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record ? Don't think so. Poland has in 2007 14 straight wins.
Lyneel very seriously injured again. Transfer to Poland rather impossible.
guys, really... Kurek has a clausule in his contract- in Poland he can only play in skra. skra doesn't need him right now, because they have conte. so kurek will not play in Poland in next season. Winarski or Lyneel in skra- not both of them. Ivovic has offers from Resovia, Zaksa but also Verona, which can be one of the richest clubs in Italy. Atanasijevic stays in ITA. Leon in Poland- bullshit.
who is that giant with nr 2 in italy ? how tall was he ?
RevanEstasis- he's your friend and you don't know ? what a shame.
tuia is a good choice ?
Skra still needs a receiver to substitute and a second opposite, if atanasijevic truly leaves
Skra needs Conte and Savani ?
Toffoli, Bracci, Bernardi , Gardini, Giani, Sartoretti, Bovolenta, Pappi , Zorzi... What a team.. For me, the best team in the history (along with Brazil 2006 ). And Pappi playing still on high level. Incredible
it could be a good choice. I've heard also that winiarski and wlazyl could leave skra after season
zobacz w jaki sposob podaje reke wczesniejszym zawodnikom skry, a w jaki atanasowi.
zver- minimum kultury okej ? masz niby wyrozniony nick, a komentarz ala wilfredo. brawo , podziwiam. plinski to plinski, tez go nie lubie. ale tlumaczenie ze zachowanie akhrema to rewanz za coś jest bezsensowne i do niczego nie prowadzi. akhrem wygral, ale mimo to nie umial sie zachować jak zwycięzca. czemu służa takie zaczepki ? Podnosze ten fakt tylko dlatego ze ta strona od lat bawi się w piętnowanie skry. Jestem kibicem skry, ale okej- szanuje inne druzyny. Ale to u niektorych uzytkownikow jest nie do pomyslenia . Dlatego jak sie czepiacie plinskiego,to patrzcie tez na druga strone medalu- na zachowanie resoviakow.
it's not matter what he told, but what he did with his hand.
yeah, everyone looked at plinski, but no one notice akhrems hand-shake with atanasijevic ? what was purpose of such akrhems behave ? "Saint" Resovia, indeed
it was in golden set, not in tiebreak
Bartosz Kurek (7th movie) 11 lat temu -3
shit movie. more emotions and presentations of player than actions. kurwa, ludze to nie jest pudelek zeby sie podniecac ze bartek kurek umie okazywac emocje
kurwa denerwuja mnie te bułgary juz . ewidentny blok antenka tutaj, nie ma dwoch zdan
toniutti or uriarte one leg in skra
piechocki said that abdalla and drzyzga was never a target for skra
yeeeeaaaaah greaaaat ... This site is shit novadays

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