. A bet with the teammates? But shame on you! The respect for the opponents and the paying audience first!I'm personally losing the respect and the admiration for this player by some time. You are a champion if you're like that BOTH with your plays and your behaviour on the court. I also remember some games where he silence the opponets' fans after scoring an (honestly speaking) amazing action.
PS1: Nothing to say about the human being seen as player.
PS2: Rival supporters intended with a sports-like meaning, of course.
PS3: Making an example, for me, Mikhaylov is a champion.
This is my point of view, glad to read yours.
casamodena 505 4
12 lat temu
One thing more. This kind of serve is born with beach volleyball and it is oftenly used by players to create problems in opponents' reception WITH THE AID OF THE WIND AND THE SUN (sorry for the capitals) .. So without wind and sun.. Is this tactic? Are the reflectors so shining in PalaTiziano?
Please, please... no words. Really a poor show this time, my dear volleyball aliens.
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@casamodena: if you want to read my opinion on the matter you can go and read the thread on the homepage. After saying that I'll add that you're right in both your comments, but I beg you...please...let's forget this "sad episode" and go back commenting our championship ? What about Modena's victory over Belluno? ?

casamodena 505 4
12 lat temu
@italiani Scusatemi, volevo solo dire la mia, non certo creare polemiche ?
@foreigns Sorry, I only wanted to say what my opinion is.
@pearl Modena is in a difficult moment. There's not a single game where our setter is sure to set the ball to a reliable attacker. For example, in the match against San Giustino, Anderson (arrived back from WC only 24hrs before) scored 28 points with monster attack-receive %s. 3 days later against Belluno Bagnoli had continuously to put him on the bench because of terrible mistakes.
Luckily Dennis played a good game, after nervous discussion with the supporters during the week about his weak (haha sorry ?) performance with S.Giustino. Like every tiebreak, the match was decided by episodes (3 ace in a row by Sala) even if yes, we were near to lose it on the score of 3-11 cause other trivial concentration faults who took us onto 13-14 followed with an ace serve by Fei (seen out by the referees). Neverthless to add better for us it ended this way! ? (davvero una ladrata cmq, ci meritavamo che riaprissero il match)
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
I have seen a lot of great players to confront the judge when they know 100% they are not right just to get a point, I have seen them quarrel with the opponent through the net, (Yes, Luigi, I mean you too) and I don't see how this is so much better than the stupid Osmany serve. I think in the land of St. Peter some people should remember the phrase "Do not judge or you shall be judged by the same merit"
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@raylight: please, amico mio, don't start all over again ?
@casamodena: mmmm, but has Dennis' situation been solved, or still there's some tension there?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
I feel suffering from Italy, lol ?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Dennis is Da Man in Modena!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
what's happened to Dennis? O.o
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Kjeld: casamodena wrote here (or was another discussion...don't remember) that he had some fights with his coach and there were rumours about him leaving Modena. That's why I asked him (I mean casamodena) some news about the matter ?
casamodena 505 4
12 lat temu
@pearl,Kjeldhor No guys, maybe I was misunderstood, Dennis's nervousness against the coach and the managment are just like normal "fights" caused by different points of view during the match. The matter about him leaving Modena is the same of this summer transfer session (money reasons and so on) and is not due to these tensions. I was reporting a different topic, because he had a heated discussion with the supporters on a social network during last week. They criticized him about his lazy attitude since a bit of time, where Dennis replied " Yes, the real problem here it's me, and be sure I will leave in short times, you will see everything will change" that sparked the reaction by the supporters. Now the question appears to be solved after his excuses to everybody and the good performance against Belluno.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
ty casamodena, i think Modena should keep Dennis at least to the end of this season, he's really good as opposite
casamodena 505 4
12 lat temu
Totally agree Kjeldhor,and it is because of that who people don't stand his annoying attitude expecting him behave like a professional player is (till the end of the contract). Voices about a possible transfer are anyway not related to the value of the player in itself, but other inner reasons me too I'm never able to know about ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
but what about Martino?!

@pearl: Zaytsev was super, Maruotti played quite good!
While we have a bad new fro Bjelica: he has a broken "menisco", so he can't jump... now he'll have to stop for about a month and a half as far as I read, he will be treated (I'm not sure if also operated...) in Bologna (like Parodi, I guess it the same place...?).
Now we only have Lebl, that sometimes can play quite well but his is not really improving (notghing compared to Bjelica serve...), and the australian MB Passier, that seemed to me better than I expected, I don't know if we are looking for someone else...
BTW, I hope we can win these 4 matches coming (Monza seems - apparently!! - to be the tougher, expecially with the couple Conte-De Cecco, but as always it is really hard to make predictions in our championship, fortunally!) and got a nice position for the 1/8 of the Italian Cup... It will be a dream to be in the final4, since it will be in Rome, but in Palalottomatica, that is more than the double of Palatiziano *.* And may be this time I'll try to get a ticket in the first circle ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@Kk15: yeah I already knew about BJelica ? but even though Passier isn't so bad I'm pretty sure Roma is going to look for somebody else: the Australian kid is still too young and inexperienced for our league and Zizzo & Co. need desperately to win next four matches (and I agree with you, Monza's is the toughest one).

@casamodena: thanx for your explanation ? it's pretty clear I had misunderstood ?
casamodena 505 4
12 lat temu
@Kk15 What about Martino? Shall I not answer? .. reserve question please! ?
Well, I hope to be disproved by facts, but actually he has nothing to do with Martinos we remember in Macerata and Milano, reception still not much accurate as well as attack, he's now playing cause Kooy's injury forcing him out up to the end of 2011. I'm disappointed about him, but also confident because we'll need him
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
How you dare to insult him?????!!!!
You know HOW MUCH I love him ?
I had few (useless, at the end) discussion on Pasaini's blog with few Martino big lovers (one or two are defintly girls), about Martino coming back in indoor and about Martino GREAT(-.-) results in beach volleyball... For example I reported in a comment - with link of FIVB website - a list of Martino and Martino-Nicolai position in the rankings and their result this year, and I did the same with the couple Lupo-Nicolai, to proove that L-N reached more than M-N and to proove that since Nicolai is the costant, Martino can't be the one that we have to thanks if italian male becah vb reached smth this year, but it wasn't enough for the pro-Martino commentators, because he is so good!! (or better... so God!)

And, you know... everybody like to be right ? even if I wish him I'm wrong. But not when Modena plays vs Roma and Macerata ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
How you dare to insult him?????!!!!
You know HOW MUCH I love him ?
I had few (useless, at the end) discussion on Pasaini's blog with few Martino big lovers (one or two are defintly girls), about Martino coming back in indoor and about Martino GREAT(-.-) results in beach volleyball... For example I reported in a comment - with link of FIVB website - a list of Martino and Martino-Nicolai position in the rankings and their result this year, and I did the same with the couple Lupo-Nicolai, to proove that L-N reached more than M-N and to proove that since Nicolai is the costant, Martino can't be the one that we have to thanks if italian male becah vb reached smth this year, but it wasn't enough for the pro-Martino commentators, because he is so good!! (or better... so God!)

And, you know... everybody like to be right ? even if I wish him I'm wrong. But not when Modena plays vs Roma and Macerata ?
casamodena 505 4
12 lat temu
@Kk15 Hej, mine are definitely not insults but things like they really are ? . After seeing him getting 3 aces and more or less 4 stuff blocks by Luxembourgish team VC Strassen on yesterday night, I would add I've said compliments to him ? (cioè mi spiego: seppure giocando con le riserve - e Matteo - rischiavamo di perdere il secondo set contro una squadra del livello di una nostra B-2 che aveva in roster diversi under 18! O_O)
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
vabbè che Carletti E' da B-2 xD
casamodena 505 4
12 lat temu
Ahah .. STRAquoto! =)
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Gente non so che diamine succeda alla mia connessione ma non riesco più a vedere uno streaming da per lo meno 2 giorni. Ve la faccio breve: volevo vedere Vibo-Verona oggi, ma non ci riesco, perciò se qualcuno vede la partita potrebbe scrivere qualcosa qui dopo (non so se Kjeld la registrerà). Mi interessa sapere, soprattutto, di Barone (se gioca ovviamente). Grazie !

English version for our non-italian-speaker friends (and especially raylight ?):

Guys, I don't know what the hell is going on with my internet connection but I haven't watched anything for two days at least...streaming simply doesn't work no matter the browser i use... in short, i wanted to see Vibo's match today but i'm not able to, so if any of you can, please write something here after the game (have no idea whether Kjeldhor can tape it or not) ? I'm interested in Barone's performance mainly (if he plays, of course). Thanx in advance!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
scusa, ero fuori casa, cmq non gioca, in campo sono Rak e Nikolov
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
No comment from today? The King is still in the building, and Sir Juric is his knight
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
Trento vs Cuneo was a worthy to watch match! Trento deserved the victory but Cuneo has to be compliment for gaining the tie break after losing 3-0, they didn't give up and that made it way more interesting! Expecially in the end of the 4th set, very intense.
BTW, I still have the impression that only few people in Cuneo care about Gulinelli's word...
Cuneo is lazier, sloopier (I'm not sure this term actually exist xD) than before, unfortunally.

Roma won 3-1 not playing well as far as I read, but the 3 points are what we care the most ? (and the 5th place)
Milan Bencz was nominated MVP, I'm so glad about that because I really apreciate the guy, he is committed! He is also a good player that often scored a lot of point for the team last year as titoular (>20 for match, usually) - today he contribuited with 25, plus 23 by Zaytsev. I think is difect was (I don't know if it still is) committe mistakes in crucial moments, or more mistake in a row (like being blocked twice in a row).
Another incredible new: Lebl scored an ACE. He did 20 serves, 1 error, 1 ace. WOW xD

You can find Monza-San Giustino on sportube... (It ended 3-2)
It's really curious that the first time Conte was allowed to play with Monza, was vs San Giustino!
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
And Trento was really more effective with the MBs imo, even if Birarelli decread during the match in attack.
I read often comment about Raphael colled like "high-ball-to-Kaizisky-and-Juantorena-Raphael", but I don't agree. May be he isn't such creative as Bruno (he is not), but he is so precise imo... If I compare hime to Travica... Well, Birarelli is rarely as effective as in Trento in attack playing with Italy... And I also love Raphael's pipes, even if today once or twice (I think once with K and once with J) he didn't set the pipe very well, but it doesn't matter.
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
I watched Trento v Cuneo and WOW what a match! But Cuneo was so annoying ?( I mean they started playing seriously only in 3rd set and mygosh if only they'd pay a bit more of attention and care to what they're doing when on court they certainly could have won today! They simply spoiled it all in the tie.break...which is uneccapteble with a club like they are!! And N'gapeth is a "beast"...but someone has to tell this guy that there's no need to use the "machete" on every single ball he spikes...sometimes "fioretto" is more effective ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu

Trento, 18 dicembre 2011

Lo scontro al vertice del decimo turno di Serie A1 Sustenium premia l’Itas Diatec Trentino, capace di superare per al tie break i rivali di sempre della Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo al termine di una sfida che, come da pronostico, ha regalato grandi emozioni e momenti di altissima pallavolo sino all’ultimo scambio.

Per la formazione di Radostin Stoytchev è un successo di rilievo, che riscatta il passaggio a vuoto di mercoledì sera contro lo Zaksa Kedzierzyn-Kozle (nuovamente avversario dei gialloblù giovedì sera in Polonia) ma che permette al tempo stesso l’ulteriore allungo in cima alla classifica del campionato: Kaziyski e compagni guidano infatti ora la graduatoria con due punti su Macerata, vittoriosa 3-0 a Padova, e tre sulla stessa Cuneo. A tre giornate dalla conclusione del girone d’andata un piccolo ma significativo passo verso il titolo di campione d’inverno e soprattutto verso la testa di serie numero uno nella griglia dei quarti di finale di Coppa Italia 2012 è stato quindi compiuto.

Davanti ai quasi quattromila spettatori presenti stasera al PalaTrento e a quelli della guest star della giornata Marco Melandri (il motociclista è stato protagonista nel pre-partita di un simpatico scambio casco-maglietta Itas Diatec Trentino con capitan Kaziyski) i padroni di casa sono quindi tornati subito sui propri livelli di gioco e lo hanno fatto sin dal primo parziale, mettendo Cuneo spalle al muro per almeno due set, trascinati dalla qualità del proprio servizio (5 dei tredici ace totali sono arrivati solo nel periodo d’apertura) e dalla continuità della propria palla alta. Cuneo ha dimostrato carattere da grande squadra fra terzo e quarto set, quando trascinata dall’ex Vissotto (alla fine 26 punti con 4 ace e due muri) aveva fatto segnare i punti della rimonta. Il tie break è stato poi condotto dai piemontesi sino al 5-8 prima che Kaziyski e Djuric si scatenassero mettendo la parola fine al match.

Proprio il capitano non poteva scegliere modo migliore per festeggiare la sua duecentesima partita in maglia trentina: i due ace nel quinto set uniti ai 26 punti totali con il 56% a rete e due muri gli sono valsi il titolo di mvp della serata. Accanto a lui come al solito su ottimi livelli anche Juantorena (21 palloni vincenti con il 50%, tre ace e due muri) e di Djuric, scatenato in attacco (67%) ed incisivissimo fra muro e servizio (9 punti da questi due fondamentali). Positivo anche l’ingresso di Sokolov (titolare in pianta stabile dal terzo set in poi al posto di uno Stokr con percentuali basse), ben ispirato dalle regia di Raphael che ha spesso avuto la palla fra le mani grazie alla bella serata in ricezione di Andrea Bari (71%).

La cronaca del match. Le due squadre si presentano al cospetto di un PalaTrento vicino al sold out entrambe in formazioni tipo; ad uscire meglio dai blocchi di partenza è Cuneo che sfrutta la buona vena iniziale di Ngapteh (tre punti di cui uno a muro) per giungere al primo time out tecnico avanti 7-8. Un errore di Juantorena in attacco e un muro di Fortunato su Kaziyski alla ripresa del gioco allargano il divario (7-10); i gialloblù impattano subito (10-10) grazie a Stokr e poi passano a condurre (14-12) sfruttando due errori in attacco di Vissotto ed un ace dello stesso Osmany. Il muro dell’italo-cubano su Vissotto e l’ace di Raphael su Wijmsans spingono Trento al massimo vantaggio (21-17): Gulinelli chiede tempo ma ciò non basta per schiarire le idee ai suoi; la prima frazione si chiude sul 25-20 in favore dei padroni di casa.

Il secondo parziale si apre ancora nel segno dei padroni di casa che con Juantorena al servizio mettono da parte quasi subito quattro break point (6-2), sfruttando le difficoltà in ricezione di Ngapeth ed il muro di Birarelli su Wijsmans. Il giovane francese sbanda anche in attacco e l’Itas Diatec Trentino vola sul +6 (9-3); nella fase centrale anche il servizio piemontese presta il fianco (troppi errori e nessun ace) e allora la squadra di Stoytchev ne approfitta per realizzare un altro break point (15-8) con Kaziyski. Il finale di set vede Trento controllare bene l’ampio vantaggio (19-11 e 22-14) e portarsi sul 2-0 con facilità approfittando ancora una volta dell’ottima vena di Juantorena che proprio negli ultimi punti lascia spazio a Lanza (25-19).

Nella terza frazione Cuneo prova a partire forte (3-5) affidandosi ad Ngapeth ma gli iridati, che ora schierano Sokolov al posto di Stokr, reagiscono subito e trovano in fretta la parità (7-7). Nella fase centrale i break point che fanno la differenza: Kaziyski e lo stesso Tsvetan firmano l’allungo sul +3 (15-12), Juantorena va a segno al servizio per il +4 (16-12); Cuneo barcolla ma riesce a rimanere in piedi e anzi con gli ace di Grbic (su Kaziyski per il 18-16), Wijsmans e Vissotto si riporta avanti 21-22. E’ proprio l’ex di turno più fresco a procurarsi il primo set ball (22-24) che poi Ngapeth realizza immediatamente ancora con la battuta (22-25).

Nel quarto set Stoytchev conferma Sokolov in campo ma proprio un errore del bulgaro favorisce la fuga ospite (1-3) che poi diventa più concreta sul 2-6 grazie ad un paio di prodezze di Ngapeth. Trento cerca di rifarsi sotto (8-9) sfruttando le alte percentuali in attacco di Kaziyski ma il tocco da seconda linea (!) di Grbic e l’ace di Vissotto rimettono terreno fra le due squadre (9-12). Con il brasiliano sugli scudi Cuneo dilaga (12-16) ma poi si lascia riprendere dalla tenacia gialloblù che arriva fino al 21-22 grazie agli attacchi di Kaziyski e dal muro di Raphael. La contesa di protrae ai vantaggi con Trento che annulla tre palle set (da 22-24 a 25-25) ma poi non ne sfrutta ben set per chiudere la contesa sul 3-1 (Vissotto incontenibile). Alla quinta occasione è Cuneo allora a guadagnare il tie break risolvendo la contesa sul 33-35 con un muro di Mastrangelo su Sokolov.

Il tie break è contrassegnato dagli ace di Wijsmans e Vissotto; Cuneo li sfrutta per volare sul 3-6. Sokolov (attacco) e Kaziyski (cambiopalla e due ace) firmano l’aggancio sull’8-8. Le battute vincenti di Djuric scavano un solco fra le due squadre (14-9). Chiude un attacco di Sokolov (15-11).

“Forse avremmo potuto chiudere la partita anche prima, in quattro set, ma credo che vada bene anche così perché quella che abbiamo portato a casa stasera è stata una partita di altissimo livello – ha dichiarato al termine della sfida Radostin Stoytchev – . Sul 2-0 Cuneo ha trovato il modo per metterci in difficoltà e lo ha fatto sino alla fine rispondendo colpo su colpo. Sono particolarmente contento quindi per la reazione dimostrata dalla squadra nel momento più difficile del match, quando durante il tie break ci siamo trovati sotto per 5-8. In quel caso abbiamo attinto a tutte le nostre energie, non solo fisiche ma anche mentali portando a casa due punti assolutamente importanti”.

Da domani la formazione Campione del Mondo, d’Europa e d’Italia cambierà nuovamente fronte (e pallone) iniziando a pensare alla trasferta polacca di 2012 CEV Volleyball Champions League; giovedì 22 dicembre ad ore 18 a Kedzierzyn-Kozle inizierà infatti il girone di ritorno della Pool C. In Serie A1 Sustenium invece si tornerà in campo solo il giorno di Santo Stefano alla Spes Arena di Belluno.

Di seguito il tabellino della gara del decimo turno di regular season giocata questa sera al PalaTrento.

Itas Diatec Trentino-Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo 3-2

(25-20, 25-19, 22-25, 33-35, 15-11)

ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Kaziyski 26, Djuric 17, Raphael 3, Juantorena 21, Birarelli 8, Stokr 4, Bari (L); Colaci (L), Della Lunga, Lanza, Sokolov 12, Zygadlo. N.e. Burgsthaler. All. Radostin Stoytchev.

BRE BANCA LANNUTTI: Wijsmans 16, Fortunato 3, Vissotto 26, Ngapeth 23, Mastrangelo 8, Grbic 5, Henno (L); Baranowicz, Caceres, Patriarca 2, Rossi 1. N.e. Van Lankvelt e Pieri. All. Flavio Gulinelli.

ARBITRI: Tanasi di Noto (Siracusa) e Saltalippi di Perugia.

DURATA SET: 26’, 26’, 29’, 39’, 23’; tot 2h e 23’.

NOTE: 3.998 spettatori per un incasso di 41.854 euro. Itas Diatec Trentino: 14 muri, 13 ace, 15 errori in battuta, 12 errori azione, 50% in attacco, 62% (32%) in ricezione. Bre Banca Lannutti: 9 muri, 10 ace, 19 errori in battuta, 10 errori azione, 52% in attacco, 49% (24%) in ricezione. Mvp Kaziyski.

TRANSLATE (automatic)

Trento, December 18, 2011

The clash at the top of the tenth round of Series A1 Sustenium rewards Itas Trentino Diatec, able to overcome in order to break the tie rivals of Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo at the end of a challenge, as the odds, he brought forth great emotions and high volleyball until the last moments of exchange.

For the formation of Radostin Stoytchev is a major success, which rescues the move to Wednesday night against the vacuum Zaks Kedzierzyn-Kozle (yellow and blue of the opponent again Thursday night in Poland) but at the same time allows further stretch the top of the Championship standings: Kaziyski and fellow guide in fact now the ranking with two points of Macerata, 3-0 victory at Padua, and three on the same Cuneo. Three days after the conclusion of the first round a small but significant step towards the championship title in the winter and especially towards the seeded number one in the grid of the Italian Cup quarter-finals of 2012 was then performed.

In front of nearly four thousand spectators tonight at PalaTrento and those of the guest star of the day Marco Melandri (the motorcyclist was featured in the pre-game exchange of a helmet-friendly shirt with Captain Itas Trentino Diatec Kaziyski) the hosts are then immediately returned on their levels of play and have done since the first part, Cuneo put a corner for at least two sets, carried away by the quality of its service (5 out of thirteen total ace came only in the opening period) and the continuity of their high ball. Cuneo has shown great character to team between the third and fourth sets, when they dragged former Vissotto (26 points at the end with 4 aces and two walls) had to score points in the comeback. The tie break was then taken up by the Piedmontese to 5-8 before it was unleashed Kaziyski Djuric and putting an end to the match.

Just the captain could not have chosen better way to celebrate its two hundredth game in top thirty: two aces in the fifth set combined with 26 total points with 56% and two mesh walls have earned him the title of MVP of the evening. Next to him as usual excellent levels of well Juantorena (21 balls with the winning 50%, three aces and two walls) and Djuric, unleashed in attack (67%) and wall-incisivissimo Service (9 points from these two fundamental ). Sokolov also positive input (the holder on a permanent basis from the third set in, then instead of a Stokr with low rates), inspired by well-directed by Raphael, which has often had the ball in his hands thanks to the lovely evening in receipt of Andrea Bari (71%).

The chronicle of the match. The two teams have in front of a sold-out PalaTrento close to both type formations; best out of the starting blocks Cuneo is exploiting the good vena initial Ngapteh (three points in a wall) to reach the first time technically out ahead 7-8. An error Juantorena in attack and a wall of Fortunato Kaziyski of the resumption of the game are widening the gap (7-10); the gialloblù impact right away (10-10) and then pass through Stokr to lead (14-12) using two errors and an ace attack Vissotto Osmany the same. The wall of the Italian-Cuban Vissotto and the ace of Raphael Wijmsans Trent push to maximum advantage (21-17): Gulinelli asks what time but not enough to lighten his ideas, the first fraction is close to 25 - 20 in favor of the landlords.

The second part opens again in the sign of the hosts who Juantorena with the service set aside almost immediately four break points (6-2), taking advantage of the difficulties in receiving Ngapeth and the wall of Birarelli Wijsmans. The young Frenchman lurches in the attack and flies on Itas Trentino Diatec +6 (9-3), the service also at the central Piedmont opens the way (too many errors and no aces) and then the team took the opportunity to make Stoytchev another break points (15-8) with Kaziyski. The final set saw Trent-check the large advantage (19-11 and 22-14) and go 2-0 up easily once again taking advantage of the excellent vein of Juantorena in the last few points that leaves room for Lanza (25 -19).

In the third fraction as strong proof Cuneo (3-5) relying on Ngapeth but the championship, which now line up in place of Stokr Sokolov, react immediately and quickly find the parity (7-7). In the middle of the break points that make the difference: Tsvetan Kaziyski and the same sign on the stretch +3 (15-12), Juantorena it hits the service for the +4 (16-12); Cuneo staggers but manages to stand and even with ace Grbic (Kaziyski of the 18-16), is shown below Vissotto Wijsmans and 21-22. And 'their former duty to obtain fresher September 1 ball (22-24) then immediately realizes Ngapeth even with the beat (22-25).

Stoytchev confirms Sokolov in the fourth set but just an error in the field of Bulgarian guest favors the escape (1-3), which becomes more concrete about 2-6 thanks to a couple of feats of Ngapeth. Trent is seeking to rebuild under (8-9) taking advantage of the high percentage Kaziyski attack but the second touch-line (!) Of Grbic and ace Vissotto endanger ground between the two teams (9-12). With the Brazilian shields Cuneo on ramps (12-16) but then again it leaves yellow and blue by the tenacity of up to 21-22 thanks to attacks from the wall and Kaziyski Raphael. The contest lasts the advantages of Trent, which cancels three balls sets (22-24 to 25-25) but then it exploits well set to close the contest on 3-1 (Vissotto uncontrollable). Cuneo is the fifth time since earning the tie-break 33-35 on resolving the dispute with a wall of Sokolov Mastrangelo.

The tie-break is marked by ace Wijsmans and Vissotto; Cuneo uses them to fly at 3-6. Sokolov (attack) and Kaziyski (cambiopalla and two aces) sign the hook on the 8-8. The winning jokes Djuric dig a furrow between the two teams (14-9). Closes an attack Sokolov (15-11).

"Maybe we could close the game before, in four sets, but I think that goes just as well because what we brought home this evening was playing at the highest level - said at the end of the challenge Radostin Stoytchev -. At 2-0 Cuneo has found a way to get in trouble and he did end up answering blow for blow. I am therefore particularly pleased for the reaction shown by the team in the most difficult moment of the match during the tie-break when we were in for 5-8. In that case we have drawn on all our energies, not only physical but also mental, bringing home two very important points. "

From tomorrow the formation of the World Champion, Italy in Europe and will change again before (and ball) starting to think the trip to Poland in 2012 CEV Volleyball Champions League, Thursday, December 22 to 18 hours in Kedzierzyn-Kozle in fact the start of round return of Pool C. In series A1 Sustenium instead return to the pitch until the day of Santo Stefano in Belluno spending Arena.

Following the match race of the tenth round of regular season play tonight at PalaTrento.

Itas Trentino-Diatec Cuneo Bre Banca Lannutti 3-2

(25-20, 25-19, 22-25, 33-35, 15-11)

ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Kaziyski 26, 17 Djuric, Raphael 3, 21 Juantorena, Birarelli 8, Stokr 4, Bari (L); Colaci (L), the long, Lanza, 12 Sokolov, Zygadlo. N.e. Burgsthaler. Coach Radostin Stoytchev.

BRE BANK Lannutti: Wijsmans 16, Lucky 3, Vissotto 26, 23 Ngapeth, Mastrangelo 8, 5 Grbic, Henno (L); Baranoviche, Caceres, Patriarch 2, RC 1. N.e. Van Lankvelt and Pieri. Coach Flavio Gulinelli.

REFEREES: Tanasi Noto (Syracuse) and Saltalippi of Perugia.

TIME SET: 26 ', 26', 29 ', 39', 23 '; total 2h 23'.

NOTES: 3,998 spectators for a collection of 41,854 euros. Itas Diatec Trentino walls 14, 13 aces, 15 errors at bat, Action 12 errors, 50% attack, 62% (32%) signal. Bre Banca Lannutti: walls 9, 10 aces, 19 errors at bat, Action 10 errors, 52% attack, 49% (24%) signal. Kaziyski mvp.
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Trento were a bit better than Cuneo yesterday, and the whole 2011 year, after january. May be Cuneo will turn stronger next year
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
Conte'll play fo Monza (he leaves San Giusitno) and now he can play whit his NT setter
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Mmmm.... next Serie A1 matches are going to be played on the 26th (if I'm not wrong), so for the moment let me wish a MERRY XMAS to all of you guys ?

Ragazzi e ragazze ? ... lo scrivo anche in italiano: BUON NATALE a tutti/e... ci si rivede il 26 (forse ahah) con commenti vari ?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Merry Christmas ?)
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
Awful awful match by M.Roma.
no comments....
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
seems Piacenza wake up
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
honestly my impression is they played quite well but nothing extraordinary, but Roma helped sooo much...
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
@Kk15: i watched Roma's match last night...and i've got something to say instead! Rome has three huge problems:
1st - usually when they play (and yesterday's match is a blatant example) they can i say? perdono in un bicchier d'acqua... they make a mountain out of a molehill. What i saw yesterday in Roma's players was zero ideas and tons of confusion in their heads and consequently on court!
2nd - they have no bench...especially in crucial positions as setter and opposite. With the sole exception of Cisolla, a player who can change the course of a game (if supported by his team-mates of course), they have no-one who can help the team to save a match when things go amiss.
3rd - they urgently need a valid setter!!! I mean, I don't want to disrespect anyone...but, Boninfante isn't what they need. Okay, I'm not a fan of him (never been), I don't like him as a setter...i think he's a decent player but not an extraordinary one. And if MRoma really wants to vie with the best clubs, like Trento or Macerata, for something important, they need a better setter. So if Giani reads these lines: ehi Giangio, why don't you you give a ring to Valerio and ask him if he can join you and your team next year?? ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
you're right, but.... Piacenza is a 11 point team after 11th round?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Zlatanov woke up, Piacenza still asleep
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
+2's not completly true when you say that Zlatanov woke up; Hristo suffered from a pretty bad injury that prevented him from playing 100% (and he didn't touch a ball for a fortnight I think). yesterday, after the match, he was interviewed by italian rai commentators and he said that he' s fully recovering only now, that he's starting feeling in shape but he still needs to get his perfect condition. BTW he played very well, and Nikolov too...but Rome ?... my gosh...i've already said my opinion about them here below ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
I agree raylight! about Nikolov, that pearl named, he increased his level during the match but honestly he wasn't outstanding, while Zlato played an excellent match. I also apreciate a lot Marra.

pearl, I totally agree about the setter. About the opposite, for example vs Ravenna Bencz changed the match... I think he is a valid player, last year he was titoular for more than half season (Poey left the team) and did quite good. He is perfect to be a sub imo, but of course Sabbi is still immature so is like having two subs! But if that means giving a huge chance to increase to a young italian player (and an opposite!) full of pontential, I'm in ? I think it's worthy! Or better, it will be ? (I'm crossing my fingers!)
Absolutly different is the setter situation, both aren't young at all so there are no excuse like "ok I know he doesn't play so well some time, but I let him play to grow up"
I would have preferred a young and "grezzo" setter like Uriarte, (or even better Baranowicz or Falaschi) if that is what we got.... But honestly last year with Treviso I apreciate enough Boninfante, expecially for his determination, but now... =S

I also got that Mezzaroma doesn't have any will to spend more for the team: probably we won't hire a MB - and we really need one! - we didn't hire a good setter (but we spoke during the summer with Valerio, Ball, Grbic...), we didn't even look for people like Conte (or De Cecco, but Conte is a better example because he was in Italy the last season), we let Yosifov go, etc etc...
And I won't be surprised if Zaytsev will leave the team next year.
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Kk15: about Nikolov, he is the kind of player who doesn't spike tons of balls during a match and often seems to disappear from the court...but, when "the going gets tough he gets going" ? and he always scores the crucial points in the crucial moments!
As regards the opposite: i'm not the biggest of Bencz's fans ? I would like to be as clear as possible referring to Sabbi: for me this boy HAS TO play always!! I like him a lot; i think he can be an excellent opposite...but, as you perfectly said, he's still too inexperienced with such level and he should have a more experienced sub to take his place when he has a bad day.
The real problem is the setter: I've already said I don't like Boninfante (as a player of course); but honestly i didn't like Uriarte last year either...I would definetely prefer someone like Baranowicz or Falaschi....obviously Valerio would be the perfect solution!! But, if Mezzaroma has no intention of spending additional money on his team...well, I guess we're talking about nothing (aria fritta, direi ;D )!!!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
for Zaytsev and Sabbi i think u need a faster setter then Boninfante, u should try whit Gonzales
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Kjeld, maybe you're right, but i would prefer an italian setter.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
uhmmm... do we have a setter except for Vermiglio and Drago? ?

try whit Saitta?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Saitta? I don't know. Among those we named here, he's the one i know the least...but he's sicilian like me, so i could vote for him! ? Baranowicz, as Kk15 suggested, could be fine (but also Falaschi...i like him :>).
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Marco Falaschi is very good. Last year with Milushev they had great understanding
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
ray I agree ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
7th round: Sokolov smashed Verona!!!
19 points (78%) 0 errors
4 aces, 2 errors
1 block
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
18 serves 0 errors and 4 aces, Sokolov is Juantorena ?

BTW, Trento - 8 errors, 12 aces!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
yeah... great serve today
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Greatest team serving in Serie A1
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
Amazing *.*

Roma lost 17-15 at tie break vs Monza ? But at least Sabbi was named MVP, and we are sure of qualification for 1/8 of the Italian Cup, even if there is a huge difference being 5th or 8th!

Today incredibl, incredible, fantastic rally at 28-27 of San Giustino- Vibo (1 set), I hope somebody recorded it because it was amazing. The commentator said it was the best rally of the 2011-12 Italian Championship so far *.*
Unfortunally San Giustino lost it and the set, but they did incredible digs, and I wasn't surprised to see they won 3-1, they were so determinate!

I watched part of Macerata Sisley, Sisley isn't very interesting, too much Fei-dependet, at least today.
Overlook 280 5
12 lat temu
I saw this rally and also hope it'll appear on the site soon.
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Kk15: S.Giustino-Vibo??? I thought the matches were Modena-Vibo and Padova-S.Giustino!!
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu

Will you forgive me if I say that I found it and uploaded it on volleyball movies? ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
yes dear...i'll forgive you ?
Giulio Sabbi scored 30 individual points in Monza-Roma!!! WOW...I can't understand why this boy plays so bad each time i watch him and plays great when i don't ?((
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
I added it ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
then, please pearl STOP watching M.Roma!!!!!!!!! ?PPP

ps raylight I added it too.. where did you find it? I had the clip form first hand by a friend that recorded it ? (elisewin form insidevolleyball)
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
ahaha Kk15...i was thinking that too!!! I'll never watch them again...i swear!! ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
peal... if trento'll meet roma at playoff I'll pay u to watch that match ?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Kjeld: what???? Are you telling me i'm a jinx??? ;p
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
XDXDXD nono... but... if work... why don't try ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
;P buahhh it's not a rule ...for example, each time i watch Lasko playing with JW they win; when I don't, they loose ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
we aren't the baddest.. macerata and cuneo are ?
casamodena 505 4
12 lat temu
Trento's strongness is due basically to the skills and the physical strength of wing spikers who thank goodness are not so good receivers, otherwise we might as well stop playing, since this is their onliest true weakness on which opponents prepare games against Trento! ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
tomorrow last round for the first part... this is a strong season, Trento is still not sure to be the first one
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
here is the list with tomorrow's matches:

13^ giornata di andata serie A1 maschile Sustenium

Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo – Casa Modena
Andreoli Latina – Itas Diatec Trentino Volley
Marmi Lanza Verona – Lube Banca Marche Macerata
Sisley Belluno – CMC Ravenna
Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia – Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza
Energy Resources San Giustino – Copra Elior Piacenza
M.Roma Volley – Fidia Padova

Cuneo v Modena will be broadcasted by Raisport1. Fantastic! Hope rai's streaming will work 'cause i want to watch this match ? Have no idea of which match will be on sportube. Another interesting match is Vibo-Monza imo.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
Andrea Bari is now father, Ulysses born some hours ago
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Felicitazioni ad Andrea e signora ? Did he really call his son "Ulysses"? o_O
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
yep -.-'
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
this evening i'll tape Modena-Cuneo and tomorrow i'll do the higlights (i'll try ?)
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Kjeldhor, Kaziyski was best scorer for Trento in 2011, right?
casamodena 505 4
12 lat temu
Fool results on tonight!!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
yep, whit 721 points was the best scorer last year (but he played all the matches... Stokr missed 4 matches) and he was the best scorer in break-point (but 72% of the break was whit Osmany at service)
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
Cuneo-Modena was a real battle... 3-2 final score...

tomorrow i have a lot of work ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
Wow! and with Cuneo winning after losing 2-0!! *.*
I can't wait for the highlights!

Trento losing vs Latina was a huge surprise to me, also because Latina wasn't playing well the last matches. Macerata almost risked not to take advantage of that, but eventually they got the first place (finally!), and they are Winter Champions ?
They'll face Roma at 1/8 of Italian Cup. I think that for Rome this is a good thing, at least the trasfert is shorter (and hotter) and we can always hope that it will be a bad serve-day for Macerata ?

Unfortunally I hardly doubt that we will able to offer a nice show vs Macerata, our serve right now is just :SSS Terrible! But we will have an anticipation Satturday the 14th, we will see.

Yesterday Roma lost 3-0 vs Padova playing almost as bad as vs Piacenza. Our serve is simply ridiculous, Zaytsev excluded. Unfortunally also Sabbi yesterday had a terrible day in serve. In attack he started quite bad but later he increased, I wasn't so sure that changing him for Bencz was a great idea, I don't know, Milan played enough well but... For example, of 3 blocks that Rome did (-.-), 2 were made by Sabbi only during the first set.
Because of our hilarious serve and because of Passier our block is a bit a joke (even if we touched a bit).
and lately also in attack we suck a bit ?
Paolucci played instead of Boninfante. He did better than Dante vs Piacenza, but still......
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
i'm working about that higlights

(and i'm surprise... why we have the best league and he worst camera???? >.<)
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
I don't know for how long we will be the best league, considering that they want to increase the number of teams in serieA1... We will see.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
yep, i should said the have an high level league, even if we'll got 16 team next year, but i think we should be higher then a lot of others league like greek's one but they have nice replay and slowmotion... rai got just 2 angle -.-'
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
T_T too much actions.. i don't know which i should keep ?

omg, 16 appreciable action in the first set
casamodena 505 4
12 lat temu
Yeah, 12-team playoffs and no relegations makes team do calculations in advance and the level of our league is bound to get worse because of that (including less appeal to top players). I think too many changes have been made in short time, to ideally increase the quality of the matches but in my opinion mostly for making cash from tv rights and sponsors - teams' wishes hadn't been taken into account in these matters - and that's a big fault. It wouldn't be a bad idea to switch back to previous league system,if these are the improvements.
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
I watched Cuneo-Modena and i really enjoyed it! It was a spectacular match, gorgeously played by both teams!! What a pity for Modena, they were excellent up to half of the third set. But congrats to Cuneo!! Despite Mastro's ankle problem, Wijsmans' bad day, Grbic's neck injury they were able to win a match which seemed to be lost! I liked Baranowicz who had some problems at first, but then he got into his stride; but i simply ADORED N'gapeth who did 2 or 3 incredible digs and dives!!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
but I think Galli was right when he said he was angry against N'gapet because he did 1 grat thing and 1 and half disaster... he still have to show his potential
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
Absolutely Kjeld!
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Kjeldhor, the biggest problem is which actions to cut, highlights are tough to select ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
yep... i get a crazy temptation to upload the whole match and titoling it "highlights" ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 lat temu
I won't mind if you will ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
@raylight: i'm sorry but tomorrow i can't tape Monza-Trento because I can use the car alla the day... so i'm going to see that match on live =P
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Matey Kaziyski showed yesterday why he is still the best in the world
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
ray.... i was there... and Stokr played little better then Matey =P (in fact Jan got the MVP nomination)
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
I watched the match on tv....honestly i didn't notice such a big difference between Jan's and Matey's performance, but i find nothing weird if Stokr was awarded as mvp.

handan: i'm a fan of Zaytsev but, trust me, i wouldn't say he's the best mvp of the league so far.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
Matey 7 break points (win-lose 14)
Stokr 11 break point (win-lose 20)

substantiallyJan scored half of his point in breack points phases
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Kjeldhor, you know that when the OH excels from the left, the opposites finds his job easier, right? Stokr is great player and does his job really well, but team work is important too
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
yeah no doubt about that, but yesterday Matey doesn't excels (maybe is my wrong impression) but yesterday Stokr attacked all the hardest balls whit a extraordinary efficacy
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Kaziyski with 70%, Stokr with 60% yesterday
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
yeah but kazyiski whit regular balls, stokr break balls and it's different, normally all the break ball are attacked by Matey.

I'm not saying that matey didn't get a great match, simply Stokr had impressed me (and not only me if he get the MVP)
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
No one claims Stokr didn't deserve it, I just said that Kaziyski is back in shape, 70% is impressive even if every single ball is on single block.

Did the block followed Stokr in that match?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
i think yesterday ours hitters got always 2 people as opposite block,
and Djuric never touched a single ball, he didn't understand nothing on deCecco gameplay -.-'
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
So both Kaziyski and Stokr played hard balls. I saw a clip and Juric made decisive spike for 21-20 in fourth set I think
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
it's impossible because Djuric was on the bench in teh fourth set... Rado switched him whit Burghstaler because Mitar didn't touch a single ball (de cecco played over the top... what a incredible player.. expecially whit Conte)
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
OK, so Burgstaller did it
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
burghstaler scored 1 point: the 26th point... BLOCK ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
O.o missed it... where i was in that moment?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
You were probably thinking about raylight ?
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
In Heaven, pearl, like all people, thinking good things about me ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
and piacenza got Simon now
raylight 3006 15
12 lat temu
Piacenza - Trento for final of Serie A1!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
no... Trento - Piacenza plz U_U
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
NOOO.... MACERATA must be in Final V-Day this year!!!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 lat temu
Trento - Macerata - Piacenza in a triangular match? ?
pearl 1003 11
12 lat temu
LOL...Kjeldhor is too late now, i'm eyes are closing and my brain doesn't work anymore ? Can we go on talking about this "triangle" tomorrow?? ?

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