
Hurrikaani Loimaa - Trentino Volley (Highlights)

Volleybox 2017-01-06 • 1994 visualizações
There was a lot of anticipation around this match with more than 1000 fans in attendance at the Loimaan Liikuntahalli hall in Loimaa. There was real battle between Filippo Lanza (13 points) and Mikko Oivanen (12 points). Team from Italy won thta game in three sets. Revenge will be played on January 18th in Trentino.

#MikkoOivanen #FilippoLanza #HurrikaaniLoimaa #ItasTrentino #CEVCup201617

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1483633800, CEV Cup 2016/17 1/16 round - 1st match
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