
Marcin Wika (2nd movie)

saku 2010-04-04 • 7058 visualizações • 29
Título da música: Spin Doctor - Two Princes
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Marcin Wika

Marcin Wika Polónia

Data de nascimento: 1983-11-09
Posição: Ponteiro
Altura: 194cm
Peso: 94kg
Altura do rebate: 338cm
Altura do bloqueio: 320cm

29 comentários

MichalPL 493 10
14 anos atrás
I have to agree with you guys, he's not the same player he used to be at the Olympics. He became slower and jumps lower. That's a real problem with his height. He can still cheat the block quite well but I think it's not enough to be among the best players now. Strong spiking is the basic attack form. You can't cheat your opponent everytime, because you won't surprise him
RoninhoPL 758 13
14 anos atrás
The season already in representatives had Bartman weak, he lost the form but still nicely he can seen in Poland but he doesn't fit Resovia. Aleh Akhrem has the average reception, Bartman also. Somebody will be useful with the good attack and the good reception and so exactly Świderski is.
14 anos atrás
I saw Bartman playing for Prisma Taranto in two matches and I just have to say that he is getting weaker and weaker. I don't know what happened to him, but now Świderski is better than him even with broken leg. BTW respect for Seba - he returned, Macerata started to win. They are leading 2-1 in quarterfinal against Modena and have a great opportunity to make it into the semifinal in next home match. I think Resovia should try to exchange Wika for Świder it would increase their attack power very much.
kolesPL 242 4
14 anos atrás
If Resovia wants to fight for the first place they should get someone much better than Bartman. Perhaps Swiderski.
sakuPLAuthor 1032 9
14 anos atrás
qsek - yes :) i want bartman in Sovia in next season
qsekPL 831 10
14 anos atrás
How do you think, will Wika stay in Resovia in next season? I think, that Rzeszów should get somebody better, for example Świderski, Ruciak or Bartman. I think, that Wika is great in defense. PS. he was a MVP of Polish Cup 2008, when Częstochowa won?
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
14 anos atrás
At least you are talking like a human?...Let's go back to the Wika's movie
RenanZBR 1538 15
14 anos atrás
OK OK...

after all that, I propose something very usefull:

Let's end this pointless discussion, and back to comment
Marcin Wika's video......

I believe that will be better for all of us

My kindest regards
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
14 anos atrás
@RenanZ intelligent answer ... honestly I didn't expect this. Maybe it's because we don't talk too much with each other.
Quote (RenanZ)
Thank that we have different opnions, nothing more than usual

As if everyone had the same opinion, it would be boring here - I agree with that.

As for the "+" and "-". I don't expect from anyone that will give me only "+"... I don't care too much about that.
Your system is strange, but extent effective, cause we started this discussion. It seems to me that this isn't the best solution for you when it comes to relationships: "You - the majority of forum users". That's my opinion
Greetings from Poland?
pjekoszPL 94 4
14 anos atrás
Rzeczywiście Marcin stracił trochę na dynamice, a że nie jest za wysoki to czasami ma problem z atakiem. Ratuje się niezłą techniką i obija blok. Jeśli jest w formie naprawdę może grać na najwyższym poziomie. No i poza tym ma świetną zagrywkę.
SomeonePL 875 10
14 anos atrás
We expect thet You will not vote for comments You do not even understand. This is Polish site, so we write in Polish language and also in universal language- English. You can launch google translate and than vote for our comments!
RenanZBR 1538 15
14 anos atrás
Kapitan_bomba: Yeah, yeah, I'm weak.... Thank that we have different opnions, nothing more than usual. But do you expect that I'll give a plus to something I even understand ? Some months ago, i wrote "CAGADA" for a big recovery of ANTIGA, and i intend to say he was very luck, not that thing someone misstranslate If that pontuation system already been used, you think I would received + ??? That happen because someone wans't able to understand me !! Best Regards to you
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
14 anos atrás
@RenanZ...what a pity that you don't understand that what we say...I'm worry about you:)...But giving someone a minus for the comments in his own language is a BIG sign of helplessness!!! Like a child doing this for someone who stolen their toys...The true is - YOU ARE WEAK...change your approach mate and everything will be fine...Cheeers
RenanZBR 1538 15
14 anos atrás
Because, me and my coalleague from Argentina write all comments in English, so everyone can understand. Got it ?!?!?
SomeonePL 875 10
14 anos atrás
Znowu widać, że nasz brazylijski kolega odwiedził naszą stronę- ilość minusów wzrosła. @RenanZ: Why do you give minus for all Polish comments? You don't even understand it! It's poor behaviour. Our colleague from Argentina gives pithy comments about the videos and everything is ok.
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
14 anos atrás
Definitely he lost almost everythink after we'll waiting for him
RenanZBR 1538 15
14 anos atrás
Maybe not, but for me, he's game styles looks like so much as of Swiderski .....
RoninhoPL 758 13
14 anos atrás
He is in poor form. In the year he was Olympic one from better on one's position. After injury it no longer is the same Wika. He is not very dynamic, ponderous
colitoargAR 15 2
14 anos atrás
Maybe he is not one of the most impressive atackers. But he surely do have lots of resourses and knowledge of what the the block will try to do. Great Video for a Great Player.
SomeonePL 875 10
14 anos atrás
Marcin musi wrócić do formy z roku olimpijskiego. Ma takie same atuty jak Bąkiewicz, ale jest młodszy i więcej pogra w przyszłości w kadrze. Oczywiście o ile znowu zacznie grać na poziomie jaki wtedy prezentował.
Mateusz2008PL 163 5
14 anos atrás
Filmik dobry, akcje są z wielu meczów, a nie tylko z dwóch czy trzech i to mi się podoba. Wika po kontuzji już nie gra tak dobrze jak podczas igrzysk i w Częstochowie dlatego teraz w Resovi Gierek dostał szanse i bardzo dobrze ją wykorzystuję. Mam nadzieje że powróci do dawnej formy.
InivaridUPL 504 6
14 anos atrás
Zawodnik sezon temu bardzo dobry, niestety teraz bardzo spadła mu forma... Oby ją odbudował :) A filmik bardzo dobry, przyjemnie się ogląda.
sakuPLAuthor 1032 9
14 anos atrás
Wlazły jest strasznie chudy a Wika strasznie sie ze tak powiem przepakował przy kontuzji i strasznie stracił na dynamice, filmik chciałem zrobić ze starych materiałów ale niestety jest ich mało do śćągnięcia
KubaBPL 24 2
14 anos atrás
Wika ma tyle samo wzrostu co Wlazły a waży ponad 15 kg więcej.
MalboroPL 545 3
14 anos atrás
Nabrał dużo mięśni ale w tym przypadku to raczej nie pomogło. Teraz jest taki jakiś mało dynamiczny:P. A jak sobie przypomnę jego grę na IO too...Może wróci do swojej formy bo szkoda takiego zawodnika:D
RoninhoPL 758 13
14 anos atrás
No niestety ze starego bardzo dobrego Wiki za dużo nie zostało. Stał się taki ociężały,wali na oślep. Kiedyś był dynamiczny aż miło było patrzeć na jego grę. Zwłaszcza za czasów gry w AZSie. Teraz to ledwo odrywa się od ziemi. Szkoda,może wróci do swojej starej formy. Filmik przyjemnie się ogląda. Lepszy od tego który zrobił Kevinpsb.
bujo92PL 88 2
14 anos atrás
bardzo dobry zawodnik szkoda że czasami ma takie przestoje jak by w Resovi grał tak jak w Czewie to Sovia miała by doskonały skład
przemek16PL 808 17
14 anos atrás
fajny filmik ;)
Drewson4PL 282 7
14 anos atrás
Zajebisty film! Elegancka muza super montaż. Zawodnik prawie , że doskonały kiedy jest w szczytowej formie.

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