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At final4's eve 3 interviews with
Raphel Viera de Oliveira:http://jumpin81m2.blogspot.it/2014/03/intervista-esclusiva-raphael-final4-champions-league.html
Dragan Travica:http://jumpin81m2.blogspot.it/2014/03/intervista-esclusiva-dragan-travica-final4.html
Alexey Verbov: http://jumpin81m2.blogspot.it/2014/03/intervista-esclusiva-alexey-verbov-final4.html
the players in our chart aren't playing in italian championship.. For them we have another charts
Hi guys,i represent an italian volleyball blog: jumpin81m2.blogspot.it. In the last weeks we did some interview with 2 players that will play the final4 in Ankara, Raphael Vierira de Oliveira and Dragan Travica. If you wanna read them:

Rapha (english version inside): http://jumpin81m2.blogspot.it/2014/03/intervista-esclusiva-raphael-final4-champions-league.html
Travica (english version inside): http://jumpin81m2.blogspot.it/2014/03/intervista-esclusiva-dragan-travica-final4.html

next week our guest will be a player from Zenit Kazan
if you like our blog (we're 4 italian boys and girls), follow us on jumpin81m2.blogspot.it
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blog81m2
Marco Falaschi in Budvaska Budva
suxho in Trento ? rumors....
Dore Della Lunga go to Sir Safety Perugia from Trentino
official Kaziyski in Ankara.....
Theo Lopes in Castellana Grotte
Marco Piscopo in Molfetta

What about Butko ? will he remain in Novosibirsk ?
Juantorena doesn't want to move from Italy cause of his daughter...we'll see
Byriukov to Moscow....is official ?
can you write in english? please ?
the rule is 3 italian on 7 players. so we can have an italian player as third MB (Burghstaler) and a foreign player as fourth MB ... like Steve Brinkmann two years ago
Where did you red about Mozdzonek ?
Every year .. "I think we now can say that the dynasty of the Trentino is over." .... i remember that this year we already won the italian cup on december '12 and the world cup for club in doha in october '12 .... if this mean that our dynasty is over...ok ... i'm agree (and happy ? )
If CEV want the golden set i think is better that the team win more sets has an advantage in the golden set, for example: counting both matches:

5 -5 set ... the golden set start from 0-0
5-4 set....the golden set start from 2-0
5-3 set...the golden set start from 4-0

or better... if we can play 3 games ...2 of 3... it's the best rule we can have
it's a blame that a team can play a match as kids and then suddendly ..start to play and win the golden set...i was in palatrento yesterday and, if the golden set is a rule to guarantee the show... sorry, yesterday's match wasn't a show...fuck CEV

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