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Help me 12 lat temu +1
Не помня някой да е използвал материал за Максим от мача им срещу нас на Олимпиадата,а ако си спомням правилно,той беше най-резултатен за Русия,така че може и да намериш нещо интересно там :) Мисля,че мача го има в http://rutracker.org/forum/index.php А иначе,ето няколко по-скорошни - http://rgfootball.net/viewtopic.php?t=25974 , http://rgfootball.net/viewtopic.php?t=26410 , http://rgfootball.net/viewtopic.php?t=25543 ,http://rgfootball.net/viewtopic.php?t=25273 и http://rgfootball.net/viewtopic.php?t=24712 ,които със сигурност не са ползвани досега :) Нямам търпение да го направиш,напоследък си яко вдъхновена :D
@champion,grazie :D Bravo!
Well,learn Italian,then share your talent with them :D
I'm not registered. I take it,you aren't,either :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!Seriously,I don't know what to say...Post it on Trentino's forum,they HAVE to see it!!!!!!!!!
Metodi Ananiev 12 lat temu +3
@Overlook - so basically,there are more stupid than smart people in the world :D I couldn't agree more!!!
He was great at the F8!
Very accurate!
I've watched the match twice now,I hadn't noticed :D
Metodi Ananiev 12 lat temu +2
@Berny - if sport teaches you anything is to never give up!I really admire your determination and hope things work out for the best with you :) It's such a shame that volleyball is getting more popular and there are people like you ready to devote their lives to it and their federations(or whatever organizations) are killing their dreams...
@Schneider64 - great way to start your experience on the site :)
Metodi Ananiev 12 lat temu +2
Wish you a speedy recovery,Schneider64 :)
00:45:47 - Osmany's reaction is priceless :D
Metodi Ananiev 12 lat temu 0
@prske,a lot of Bulgarians support your opinion :) I wish Bratoev would get the chance to work for that spot,but it's ultimately not up to us fans.
Metodi Ananiev 12 lat temu +1
"with long movie, we have a lot of volleyball" - words to live by :D
raylight,I hadn't noticed.I''ll pay more attention next time I watch old games with him :)
I like him more than Ananiev - he doesn't jump as high,but he's more confident,puts a bit more thinking when he spikes and his serve is better.In reception I'd say they're pretty much the same.
Metodi Ananiev 12 lat temu +1
Very good video,raylight :)
_k-is-for-kate_ ,is it true Makarov is gonna be his replacement?

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