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In Cuneo Fortunato always can back to first squad, he did very well this year as a sub and they won with him scudetto. Cuneo now need to find good opposite and if Simone will leave foreign receiver. Then if limit won't stop them they can think about MB.
Serie A - V-DAY 13 lat temu 0
I'm disappointed with what Cuneo showed. Their weapon for Trento - serve and defense disappeared. Henno and Volkov [except serve at the beginning of 2nd set] don't exist, Wout killed in reception, Grbic without his typicla determination, Mastro couldn't do much, Nikolov couldn't do nothing special from sets from Nikola. Comparing to last match against Lube, when Henno was a king of defense and I've seen great motivation and determination, something else had to happened with boys form Cuneo, because in second set we could see that they can forget about first set and fight. If Grbic loosing his head... you can win with setter loosing his head if you have leader on court - Nikolov and Kaziyski with Zhekov for example, but today Cuneo hasn't got leader. And without someone like Parodi and his reception no chance for team like Trento.

Trento made homework perfectly, AMAZING Stokr, AMAZING! I wasn't big fan of him in Trento this season, he was for me more like background for receivers, but bloody hell, he won third said "by himself" really. Unstoppable, totally unstoppable. And Kaziyski should learn form him hot to block! Middle blockers in great disposition, usually wing-spiker were strength of Trentino, but not today, Sala turned on his serve in the most important match.

Best server in the world 13 lat temu +3
saku Murilo's wife wouldn't play in Poland, because she's pregnant, don't believe in this article, nowadays league in Brazil has a lot of great sponsors, so none of the players from NT will leave their league for PlusLiga, no chance for this.
Vadeleux probably as a MB, because Rouzier is now healthy.

NightFox agree, Russia with Alekno as a coach will be very strong.
Doesn't Fei has valid contract with Treviso?
+ za muzykę, zwłaszcza pierwsza piosenka + za podział na fazę zasadniczą, drugą i na play-offy + za ilość materiałów + za te dodatkowe wstawki + świetna robota autora, czyli jak nawet ze średniego sezonu zrobić zajebisty highlight no to co, piąteczka.
Igor Yudin signed contract with AZS Olsztyn.
Savani can't say official that Giuliani will be new coach until season won't finish, so I wouldn not believe that.
Henno signed contract with Cuneo in the same time when Parodi did, so he stay in Cuneo.
if chrison didn't change his mind after Such's left and he didn't like club still for his words, even if new players and coaches think different than Such, he won't change his mind even with Tichacek ?
Serie A - 5th Semifinals 13 lat temu +1
Sorry, I used to call him Giuse with my friends ;-)
Article is about possible transfers, because Antiga will leave Skra and they want to take really good player, someone with offensive power [Winiarski, Antiga and Bakiewicz are defensive receivers], so author say that with Priddy in Skra rivarly for place in first squad would be huge, Last sentence: "But who knows, maybe soon we will see in Belchatow star from Kuba. Joandry Leal would be perfect for what Skra need.
Bulgaria - Cuba 13 lat temu +1
raylight i think when he said "the best" it was ironic, it doesn't mean that action was technically the best, calm down and stop exaggerating ;)
Serie A - 5th Semifinals 13 lat temu 0
Patriarca is weaker in reception, we remember what Juanto did in match Trento - Cuneo, when Nikola and Wout had some rest, but now Giuse play regularly and Lube players trained him together with Volkov during training, so he won't be "hole in reception" like before.
Bulgaria - Cuba 13 lat temu +2
don't matter if they lost the match. it's similar to Nikolov words about fourth match in semis now against Lube "we won 4th match, but if we will loose in 5th match this victory won't mean anything".
Serie A - 5th Semifinals 13 lat temu +1
Cuneo and Trento in the final!
Let's check between what Giulani have to choose:
Grbic in Cuneo, Travica in Lube
Henno in Cuneo, Exiga in Lube
Parodi in Cuneo or Parodi in Lube.
Also signed contracts, I still won't believe that Cuneo will let them both go ? Cuneo have more arguments than Lube, including bigger budget.

I still can't imagine Valerio in Zenit xD

(Probably it would be easier if Cuneo will get directly MiljcovicXD);

And that wouldn't be a bad idea, playing with Nikola in one club, it may be interesting for Ivan.
2 buses? O_o bloody hell... I remember, Trento knew that Winiarski probably won't play on his high level soon, they didn't even know when he will recover, but they knew he has no health to stand another hard season in Serie A, that's why they let him go back to Poland to Skra and break valid contract with them, he had injury in June and signed contract with Skra in July, Mercato was soon closed, no more really good receivers free, so they had to do something fast to let Osmany play and that was risky, because he trained two years without "Feeling" court, without matches, no one knows how he will play, that's why they signed contract with Herpe, to make sure someone will keep reception if Osmany wouldn't manage the season.

Besides Juantorena said he will back to NT only if other players from NT will be able to go abroad to play in other leagues, if not, he will refuse, because this is unfair that he can play in Serie A and they have to stay on island.

And about doping no one except him and few other exactly know is it true, because CEV or FIVB never said what substance exactly he tried. And he's still saying it was unfair and he was innocent.
Serie A - 4th Semifinals 13 lat temu 0
Bruno sets quicker than Raphael, but cooperation between Raphael and opposites are better, with good reception 3/4 off sets to opposites are on single block. Bruno still need ot improve his technique, but he is just crazy, do you remember that action when Kooy digged on 9nth meter slipping on his knees? Bruno just noticed, that he trying to stand up, because he wasn't ready yet and Bruno set standing on 7th meter for Kooy on second line, who set for pipe from that place on court?

About Lube and Cuneo, Lube lost because of few mistakes at the end of sets, for example in first set, two Omrcen's erros in attack, but also Cuneo finding their rythm again, I would say that Nikola's anger is turn in their game, because Giuse with Wout seemed to trying not make him angry anymore :-P

What about Diaz? When he will back to play?

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