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5 anos atrás


@Pearl: Non quella chilometrica. :-(
Sllaveq, you can’t blame me, once I’m reading the crap you write. Touché! lol
@Pearl: Sì, ho risposto. Non hai visto?
"why you hate Kaziyski so much?" I'm gonna puke. lol
@Pearl: I just remember "Ctvrtlik" has only one vowel. Here in Brazil, players and commentators called him "letter soup". :-p
Quote (Zyta)
I don't cry or argue when someone thinks in a different way and don't call Kurek, Zagumny or Winiarski the best or say they would not play as a starter in XYZ National Team. Seriously, who the hell cares if they would or not? They play for my country and it won't change.

Perfect, Zyta! Now you’re my favourite “Polaca”. Glinka and Skowronska are behind you now. ;-)
Quote (Zyta) thing I agree with Bulgarians here - he is very humble.

That’s true. Kaziyski is one of the most humble players I’ve seen, with a great attitude towards fans.
Quote (Sllaveq)
Please, quote my comment telling Kaziyski is a God... don't define me as freak.

I don’t need to quote you since your behaviour says it all. What kind of person thinks others hate a player or a whole country just because they have different opinion? Don’t like me? Ignore me. It’s simple. I have no pleasure discussing with people like you, and I just did it because you made an offensive remark towards me, you fool!
Quote (Sllaveq)
We have already heard that about 1000 times...

It seems it’s never enough, as you guys don’t stop behaving like freaks. ;-)
Quote (Sllaveq)
It doesn't sound smart from the 2nd time.

If only you could see how stupid sound your comments about your god. lol
Quote (Raylight)
Bulgarian NT players... They won everything on club level.

Only Bulgarians playing, right? Interesting...
Quote (Raylight)
There will never be second receiver as Konstantinov, who also has height, power, serve and attitude for the game, for example.

Quote (Raylight)
It is evil miracle that NT with such player didn't win tons of golds. Matey Kaziyski is the BEST spiker in volleyball, for sure for the last 5years.

Evil miracle? Bulgaria didn’t even get close to win anything.

Just to make you happy: Bulgaria has the best players, best fans, best teams, best coaches, best commentators... ;-)
Hey Czilikd, first of all, your nickname is hard to remember... You make me think about a former American player called Ctvrtlik (I think my friend Pearl will agree). Can I call you Kowalski? Sorry if I put you into that large group represented by annoying kids who barely understand the sport. I disagree that Eastern European teams prefer Kurek type of player. Look at Russia, how much they have changed in the last years. Serbia is a great example, beginning in the mid nineties. Even Poland... Ten years ago you wouldn’t have a player like Winiarski. Now you not only have him, but also KubiakAAAAA. Regarding the hard hitters, I assure you any team would prefer they had more skills. Why take a Kurek type (we won’t mention that other guy whose surname starts with “K” to avoid freaks reaction), if you can have someone like Dante, who receives, digs and blocks in high level. Think about it. When former Yugoslavia won the bronze in Atlanta 1996 and later the gold in Sydney 2000, Vlad Grbic and Goran Vujevic were high skilled players.
Quote (Champion)
Reception is the element they pay more attention to without disregarding any other element.

You start with that. They teach the basics and you need to show some ball control. It’s unacceptable that a vball athlete becomes pro without some basic skills.
Quote (Champion)
The one thing that sounded interesting to me is that they do jumping on staircases with high steps to build up stronger back thigh muscles.

This is really good to improve your vertical. Don’t you do that in Bulgaria? You can do this training at your school gymnasium or at some community center.
Pesazi, you’re the man. Glad to read your comments here. ;-) Zyta, your remark made me laugh out loud. You’re such a smart and funny girl. I still don’t know why Michal Ruciak and Radostin Stoychev don’t like you.
Incredibile scambio! Awesome!
Czilikd, I think you didn’t get the joke. Some guy wrote Kaziyski was “unlimited” hitter and server, and I was making fun of it. Okay, you played pro. Where? For how long? I remember a former player once said in an interview some athletes are like cows, as they just follow what their coaches say without thinking or adding anything. Maybe you were one of them. If I wrote “you guys would freak out”, it’s something that WOULD happen. Sorry, no intention to offend you, but I see you can’t understand some things written here because of your English. It’s not my intention to disrespect you by saying that. Let’s stop this discussion and move on, okay? ;-) If you still wanna discuss something about Kurek, just ask. He’s not my kind of player, but it seems you really like him.
Quote (Czilikd)
I didn't said Kurek is wow "unlimited”.

Nobody said that. I didn’t say you said such thing. The “unlimited”, mentioned by someone else, was referring to another player. You should read more carefully.
Quote (Czilikd)
I can write u're wrong because u're fan of brazil NT and u see and like only them even in this discussion.

You should read the whole thing again. I think you didn’t understand. Unlike some Poles and Bulgarians who can only see their teams and come here to hype some very limited players, I never wrote anything to glorify Team Brazil. Gimme a break... BTW, if Kurek and his teammates had won a single major, you guys would freak out. I don’t need to remind you what Poland has achieved so far, do I? I recognize the strengths of every team, while you can’t even understand volleyball. I’m very sorry for you.
The Bulgarian part of Trentino 12 anos atrás +1
And if Simon decides to go there with his Italian wife to watch the matches? Have you ever been close to him? That guy is huge. I bet he could kick Chuck Norris’ ass easily. ;-)
Quote (Zyta)
But when Rezende would say "Kurek sucks", he won't be welcome in Poland anymore.

In one of his books, the second one (“Transformando suor em ouro”), Bernardinho makes not so good remarks about Poland. But I won’t translate it anyway, as the kids will get angry with me or will say I’m lying. Let’s just forget about it.
Quote (NightFox)
I see it every game and watch him (Matey) since a long time. And it's not something that I care about, because if he is effective I'm not worried.

I know, I know... He’s "unlimited in spiking and serving”, right? ;-)
The Bulgarian part of Trentino 12 anos atrás +1
NightFox, I’ll hire four or five guys to walk around with that shirt. I’m afraid Simon freaks can get really angry, or Simon himself. You don’t wanna mess with Simon, do you?
Quote (NXT)
I can agree with Henrique now. He basicly means that Brasil is considered the best team in the world and if Resende says something like "yes I'd love to see Kurek in our team" is just a great compliment for Bartek - nothing more.

By saying “He” you’re talking about the Polaco guy who wrote before me, right?. Well, I don’t get why some people need to know if their players would be good enough to join other NTs.
Quote (NightFox)
Polish fans started the topic of Matey - so it's not an irony at all. It's the truth... And here are the never endless dump questions and misguided people.

Quote (NightFox)
Right now Kaziyski can reach his maximum altitude from the past years, but he does it only when it's truly necessary.

No, he can’t. The injuries started to affect his performance, he’s not the same he used to be. His best years are gone. Live with that, NightFox.
Quote (Michal)
By the way when it comes to courtesy Rezende and Giba are the ones who should feel conscience-stricken while falling asleep. Just imagine how many people were given illusory hopes.

Michal, you’re so mean. I hope I’ll never be like that, destroying kids’ illusions. You know, if those guys said so, it has to be that way. lol
Quote (czilikd)
HCLT you're the best here I realised that during Zagumny's discussion. Bravo.

Who’s Zagumny?
Quote (czilikd)
HCLT even your the best in this buisness Rezende said Kurek is top class player and if there willl be possibility he wants him in Brazil NT.

Another guy that believes everything coaches say to local press... C’mon Zyta, help me with this one. I just can’t repeat the same explanation once more. lol

It’s funny all those reporters from so many countries always want to know if their main players could join our team. When Italy dominated our reporters never asked Julio Velasco or Bebeto de Freitas if our players would be on their squad.

I think Barto Cureque would be useful as our fourth left side. See, I’m a nice guy.
No, no, no, no... You said "unlimited". lol No other player can do that? Interesting... This Matey guy must be a god.

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