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@ivolley44 That's a second set of shirts of our NT. It's been like this for quite some time now. Honestly, I don't get, why they can't have one red set and one white set. Blue has nothing to do with our colours.
Ricardo Garcia fakes 12 lat temu 0
Wilfredo, I certainly do not hate you, quite on the contrary, I actually like you :) And I don't say that your movies are bad, just that some of them, like the presentations of teams etc. are not that intresting, that's all. And I do exactly what you wrote - if I don't like a movie, I just don't give it a plus and that's it. Keep finding good movies and adding them. Peace, Serbian friend :)
Ricardo Garcia fakes 12 lat temu +3
Still Wilfredo has much more movies waiting that add nothing of value to the site. Actually the ones of betavollley100, that have been added so far, are very interesting in my humble opinion. I mean the documentaries about WCH2002 and Barcelona Olympic Games. I've also seen one from Atlanta Olympics in the waiting ones. Those I would add. He also added some movies about his favourite club UPCN Voley Club San Juan. Well, we do add movies about our favourite teams and the winners of our leagues, why should we ban betavoley100 from doing that? :) Plus, we don't really have a chance to have a look on Argentinian league, now we've got it :) Betavoley is a new user, so why not first try to explain him, how this site works and what kind of movies we would appreciate? That's some job for admins :) In all the other aspects I agree - too many few-seconds movies with one action, presentation of teams, players playing this or that, soon we'll have players doing laundry or throwing out the garbage...
Ja akurat do Wlazłego nie mam ani krztyny pretensji. Jak się dobrze przyjrzycie, to zobaczycie, że i w trakcie meczu i po meczu stara się odsunąć zawodników od sędziów, zarówno Plińskiego, jak i Kurka. Nie wszystkich mu się udało, ale trudno, żeby to było możliwe, skoro wszyscy łącznie z trenerem obleźli stolik sędziowski jak muchy, musiałby się rozpaść na kilka niezależnych osób :) A cała sytuacja - żenada i wstyd. Rozumiem nerwy i emocje, kiedy ktoś Ci coś zabiera (bo bloku nie było, moim zdaniem), ale to nie jest żadne usprawiedliwienie, są granice i trzeba się umieć pohamować. Ani decyzja nie byłaby zmieniona, ani obrazu meczu by to znacząco nie zmieniło. Zawiodłam się bardzo na Kurku zwłaszcza, bo Pliński to już faktycznie od jakiegoś czasu kozakował. Kurek wydawał się być wciąż normalny, a teraz to już nie wiem, czy mu ta sodówa jednak nie uderzyła do szarych komórek... A z innej beczki - co tam robił Lemek? Ktoś na innym forum słusznie zauważył, że szefa sędziów być tam nie powinno. Sędzia główny gwiżdże aut, jego szef mówi mu, że jest inaczej - jak byście się wtedy zachowali, skoro szef podważa decyzję i mówi, że jest inaczej? Czyjeś niedopatrzenie, kilka gorących głów i mamy aferę.
Please, give sources if you write about any transfers. Where did you get the info about Ruciak in Resovia?
@Kuzya1 Nothing sure about it yet, there are just rumours started on the basis of the discussions you've just mentioned. So no reliable source to either confirm it or deny it.
@Proud - My thoughts exactly, you saved me writing a long post about the game, I agree with everything you've written ?
Osmany wasn't good, he was just average.
Yes, Zaksa is to blame in this situation.
Marchst, I'm sorry but I really don't understand what you mean. I don't mean to offend you but your English is hard to read.

Is Zaksa Polish government or Polish court to change the rules and set the new standards? I don't think so. It was their mistake and I don't see a reason why now, when the organizers remember about the law and warn all the teams about it, it should be overlooked because Zaksa made a mistake. That's just ridiculous. And I'm very serious, believe me.
Plus I really hope that you're not saying all this because it's Trento that the law concerns most. I would like to believe you would protest so strongly if we discussed some other team here.
I, on the other hand, say that every team has to abide by this law and I would still say that if any Polish team was in a similar situation in another country.

That's it, I said everything I had to say about that. I'm not going to change my opinion.
That was Zaksa's mistake and I think they did wrong. I don't change my opinion, that's it.
No, marchst, the law was valid then too, but as far as I know Zaksa didn't inform Trento about it, so they came with their usual T-shirts and played in them.

I personally don't like that law and I think it's stupid. But I also don't understand why some team should be excluded from it. I imagine that when foreigners come to your country, you expect them to abide by your country's law? I do because I respect other countries' laws whenever I visit them, even if I think they're weird or useless.
Well then, CEV would have to move Final4. I don't say that I like this law, but if it's law, I can't see why some team coming to the country where the law is valid, should be excluded from observing it. Law is the same for everyone and there shouldn't be any exceptions.
Well, law is law, can't help it ?
Well, yes he does. Just thought of his years playing constantly as an MB since lately he's been changing it as he pleases :D
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, that's it. But calling someone retarded because they have different opinion than you is a childish behaviour. Unfortunately, it's something we notice very often on this page, which is a real mystery to me. Most of the people on this page are grown-ups, then start acting like one. And that applies to everyone, from EVERY country and of EVERY nationality without exceptions. The immature quarrels and pointless abuses being hurled at people stop me from expressing my opinion or writing anything in a lot of discussions here. Because I don't like what's going on and don't wanna be a part of it. I guess I just needed to write it once to have it off my chest. About the movie - it's a brilliant one, really. The pace, the music, the chosen actions or close-ups at the MBs after actions - everything's top notch. As to the MBs I mostly like the choice, though I wouldn't put Możdżonek on the list. If I were to choose a Polish MB at all, I would put Daniel Pliński here, but he's been a little forgotten lately to the general public as he didn't play in the NT last season. And I miss Andrija Geric, but I'm biased here because I've always liked him very much ;) Oh, and I would put Fei from his best years as an MB.
Polish Year 2011 12 lat temu 0
I've got just one small complaint - don't like those "little squares" visible the whole time throughout the clip. I get the concept behind it (also the title of the song used tells it well - Turn up the music), but it prevented me from paying full attention to what's going on in the movie. Otherwise - great clip, the editing, the quality, all's great :)
@Ray - why is he spamming the page? Maybe I'm ingorant when it comes to technical issues but I, for one thing, am very grateful for uploading the game :P Marcin Prus and Arek Gołaś - my 2 favourite Polish MBs up to the apearance of Daniel Pliński and Piotrek Nowakowski. Wee, good all times! Sorry, people, I just couldn't help myself :)
@Pearl - I do and I share your opinion about Kubiak :) But Kubiak is still my number 2. My absolute number one when it comes to Polish players has been, is and will still be for a long time... tadam tadam - Michał Winiarski :) He may not be the same player now that he used to be a few years ago but that doesn't change my sentiments :) Ending off-topic - like the movie very much, though the music gets a little bit on my nerves. But that's just personal taste, I guess. And no, I'm completely not biased with Kubiak being my number 2 fav Polish player... :P
@Zyta - as to Drzyzga as commentator, his defenZywa (defence, it's said with "s", not "z") makes me furious every time I hear it (and he uses it a lot). He generally loves to make "z" out of "s" wherever he can :)

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