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4 lat temu


Whare are You going to be? At least You can hire a plane and fly to us in a minute ?
Nie, nie zrobisz nam tego ? Stay with us!

No to bądź w kraju ?
Ja oczywiście się deklaruję (Stalowa Wola).
Nawiązując do komentarzy to zgadnijcie kogo parafrazuję :) "Bardzo mocny serwis- w ostatniej chwili zmienił kierunek. Piłka po siatce. Ale Winiarski broni. Ależ mamy siatkarskie szczęście. Bartmanowi jeszcze udaje się wykonać siatkarską kiwkę do czego nas przyzwyczaił. Ale zorientowali się w tym wszystkim Brazylijczycy. Wyprowadzają atak... ale jest wyblok. Mamy piłkę przy siatce. Kończy Nowakowski na swoim nieosiągalnym zasięgu wbijając w parkiet siatkarski gwóźdź. Pokazaliśmy w tej akcji siatkarską złość!"
He jumps very high. Very dynamic player. Great to watch.
0:41 Somebody's asking for attack over the antena? :)
Nobody mentioned Kaziyski/Juantorena? Btw. The movie is great :) It reminds me Dynamo with Lee and Pavlov and Veres in good shape. They have been better than Dynamo with Kurek even if he was in good form.
Of course Achrem/Veres, but I don't think thay would be the best pair of receivers. It is rather a wish...
Juliann Faucette: that girl has fantastic voice ?

@Nagor Zmierz wysokość kosza :) Ja też mam wrażenie, że na tartanie się gorzej skacze.
I don't think so. The weekest clubs in Italian league don't even have a chance to win for example with Trentino Volley. Only by an accident. The clubs which are a little bit worse like: Gdańsk, Delecta can fight with the best clubs and also lose with PW or Effector.

It is a great opportunity for the young players. We have also must close Youth League and give a chance for young players to challange with professionals and earn real money in First League like other players.
Why do You think that overall level would go down? Our top clubs will be stronger: Resovia, Skra, Zaksa on the same level, JW (don't know yet). More even league doesn't mean stronger.
Kinesiotaping 11 lat temu 0
Yeah, you're right. Tape do not solve your problem. But it can "hide" it so it doesn't hurt so much or it isn't getting worse.
I don't think they're very week. The clubs would be compareable to Olsztyn, Częstochowa and now Effector. There should be outsiders in league too. They should fight for the best results and try to improve for the next season.
In NBA there are 30 teams and some of them can't fight with the top clubs, but it's obvious.
I agree. And some of them are underrated (like Giba).
Kinesiotaping 11 lat temu 0
Idźcie to fizjoterapeuty, najlepiej sportowego... Mówię Wam. Ortopedzi to umieją zazwyczaj wsadzić co najwyżej nogę w gips ?
I don't think they're bullshit. Players just don't use they're maximum reach height. And even if they would, there is a difference between height of the top of your fingers (measured height) and height of a ball (when they spike). For example I can reach ~310cm, and when I tried to spike the ball over the heightened net I could spike over ~280cm at most.
Unfortunately, the data isn't uptdated too often.
Kinesiotaping 11 lat temu -1
It is usually not so hard to properly tape the shoulder by a person who has instructions from the specialist.

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