Volleybox.net History

Volleybox 440
2010-10-16 • 10509 visualizações • 14 replies

What were the beginnings of Volleybox.net? History of Volleybox.net written by one of the creators.

In October 2006 I recorded several amateur movies during the Poland - Cuba game which was the final test of the Polish volleyballer's form before going on the World Championships in Japan. Proud of my works I placed it on the Video Google portal and added them to several sites collecting the best films in the net. I noticed then that there is no site in the Internet which would gather films exclusively on the subject of volleyball. Some time later I entered on YouTube a profile by a user from Canada who in his "favourites” collected the best movies about volleyball. This way the idea of creating Volleyball-Movies came to my mind.

Layout of Volleyball-Movies 1.0

I began working on the site in May 2007, however after several days I realized that the basic knowledge of HTML is not enough to create an Internet portal. To do this it was necessary to know the language of PHP and databases. I turned for help to my colleague from the contemporary high school class - Paul. Paw-e-l finished the layout of the site and enabled the possibility of adding movies to the database. Neither I nor paw-e-l did not think about further co-operation at that time. A very simple site on which one could only send propositions of movies and watch them, was placed under the link www.volleyballmovies.pl. 14th July, 2007 - this is the official date of starting Volleyball Movies.

The first movie which was added on the site was a movie about Marshall. It turned out later that uploading the movie was the best decision ever. No other movie did not popularize our site as much as this one. The secret consisted in the fact that the movie was placed on the Video Google portal and not as majority of movies - on YouTube. While watching movies on YouTube it was very easy to get the direct link, however in case of films from the Video Google it was impossible, therefore someone wanting to see Marshall's incredible elevation had to enter our page. The link to our site appeared on many foreign portals and forums about volleyball.

The popularity of the site encouraged us to introduce next news and ideas. We discussed with paw-e-l new ideas concerning the site during school lessons... Paw-e-l added the option of finding movies and automated the option of highlighting the movies on the main page. On 24th December 2007 the site was visited 100.000 times. On 14th January 2008 we added the possibility of placing comments on the page. Volleyball Movies has had the most popularity, and till this day nothing has changed in this matter, in Poland, however the page was visited also by many Americans, Canadians, Germans and Frenchmen. The first movie creator was volleybalon, then our team was enriched by the person of a volleyball fan from the Greek Patras - kaka199322. After one year of existence in the Internet the page was displayed on top positions in Google (however exclusively under the key word " Volleyball Movies”). At that time, the period of validity of the domain was coming to an end. As poor students we wanted to save money not prolonging the validity of the domain, but repurchasing it one more time. We did not know about the existence of men whose work is to buy other popular domains (and they have the right to do it). Our ignorance was punished. The volleyballmovies.pl domain was repurchased and till today it is a "parking of links”. We decided to begin everything all over again. From the beginning we built the position of the portal in the Internet. On 30th September 2008 the portal was launched under a new address: www.volleyball-movies.pl. After about 3 months majority of the former visitors found out about the new address of the site.

Layout of Volleyball-Movies 2.0

As time flied new ideas of page functioning were coming to our minds. Paw-e-l proposed creating a new version of the site which would operate the system of users. The graphic project was finished around April 2009 and works over the functioning of the site paw-e-l began during last year's holidays. The new version of Volleyball-Movies.net was launched on 6th October 2009 and it was paw-e-l's work. Since that moment I have been inventing new ideas with which I make paw-e-l miserable, because he has to implement it on our page :) The newest functionality of the site are fanclubs (introduced on 25th September 2010). At present, we are thinking about adding a few options in the fanclubs.
The page possesses a team of 11 movie creators who create professional volleyball movies, popularizing our portal. The biggest role, however, is played by our fans who watch movies and for whom our movie creators make their works, and the administrators introduce new ideas on the page.

Layout of Volleyball-Movies 3.0


Layout of Volleyball-Movies 4.0 (Volleybox)

#history #Volleyboxnet

Volleybox.net History
Roninho 758 13
13 anos atrás
Ciekawa historia. Stworzyliście od podstaw naprawdę coś fantastycznego. Największe uznania dla Pawła bo on nad tym z pewnością najdłużej pracuje. Brawo!

Interesting story. You've created from scratch, really fantastic. The biggest recognition for Paul because he certainly over the long runs. Bravo!
Nagor 1445 14
13 anos atrás
Big respect.

Wielki szacunek. Wiem jak ciężko jest coś takiego stworzyć, sam (oczywiście ze znajomymi) w gimnazjum miałem przyjemność tworzenia strony z forum (strona zawierała elementy php) i wiem ile pochłania to czasu. Strony w formie graficznej już nie ma, ale w dalszym ciągu jest nasze forum, które aktualnie zawiera 357688 postów i 1893 userów. Podejrzewam jednak, że ten portal przyciąga więcej ludzi. Cieszę się, że mogę uczestniczyć w tym projekcie jako movie creator. Mam nadzieję, że ludzie doceniają to co robię ja oraz inni, lepsi jak i ci początkujący movie creatorzy. Zauważyłem, że do tego grona dołącza coraz więcej osób, co mnie cieszy. Lubię też analizować sobie oglądalności różnych filmów i ich związek z aktualnymi wydarzeniami siatkarskimi. Nie licząc ponadczasowych pozycji chętnie oglądanych (gwoździe, siatkarskie legendy) widzę np. na moich filmach jak szybko rośnie oglądalność Kubańczyków po ich ostatnich sukcesach. Rekordzistą jest Leon (ponad 50tys odtworzeń), ale Hierrezuelo i Simon też się wyróżniają na tle innych. Co ciekawe od kiedy Rolando Jurquin Despaigne jest w Olympiacosie, nagle film jest częściej oglądany ? Podejrzewam, że tak będzie z wieloma filmami na tej stronie, np. o Mice czy innych młodych i obiecujących.

Tak więc powodzenia w dalszym prowadzeniu strony, mam nadzieję, że będzie ona przyciągać coraz więcej fanów i dawać coraz więcej przyjemności jej stwórcom. Jest to na prawdę piękne uczucie, kiedy Twoje dzieło staje się tak popularne i lubiane. Doświadczyłem tego w trochę mniejszej skali, bo ww forum jest o tematyce jeszcze bardziej niszowej. O wiele bardziej.

Dzięki za ten portal!
13 anos atrás
Thank you so much for the opportunity of finding out how all this got starting! It is very interesting for those who joined recently (I belong to those people)

I don’t know how to find proper words to express all the gratitude I have for you creators!
With your web site you unite fans of the most beautiful and delightful game ever from all over the world. You give us opportunity to communicate and share our works with each other, that is great!
Great job you’ve done and be sure that we fans appreciate that a lot))

Many thanks and cheers from Russia!
vtnklmdc 686 14
13 anos atrás
świetna robota ja po raz pierwszy zobaczyłem tą stronę w Maju 2010 i od wtedy do dziś już znacznie uległa zmianie kiedyś o tej stronie nie miałem pojęcia a dziś każdego dnia jestem na stronie
Piękna historia i DZIĘKUJE
qsek 831 10
13 anos atrás
thanks for this site i love volleyball now!
Overlook 280 5
13 anos atrás
I think that the best thing is that users also could create the site and here are volleyball fans from many different country.
adi_tiger 188 4
13 anos atrás
powiem krótko... Jestem dumny ze zostałem oznaczony rangą movie creatora, to mobilizuje do robienia jak najlepszych filmów dla Was.
A sama praca z filmami to ogromna przyjemność... Niestety zaczeły się studia i bardzo mało wolnego czasu.
Someone 875 10
13 anos atrás
Ja filmy lubię raczej oglądać, więc aby przyczynić się w jakiś sposób do rozwoju volleyball-movies.pl będę udzielał się w fanklubach. No i faktem jest, że choć przypadkowo to znam stronę prawie od samego jej początku.
InivaridU 504 6
13 anos atrás
Ja też przyłączyłem się do grona użytkowników strony niedługo po jej otwarciu. Pamiętam jaki byłem zadowolony, bo ta strona była dokładnie taka, jaka chciałem żeby była ? I tak jak napisałeś, pierwszy filmik jaki oglądałem to był o Marshallu ? Pamiętam też jak pewnego dnia wchodząc pojawiła się zupełnie inna strona... Na szczęście tak jak napisałeś, po jakimś czasie na YouTube natknąłem się na nowy adres strony i jestem tutaj do dziś ? Teraz jestem szczęśliwy, że stronka rozwija się w dobrym kierunku, są same dobre pomysły. Czego chcieć więcej? Dzięki Chrison i Paw-e-l! ?
Shandtil 134 6
13 anos atrás
łoł... dużo się zmieniło, szkoda, że późno tu trafiłam ? oby tak dalej chłopaki!!
RenanZ 1538 15
13 anos atrás

I remember the Old shape,.,,, !!!
13 anos atrás
Berny 606 6
12 anos atrás
The first volleyball movie on this site was for me Dante Amaral - with samba de janeiro ?
Volleyball is my life and lifestyle and this site belongs to my life as a big part.
Fadhel Abbas 1513 14
12 anos atrás

The best site for volleyball at all