CEV Cup 2014/15: Dynamo Moscow too strong for Trentino, one step closer to trophy

soidensir3 2015-04-08 • 2079 visualizações • 1
CEV Cup 2014/15: Dynamo Moscow too strong for Trentino, one step closer to trophy

Dynamo Moscow finished the first episode of the CEV Cup finals against Energy T.I. Diatec Trentino successfully. The Russian team overpowered the Italian team by 3-1 an made a huge step towards winning the trophy.

At the start of the match the Russian team took an eraly lead on the wings of Holt’s blocking andKruglov’s attack, running away on 3-6 and then on 6-8. Trentino went back on 9-10 through Nemec, but again Kruglov almost alone retained large advantage to Dinamo (10-14, 12-16) which reached its maximum (+5) when Biryukov put an ace on Kaziyski - 13-18. But Trentino gets up again with an error of Kruglovand two blocks of Solé (on Holt and Biryukov) for worth 19-20. The finsih was played point to point.Dinamo closes on 23-25 with an attack of Berezhko.

Trentino tried to react at the start of the second set but 4-3 produced after an ace of Kaziyski was turned over quickly from Dinamo to 4-8 thanks to a couple of mistakes in the attack of the hosts and continuity in the blocking of the Russians. Nemec and Solé almost completely recomposed the gap (10-11). Equality comes shortly after thanks to an error by Kruglov (12-12). The first real home advantage of the evening comes with Nemec’s spiking and Birarelli’s first tempo (15-13). Later it was confirmed by another service point from Kaziyski on 17-15. The team led by Stoytchev goes into difficulties in receiving and Dinamo took the opportunity to overtake (18-19). The ace ofLanza gives Trentino (21-20), an error of Biryukov was worth of 23-21. The attack of Birarelli gave 1-1 in sets to home team.

The third set was balanced for a good part of the first half (5-4, 9-9), but then Dinamo accelerates with serve by Holtand the block of Shcherbinin that are worth of 12-16 after a counter attack from Kruglov. An error of Berezhko on the net and an ace of Birarelli revived the hopes of Trentino (17-19). Moscow team took ahead 1-2 with the point of Biryukov (23-25).

The reaction of Trentino was angry at the opening of the fourth set (5-2). Dinamo went back with the block of Holt (8-8) and then gained the lead thanks to an ace of Grankin (8-9).

Dinamo did not give up the lead (15-14, 19-18) and closes on 21-25 with the block by Grankin.

#DynamoMoscow #CEVCup201415 #ItasTrentino

1 comentário

Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
9 anos atrás
Great article! You should consider a career in sports journalism.
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