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HI! I'm a JW supporter and I know many what's happening near the club. I can say that watching PlusLiga and statistics are my. hobbys!

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@xhiemarie most probably he stays in Milano

@PierreFoucault Me too - and what's funny - they they won't be even a club who'll be favorite for the medal ?

@PierreFoucault I think many people can't believe that a common team from Poland is going to play with Conte and Kovacevic. PlusLiga will be very strong next season


Why are you always rejecting Uros' transfer to Zawiercie? That's defienietly not a fake news

Uros in Zawiercie - it hurts me a lot haha

@PierreFoucault I will correctb (and give beetr links) if someone add sth very stupid.

Please don't accept links from forum.siatka.org - there are many fake news - and many informations are out o f context

Mauricio in Poland is probably fake, but I think - interesting fake news

@jais yeah, I wrote it a week ago - and there wasn't info about Piacensa yet. Supporters of Skra weren't very optymistic with Petkovic's play this season. Actually he's playing very well. Now I think he'll stay in Italy

Big Atanasijević's return to Bełchatów? What do you think about this rumor?

@jais We know that only Nishida's problem is his height. We'll see how he will play on very strong block. I haven't seen his game since last VNL. I keep fingers crossed for his career in Europe?

@jais But we won't. Sunny Italy isn't for Russian from Tatarstan.

@jais Yeah, big names in Poland make me happy? But many Pasini's rumors are unbelievable as Mikhaylov in Italy?

Is there anyone who believes in Kovacevic's transfer to JW? I'm JW supporter and can't believe Gian Luca Pasini…

@jais No one's know source of this rumor in Poland. It's probably the wish from twitter. Klemen will probably stay in RR. Generally Resovia is going to sigd players from polish national team as Zatorski or Muzaj, there were rumors that they were looking for polish receivers.

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