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Río Duero - L'illa Grau (full match)

Elías Terés 2017-12-04 • 1296 wyświetleń
From the beggining the match was balanced but in the end Río Duero Soria proved to be in an inspired night and defeated L'illa Grau in three sets. Soria is on the 5th place of Superliga with 25 points, whereas L'illa Grau is in the 10th position with 9 points. Gerard Osorio & Manu Salvador from Río Duero scored 15 points and Daniel Mata from L'illa Grau finished game with 12 points.

#PabellonMunicipalLosPajaritosSoria #GerardOsorio #ManuelSalvadorManuSalvador #CDVRioDueroSoria #UBELIllaGrau #SpanishSuperliga201718

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