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Stephane Antiga vs Guillaume Samica

spikevolley 2012-05-25 • 2397 wyświetleń • 5

5 komentarzy

WulkanoPL 34 1
12 lat temu
It isn't "Podpromie", it's Łuczniczka in Bydgoszcz.
Alberto Varela FrontierCL 502 9
12 lat temu
Antiga for me is much more technical Samica but Samica is more potent in attack and Antiga is more skill.
jangooPK 67 2
12 lat temu
it dera short video do leshki ho vezda video were kavi yah. ok.
jangooPK 67 2
12 lat temu
da ho sah game yah nah da pah dana ho zah dear sha yah.
eRKaPL 861 11
12 lat temu
French guys really know how to play technically and seem to really like it ;)

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