
Poland - Brazil (SET2) 1996

Joel2718 2011-01-10 • 11972 visualizações • 76
Movie showing some young Polish players like: Paweł Zagumny, Piotr Gruszka, Krszysztof Stelmach.

#AlexandreSamuelTande #MarceloNegrao #Brazil #Poland #TheOlympics1996

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76 comentários

Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 anos atrás
Zagumny seems small in the Age
luck191PL 287 7
13 anos atrás
ale to dawno już było
NightFoxBG 1457 14
13 anos atrás
low level - lol I'm confused ... Players in the past were very very good. There is no difference, just the style of the game changes.
hanes233EE 987 5
13 anos atrás
I faught that old school volleyball was low level but I am so wrong!Nice players.
jannkesPL 279 6
13 anos atrás
Gruszka i Zagumny ponad 15 lat w kadrze... a Krzysiu Stelmach jaki młody :)
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
13 anos atrás
All of you...especially Hen.CLT: "Kosa między oczy":P...hehe Stop hating, stop provocating, stop this pointless regards
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 anos atrás
Henrique ""Can you lend me some money?" No." You are so skimpy, that's not very polite, is that a real problem for you to lend some wlazly's or at least kurek's? ""Who's gonna win the Olympics?" Cameroon." High five! Remember, I wait for you in London and I want t-shirt with Cameroon for my birthday in December this year.
shinodaPL 121 3
13 anos atrás
yeaah very funny. You've got a great sense of humor, what a shame that you also don't accept my opinions. you agree only with your own opinions. you really got a complex - always writing about crying. father hit you when you were young ? a pitty...
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 anos atrás
JRios Don't forget your toys from playground! Other kids may take them home! If you need help, just ask, always with pleasure!
JRiosCL 201 6
13 anos atrás
isn't Shinoda? I have back my black hairs... now they are getting white... hahaha
shinodaPL 121 3
13 anos atrás
yep JRios. you, me , Roninho... we are now young and beautiful ;)
JRiosCL 201 6
13 anos atrás
Zyta, Henrique, what can I say? Dada-gugu? My new possible ages are perfect... for me it's more than enough. From now on, please do not tell me to grow up. Thanks friends... :)
shinodaPL 121 3
13 anos atrás
Hen- is crying some kind of your complex ? If I don't sound logical, you either.
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 anos atrás
JRios You bloody 4-years old child! I made you younger in PS, but perhaps your mind changed too :P Is that enough? :) shinoda Bronie go, bo troche za powaznie bierzecie jego slowa, po czesci was prowokuje a po czesci tak mysli. Mi rozmowy z nim, glownie poza strona sprawiaja przyjemnosc, bo ma wielka wiedze na temat siatkowki. Zreszta nie oczekuj, ze bedzie wychwalal obcych zawodnikow, skoro sami nie przechwalamy jego rodakow. A do teog uwazam, ze reprezentuje opinie Brazylijczykow na temat polskich zawodnikow, moze tak strasnzie to dla was brzmi po tych wszystkich peanach zawodnikow dla polskich mediow, ale tak niestety jest, kanarki nie maja respektu dla naszych chlopcow, na penwo nie takiego jak pokazuja w wywiadach dla naszych reporterow. Te same slodkie slwoa powiedza w kazdym innym kraju ;) Poza tym po czesci zgadzam sie z nim co do naszych orlow, trudno wiec bym byla przeciw niemu :)
JRiosCL 201 6
13 anos atrás
Hey friends, who will tell me that I'm a 4-years old child? I get here wating for, but nothing! :) after that, please don't ask me to grow up okay? I will prefer to be a kid forever... from my childhood I see you seem to be stressed ... go to the bar (pub), drink and talk too much, and, if possible, have good sex, after come back to this site again!
shinodaPL 121 3
13 anos atrás
so Henrique we are both pathetic. Grow up ? I think you should too. And sorry, you are crying for most of the time at this site, so don't teach me ok ?
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
13 anos atrás
Me and Henrique are friends... He stole my laptop when I took a shower. But I think I got him back.
shinodaPL 121 3
13 anos atrás
Zyta rozumiem co masz na mysli ale .. on albo specjalnie prowokuje czyli jest trollem albo dowartosciowuje swoje brazylijskie ego, negujac wszystko co z Polska zwiazane, wiec nie wiem dlaczego go mimo wszystko troche bronisz
shinodaPL 121 3
13 anos atrás
henrique- I don't want to be rude but... If roninho acts like a 5 year old child, you act like a 3 year old child which parents took away all his toys. so sorry, you are not a oracle for me, and I think, for many users of this site. so keep your wisdom for yourself.
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
13 anos atrás
Guys, you should pay attention and follow everything Henrique says. He's a genius and my life has changed since I started doing what he preaches. Henrique is the man, he knows everything about volleyball. Thanks to him, now I understand what volleyball means.
JRiosCL 201 6
13 anos atrás
Roninho and Henrique >> I like both of you... so, please, stop breaking my balls with this no sense discussion. Cheers.
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 anos atrás
shinoda I like discuss with Henrique, maybe because I'm not treat him like a troll and always we are polite to each other, because I have distance to his words and not so serious like you people, and he never said anything rude to me, perhaps you guys could take example from me :) Roninho I'm not sure if I understood you, which Polish players moved to Russia to make more money? Kadziewicz? Knowing polish hell I would move to Syberia too. I'm not saying about offers to sit on reserve, but for example for Kurek even sitting on reserve in Trento, because probably he could play in first squad in Sisley, would be great school. But that's his decision, he want to try his strength in Serie A, but when he will be better player. Well... in Polish League he won't have school of volleyball like in Serie A, and we both know that. Look what Serie A2 gave Kubiak. But that true, Serbian and Bulgarian League would be better with their players, but from the other side Kazyiski would not play on his level if he would stay in Bulgaria. So those leagues can be stronger only if their players would back there now, not staying there from the beginning.
kolesPL 242 4
13 anos atrás
Jak zwykle ten człowiek przeinacza fakty... Niby wie dużo o siatkówce ale jest strasznym hipokrytą i burakiem.
AndrutPL 215 8
13 anos atrás
Haha, You guys are amazing. :D
RoninhoPL 758 13
13 anos atrás
I never thought that the Polish League at the level of the Italian league. In my opinion the Russian league is the best. A Polish League in 3rd place. Zita: Yeah. You're right. I know perfectly well that in the Italian league is a higher level. I'll give you an example. If the Serbs and the Bulgarians were the league at the same level as Poland. Do you think that so many Serbs and Bulgarians were playing in Italy? Like the Poles wanted to make a lot of money to be moved to Russia. Just some Poles do not want to leave the Polish. And please do not say that getting offers from Italy to sit on the reserve:))
shinodaPL 121 3
13 anos atrás
nie wiem po co piszecie z Henrique . przeciez to troll. PlusLiga zawsze "be", wlazly do bani, zagumny zaledwie slaby rzemieslnik. To jest BRAZYLIJCZYK i nigdy nie bedzie sie wypowiadal o nas z szacunkiem wiec po co go karmic ? Henrique- you're from brazil. i have no more questions
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 anos atrás
I know that he was on 12 or 13 place after season with this club. Well, sorry, I missed that part about top clubs, to many times you both wrote just Italian League, so I focused on it only :P "the best players in the Polish league earn very much. Just them a very good life and there is no need to go to Italy and Russia)" Roninho, I don't wanna judge anyone, because I'm not the player, that's their own decision, not everybody has to play abroad, but chance for playing in better league with higher level can help you be better player, so where is the ambition for being one of the best and trying their strength against the best teams, if they "have enough" in Poland, just because they earn the same money like in Italy?
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 anos atrás
Guys... actually Zagumny played in Italian League when he was young. So your discussion does not make sense, but keep talking, is really funny! lol
RoninhoPL 758 13
13 anos atrás
Okay. There is no debate. You said what you think about Zagumny and I understand it. But what do you paste the video Zagumny bad game? How does this target? Do you want to prove that Zagumny is weak? I can send hundreds of great games Zagumny but it makes no sense. I do not know for what purpose at some time you mention how it Zagumny is weak. Unless you like a lot to provoke people:) PlusLiga you bored. You're bored with something which you do not have a chance to watch ?:) Do not send you back to writing posts because I already discussions I finished:) Hello!
RoninhoPL 758 13
13 anos atrás
''Do you really think I do not have any information on PlusLiga?" Friend, you can have only information about the outcome of matches, preseason, injuries. But do not tell me you have information about who earns how much:)) In Poland hard to get this information. ''So you think Wlazly is a worldwide sensation?'' I do not think the Wlazly is phenomenal, the best. A couple of the attackers better than him. But please do not tell me that he received some offers from Italy in order to sit on the reserve:)) ''On the other day you made a comparison between Kurek and Murilo. Have any idea how absurd this is?'' I have not compared the Murilo to Kurek. I spoke with Murilo in the form is valid for Brazil as the Kurek in the form of the Polish. It is not a comparison of their skills,but their usefulness in representing ''I wrote to you that Swiderski and Winiarski were the best Polish players in recent years in my opinion. I didn't say you don't have good players.'' I would add to this Zagumny and Wlazly but they have not played in the Italian League so for you are not good:)) ''Zagumny was tired at the match point and couldn't make such a simple set? Isn't he a genius? Wanna try Sergio instead of him? lol'' I never wrote Zagumny is a genius. Sometimes, you probably do not know what you're saying. Zagumny explanation was tired of being so pathetic as an explanation of Lima had sweaty hands But you probably do not care about Plusliga if you think Zagumny not got the offer from Italy You still haven't answered my questions. Too hard for you? :-) Let me ask question again because I do not know who you mean..
RoninhoPL 758 13
13 anos atrás
How do you know how much they earn in a Polish volleyball league? Maybe you have some contacts with managers:) the best players in the Polish league earn very much. Just them a very good life and there is no need to go to Italy and Russia:)) Mariusz Wlazły in World Cup 2006 was one of the best strikers. After the championship got a lot of offers. He had to sit on the reserve in Italy? You are funny:)) You're right. Kurek may sit on the reserve. But he could also play first team. Depends on the club to buy it. And since the concept of this club. Kurek has a very good attack and very poor reception. Not all Poles to decide to play abroad. Swiderski is decided and played in the top team Italian league. He did the same Winiarski who played the best team in the world. Wlazły and Zagumny calmly and be able to play the best italian teams. They were tender but not exercised. In this case, I'm surprised that he preferred Zagumny go to Greece than to Italy. yyyy ... Excuse me, but I can not imagine your grief. It's you were looking bad Zagumny movements. You did this to the pitiful way to show why Zagumny is weak. Therefore, I also did it in a pathetic and especially for you, I found a bug Brazilian and showed you that Lima was very weak setter:)) "Maurício had his hands sweat" hahaha:)) Zagumny was tired and that is why such a mistake. Oh Henrique ... very good explanation of ineptitude Lima:)) Remember. The fact that someone has not played in the Italian league does not mean it is weak:)) Because you someone who has played in the Italian league is a god:)) Regards!
RoninhoPL 758 13
13 anos atrás
And if everyone has to play in the Italian League? Example Mariusz Wlazły had offers from top clubs in Italy. But he preferred to stay in Poland. Why Brazilians return to the country? Because they are too weak in the Italian league?

I do not want you to discuss the games Zagumny. My point is that this bug that showed it was a ridiculous explanation. Nothing more.

Mauricio Lima very good? See the movie. Such an error at that point ...
Is not that ridiculous excuse? Look 1:30 .
RoninhoPL 758 13
13 anos atrás
Well ... Grbic, Ball, Ricardo, of course, never make any mistake:)) Searched long for this error Zagumny? Such a statement is to me ridiculous. I have a question for you. Do Mauricio Lima was for you a very good setter?
JRiosCL 201 6
13 anos atrás
Henrique "the misunderstood" hahahahaha.
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
13 anos atrás
oh ok, that makes sense.. because i always thought he liked you.
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 anos atrás
Joel That was joke from Henrique ;)
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
13 anos atrás
I think maybe he means that he can't stand your views of Polish volleyball.. but I dunno.
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 anos atrás
Henrique "I can't stand them" Well... that's something new for me, but I really appreciate that you're honest :) Cheers mate!
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 anos atrás
JRios I'm pretty sure, that's Henrique :P saku No one said you have to answer for Henrique's words, he just said his opinion, you don't have to argue with him, just because he think different. More distance people.
JRiosCL 201 6
13 anos atrás
Joel >> It must be RenanZ or other Brazilian to share this video in VHS, since it was recorded from Brazilian open TV. :) Saku >> you guys should be a little bit more patient. If you do not want arguing it, do not read Henrique's comments anymore (and naturally save your reading time).
sakuPL 1032 9
13 anos atrás
again he want to argue with us, dont understand him ...
r3dz1PL 10 1
13 anos atrás
Gdzieś mam na kasecie VHS fragment meczu Polska - Kuba z tej olimpiady :D Był cały, tylko potem mama na tej kasecie jakąś bajkę mi nagrała i byłem na nią zły, bo już od berbecia z tatą mecze oglądałem xD
InivaridUPL 504 6
13 anos atrás
Thank you Joel :D
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
13 anos atrás
looking for trouble Henrique, lol.
Joel2718CAAuthor 426 7
13 anos atrás
I got it from a friend. You guys may know him from around here, but I won't mention who, you'll have to guess.
JRiosCL 201 6
13 anos atrás
It's easy to see that Giba has the same style to play of Giovane PS:Giba is not in the court I know, I'm just doing a comparison between the players styles. Joel >> wow, how did you get this video my friend? Open Brazilian national TV...???
RachelBR 532 7
13 anos atrás
I have no words, thank you Joel!! This match was so important to Brazil : we had lost the first two matches; one against Argentina (3X1; Milinkovic killed us) and another against Bulgaria ( 3X0; Stoev and Konstantinov killed us). So, we needed so much a victory against Poland to stay on the competition, Brazil was under an amazing pressure, since we were back then the olympic champions (Barcelona 92). PS: this two commentators Marco Antonio and Prof Paulo Russo were unforgetable to an entire generation of fans, "Galera Band volley", that's what Marco Antonio used to say to all the teenagers who usually followed the volleyball matches those days
kolesPL 242 4
13 anos atrás
Zagumny never had an athletic build :P It's cool to see them in their 'youth', thanks Joel :)
qsekPL 831 10
13 anos atrás
Joel, great job, thank you! for us, Polish volleyball fans, but not only, for you too i think - it's great think to see this young Gruszka, Zagumny or Nowak.
RenanZBR 1538 15
13 anos atrás
Feel free to do it Joel.....

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