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@betovoley I share your opinion, de Cecco-Conte plays are amazing, but so are also de Cecco's actions with middle blockers. I especially like Sebastian Sole. Hell, I like the whole team very much :) But end of the off-topic now. The movie's about a different Argentinian team, so let's just leave it at that :)
Well, still, Nightfox, Stankovic is a good MB and I would expect that even with Todorov apparently having his day in blocking Dragan would finish a few spikes ? Must have really played terribly. Plus, did Todorov score all 10 blocks on Serbian MBs? ?
@nyshek So there is room for improvement ?

@handan Would be great but I don't believe in it. I see Conte in Russia or Italy, don't think he will choose Polish league.
I've looked on the stats and... Can someone tell me what happened to Stankovic? They guy ended the game with no points at all... Did he play the whole match?
Bravo Todorov in block! Amazing performance in that element (I'm judging by stats, so have mercy on me ?). Not so good in spike, though.
@nyshek And good for him ? He still has a lot to learn as an opposite and Russian league is a good place for that.
Castellani's move expected ?
There were rumours a few days ago, that de Cecco might go back to Drean Bolivar. So I guess that won't happen now, that they have already signed Suxho.
@kasatka39 I would have nothing against it. It's a real pleasure to watch the Argentinian team play, so may they play as long as possible in this tournament :)
Congrats, Bulgaria! Though I have to say I'm a little sad as Serbia is one of my favourite teams ;-( Sounds like it was an amazing game for the Bulgarian NT. I didn't have a chance to watch it. Are there any stats somewhere?
Delecta doesn't need Bartman. Delecta has Konarski as opposite, who's played on that position almost from the beginning and showed good quality in that season, played at a stable level. In my opinion Konarski is now a better opposite than Bartman. And if he keeps making progress as he does now, he will remain a good opposite. Plus, for Delecta he is way cheaper than Bartman, so they can spend this money on wing-spikers or middle blockers ?
Hello, Why with American flag? ?
Agreed, Andrea, definitely agreed... What's the reason behind Berutto's complete resignation from Vermiglio? Age, difficult temper or what? He surely plays better than Travica...
Sure, marchst, and for your sake I hope this was only one bad day. But I'm generally not impressed by Bari. I didn't see the whole game today, so I can't express my opinion about his play in this particular game. Just asked what happened to Giovi, cause I thought you would be better informed ?
Well, he must have had a reason, though I can't see it ?
Phoenix - why didn't Berutto take Giovi? IMHO better than Bari, who has never amazed me...
Well, I cheer for Serbia, but I don't think they have big chances here. Though they always fight till the end, so who knows. But the lack of Miljkovic could be too much for this team.
@Wulkano The article is in Spanish, not in Italian. Ask Spanish-speaking people.
@AndreaTN This info comes from Mr. Pasini's blog. In my humble opinion this is not a very reliable source. Plus, as Casamodena already wrote, it would be totally dumb from Osmany's side to sign the contract and then suddenly decide to stay in Trento. Plus, Trento would have to offer him more than Kazan did. Taking into account a high contract that Kaziyski has, I doubt it is possible.
Thanks for the link, wiseguy. I check out the second link and what can I see? A video from v-m ? Great, that our site is getting so well-known ?

Sorry for the OT.
Andyz, Kurek said that he will announce his decision before the first World League tournament in Canada. He confirmed that he has offers from Russia and that his manager is talking to Russian clubs. He also said that he will make a decision that's best for him after considering all the options, all pros and cons. So, to sum it up, we still don't know anything ?
OK, now I know. Thanks, Saku :D

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