
Liberman Agamez

Volleybox 2008-05-09 • 31733 visualizações • 90
One of the best servers in the world in action. In the movie can see his amazing spikes and serves. That player could win matches alone. "I'm a Catholic, I love God and he gives me the power to the best performance. I'm very excited that I can play of volleyball" - said spiker of Colombia national team: Liberman Agamez. He has played for Greek teams such as Nikea, Pagrati and Panathinaikos Athens. He now plays for Arkas Spor Izmir. Turkish team with Kevin Hansen, Justin Duff, Liberman Agamez, Joâo Paulo Bravo and some Turkish players is leader of Turkish league now.


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Liberman Agamez

Liberman Agamez Colômbia

Data de nascimento: 1985-02-15
Posição: Oposto
Altura: 207cm
Peso: 100kg
Altura do rebate: 365cm
Altura do bloqueio: 357cm

90 comentários

16 anos atrás
Hahaha ? nie wiem co bierzesz ale to musi byc mocne ? nie bylo by rozmowy gdybys nie spamowal commentow bezsensownymi frazami z translatora, z tymi kolegami gadasz jakbys mial 13 lat, a na siatkowce to ja sie znam porzadnie i tez w nia gram takze wyloozuj ?

Originally posted by misio from Poland
16 anos atrás
Widze że poziom dyskusji nabiera rumieńców jakoś tak na forum siatkarskim nie przystoi pisać ze biore kumpli z zylety itd tu trzeba trzymac jakiś poziom a poza tym tak zasłaniac sie kumplami ?

Originally posted by bartekbrat from Poland
16 anos atrás


bo co zbijecie mnie,już sie kurwa boje


puchatek ty mnie wnerwiasz


do pawła i puchatka; może nie znam anglika jak wy ale napewo wiem więcej o siatkówce niż wy


a no i na pewno jestem od was lepszy w rzemiośle siatkarskim


a no i na pewno jestem od was lepszy w rzemiośle siatkarskim


jeśli co biore kilku kumpli z żylety i idziemy na chętnego

Originally posted by LEGIA from Poland
16 anos atrás
A wiesz co w tym najlepsze? Ze on trwa w przekonaniu ze to co pisze po polsku i wkleja do translatora uwaza za poprawna angielszczyzne ? I do tego robi orty jak wpisuje to do translatora i mu nie przetlumacza Hahahahaha pisiam ?DDDD Ołłłłł jea POŁLISZ INGLISZ

Originally posted by misio from Poland
paw-e-lPL 53 4
16 anos atrás
LEGIA nie kompromituj się człowieku. Pisz po polsku albo zatrudnij tłumacza xD
16 anos atrás
WHAT ???!!! wait... I've gotta get my enigma out of my cellar, so that I'll be able to understand what ur trying to say.

Originally posted by misio from Poland
16 anos atrás
It does not want to compliment but I know english from you better napewno as besides, in great 2 year ago seem (pass) english stay

Originally posted by LEGIA from Poland
16 anos atrás
If it does not answer it that it better know english write simpler language moge

Originally posted by LEGIA from Poland
16 anos atrás
LOL man if I could describe your translator using a single word I would say it's "horrible". Talk polish instead of making un-readable posts.

Originally posted by misio from Poland
16 anos atrás
not bad misio

Originally posted by LEGIA from Poland
16 anos atrás
to misio; Legia your translator, ehhmm I mean english i trully amazing.?

Originally posted by LEGIA from Poland
16 anos atrás
to misio;thanks

Originally posted by LEGIA from Poland
paw-e-lPL 53 4
16 anos atrás
16 anos atrás
Legia your translator, ehhmm I mean english i trully amazing.

Originally posted by misio from Poland
16 anos atrás
I will say so; I ungets around me for this sportsman opinion your mums personal opinion that but it is following I had if money a lot and for example, exemplary personal team had italian leagues pull off at the level of for my team in (to) far sequence first him (it)I would buy ; balla marshalla milara gustavo volkova winiarskiego dante pridiego schopsa ricardo verbova and I had composition of dream

Originally posted by LEGIA from Poland
16 anos atrás
It's very important for me camon guys!

Originally posted by LEGIA from Poland
16 anos atrás
what's tittle song? please,short answer question

Originally posted by LEGIA from Poland
16 anos atrás
Nice xD

Originally posted by Jirik from Poland
16 anos atrás
One aspect i think you are all missing is the fact that it is much harder for tallers players to gain these "skills"? You cant take credit away from these guys because they have trained just as much and as hard as smaller players!

Originally posted by BVB from Switzerland
16 anos atrás
zna ktoś taki kawałek techno, co puszcza spiker w niemczech bardzo często grał wczoraj na meczu z Kubą? Przypomina nieco 666 Atention

Originally posted by yole from Poland
16 anos atrás
lastima el hermano de liberman no juegue asi que mal ejemplo para la tierra de liberman ??????apartado???????? te quiere

Originally posted by rastavolley from Colombia
16 anos atrás
muestren videos de chile... hay jugadores mas bestias que en el resto del mundo.... VAMOS CLUB TREKAN??? los angeles... chile

Originally posted by ed from Chile
16 anos atrás
Ok misio> now I got it! Thanks for the clarification...

Originally posted by Ju from Brazil
16 anos atrás
You missunderstood me Ju, I told short people usually are way better at defence. Polish team doesn't have so tall players like bulgaria or russia, and about brazil, ehmm the key to your success is the setter, even now when Ricardo doesn't play anymore you still got a genious setter who can cheat every block in the world and as you know spiking against no block or just a single player is very simple. That's what modern volleyball is about !

Originally posted by misio from Poland
16 anos atrás
Misio: Current Brazilian team is not considered a tall team and it is winning teams formed by giants from Poland, Russia, and Bulgaria. Why? Instead of to use their strong and their force Brazilian team prefers to use the brain! David against Goliath ...think about that!

Originally posted by Ju from Brazil
16 anos atrás
he's from COLOMBIA not CULumbia

Originally posted by number6 from Colombia
16 anos atrás
cuanto de ataque ?

Originally posted by chuchu from Argentina
errorPL 67 3
16 anos atrás
Dla lepszego porównania, Leonel Marshall ma zasięg w ataku 383 cm
16 anos atrás
Dla porównania: Daniel Howard ma w ataku 375cm.

Originally posted by AZS from Poland
16 anos atrás
Guys guys guys, stop it ! It's really simple: if you're tall playing volleyball is easier, it's an obvious thing, that's why only tall people are recruited to professional v-ball and you can't blame people and say they have no skill coz they're tall. Agamez is a huge guy (probably his reach standing is about 270 cm) he has no technique at all (that's all what russian volleyball is about) but he's very effective at his possition and scores a lot. Just imagine short guys playing and this giant with them, it's obvious they'll get blocked everytime but on the other side they're faster and got much better defense. It's like in real life, gaining something you usually need to lose something. NONE'S PERFECT Peace !

Originally posted by misio from Poland
16 anos atrás
Że niby ile w bloku ?? 3.60 ?? Ja pierd..e?

Originally posted by BlooMen from Poland
16 anos atrás
Johnny: I totally agree with you about skill x height. Most of teams today here in Brazil has lots of tall players (some has like 212cm, 217cm height) but none of them has half of Giba's skill. Next Brazilian national team will be formed by "giant Brazilian players" but I'm not sure if they will continue keeping Brazilian national team among the world top teams.

Originally posted by Ju from Brazil
16 anos atrás
I know he is "good" height and thats exactly the problem. Personally, I think the game is more interesting with smaller players. They are much quicker and much better passers. I'd much rather watch someone who is 5' 11'' with a 45 inch vertical play because they actually have to make an effort to hit the ball. When you are 7 foot tall, you can bunny hop and just swing your arm, there is no skill involved in that. If you mean to say that his height is part of his skill, i totally disagree. Skill to me is something that is learned, height is not learned.

Originally posted by Johnnyc3po from USA
RenanZBR 1538 15
16 anos atrás
If he had no skill, he probally wasn't playing in a great team, like Panathinaikos. If he had no skill he will even play volleyball...................................

BUT, he have skill, is playing volleyball, and in a great team, besides he's good height !!
16 anos atrás
Eh, he's tall, and thats about it. It honestly takes no skill to play the game when you are 7 feet tall, it's like playing on a tennis net. They should raise the net and not allow overhand passes on the first hit.

Originally posted by Johnnyc3po from USA
16 anos atrás
heheheh.... do Polski 3 Ligi ? na twarda szkołe zycia ???

Originally posted by Conrado from Poland
16 anos atrás
Block 357????????????????????????????? Insane

Originally posted by Grbic from Norway
16 anos atrás
Bad movie.

Originally posted by AZS from Poland
16 anos atrás
HOLY CRAP! Spike 365 cm? It's possible? ;]

Originally posted by Filip3k from Poland
16 anos atrás
Great Actions ? Great Jump ? Great Player ? Great Movie ;]

Originally posted by Camnow from Poland

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