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Why you think that we shuold win this match?

HELLO! Are you sleeping? To let Bulgaria NOT PLAY AGAINST RUSSIA. That should be duty. Don't be silly Kevinpsb ?
If you like Trentino, our friend NightFox will help, too. ;-)

Well. Not like I don't like them, but you know... But there is always Lukasz there!

don't you remember? there is even a topic about this with Nikolov and Kaziyski standing next to brand new cars. What was is? Mitsubishi? And that great comment "Lucky Bulgarian bastards" hahaha
Skrimov will protect me! And maybe raylight too, after all why he should be against me? :)
Because Bulgaria didn't have the money to bribe FIVB? We, poor guys.

stop buying expensive cars for players every year and you'll buy every wild card you want! ?

We didn't play to lose in the last years and didn't get any easy paths to medals,

until last Club World Championships, beautiful match against Sesi, good job by Rado ?

it must be because we can't play volleyball

so true.

Still chill out, dude, it's all in a spirit of Christmas!

Hope your daughter and wife are okay ?
You know what, Zyta? I like Skrimov. Although he played badly at ECh, he’s a clever player.

I know, me too.

You’re a funny girl, that’s why everybody loves you, except Michal Ruciak and Radostin Stoychev. :-p

U think I should go to Sofia for Final Six? ?
Skrimov, one of Zyta’s favourites, is playing. Hope she likes. ;-)

hahahahahaha polish fifth column!
NXT, what about Polish victories over Bulgaria in full squad? Where are they?

We had no chance as Bulgaria didn't get to World Cup ?

But hey, chill out, that's only my terrible joke.

Merry Christmas everybody! ?
polecam najświeższy wywiad, który wisi na FIVB, tam De Cecco mówi, że chce jak najdłużej zostać w Italii, bo to dla nieog najlepsza liga.
Won't believe until he will arrive to any other country.
If that mediocre Zhekov were Polish, you’d be praising him.

this part hurts me.

Oh, I’m a big Bruno fan. lol

? ? ?
So KubiakAAAAA is fourth? ?

Gdansk was awesome. The only bad thing was Zyta’s company, she’s so annoying. ;-)

ungrateful bastard ;-)
Rumours are about Monza, Italians you know something about this? ?

I can write the best poem in the world and will receive minus, or I can quote Einstein and have two minuses and Henrique can write the stupidest thing in the world and get pluses. How do you call that?

I will call it someone's impression or opinion, which means if I feel quote of Einstein or Twain is not fitting here, I can give minus. Or I can give it not because that's quote of Twain, but because you are not enough creative or you are so desperate now, that only words of other people left you to defend yourself. I'm not gonna give plus just because that's Twain.
Like I said chill out, because you are getting this topic too serious, now you are upset because of of minuses. That's stupid.

Offensive behaviour is something else


Thay can shit in their pants, too Zyta

I call it hypocrisy.

Who says they don't?

So why do you ask? They can do it, so they do. Simple.

By the way, who gives minuses to Mark Twain's quotes?

whoever, they have right to do it. Or maybe not, as they insult him because of this?

Why should I chill out? I am not the one who insults other people.

who does? tell chrison, he follows this conversation.

I am the one with the most uploaded matches and clips on this site

so what? you have better more rights because of this? should we pray to you now and say you're always right?

We are discussing is he top player or not.The whole subject appeared because someone stated that Matey is second class player and I asked the users about their opinions.

no, someone said he would be fourth choice of Rezende, no one said he is second class player. You see words and sentences which are not exist. Henrique is trying to explain you for a few posts: Matey is a top player, but it doesn't mean he would be first choice.

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