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Knack Roeselare - Lube Banca Macerata (Highlights)

Volleybox 2016-01-29 • 1937 wyświetleń
Belgium's champions Knack Roeselare claimed a 3:1 home victory (28:30, 25:19, 25:15, 25:17) over the undisputed leaders of Group E, Lube Banca Macerata. Knack secured the continuation of their European journey this season in the Challenge Round of the CEV Cup. Home mentor Emile Rousseaux said: “I made the following deal with my players: if Lube want to win from Knack Roeselare, they will have to play with their A-team.” They did not and in return his players turned the deal into reality.

#KnackRoeselare #CucineLubeCivitanova #ChampionsLeague201516

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