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This is a day that started very well and continued better!!! ?
I couldn't watch my guys this morning, unfortunally, but I read that after the first set they played well, so, I'm proud of them ?
And then... Damn, I knew Serbia would use their titoular, and I knew they'll finally fight as they know, but still I didn't expect that this would have been enough for a 3points victory over Brazil!!!

I hope Poland-Italy will keep us in the third place, and then I hope Poland will beat Brazil ?

@champion, Ita is third now, so if "Italy does not make any mistake thereafter", we will get the pass even if Brazil will do a perfect job too. And I can't understand why did you say that we don't have nothing to lose...

@kate, I don't think Serbia started the WC poorly on porpuse!! But now that they realized there wasn't any chance for them to qualificate, obviously for them beating Brazil was vital, the only thing they could do for themself.
Wow, I didn't expect Cuba to win over Brazil and Poland to beat USA so clearly (I hoped USA could have done something more, now Poland seems so far to me...)
Actually I think it's hard to beat our horrible performance at the ECh in the last 3 sets in Ita-Fra xD (I remeber that tie break like a show of mistakes from both sides) but after the first set that match was meaningless for us, so it is "a bit" different ?
Well, the very last sentence is probably true (in general, doing a fondamental well can help you to be in the match and doing the other fondamentals well too, or at least it keep you "alive" in the match), but saying that 50% serve errors are due to the ball kind... I think is an excuse. Ok, it may be a bit more difficult, but for example Zaytsev can score 4 aces in an international matches, and can do 4-5 errors in serve in Serie A, so...
About the serve, I think that is a thing that in a certain match goes or not. And sometimes it is almost global: or (almost) everyone in the team serve mediocrely, or (almost) everyone very well...
It is not a coincidence that Trento is the strongest teams in the world (I would be curiouse to see them playing vs certain NTs!): they are capable of maintaining a very high serve level very often. Well, I feel kinda stupid to wrote that to someone who follows Trento, I'm sure you're aware of that ?

And expecially for teams that relay on the serve (often these teams depend on also on block-dig correlation, because they count on a strong break-point phase, e.g. last season Cuneo), it can be a problem when they have the "day-off" in serve.
This is probably the best italian strenght (the break point phase), but fortunally not the only one, otherwise we would have lost for example vs USA, because we didn't serve incredibily well during that match ?
I think it was touched by the block... :P
well, may be about the self-confidence you're right, sometime we miss it. But not always, because, honestly, you can't win a set 41-39 (after being 2-3 points lower until the 20th), or a tie break 22-20, if you don't believe in yourself (yourself as a single player and as team).
Not vs USA and Brazil playing well.
Well, I don't know pearl, I think we looked very solid (in characters) vs USA and Brazil, but also vs China and I imagine Egypt (I missed it). Vs Russia we played quite well (or at least not badly ?) but lost: probably we could have done smth more but Russia did great, and the best of Russia is a really really "high level" best.
So, actually this is the very first time we lost our mind, and the effective in every fondamental, from serve to block to attack (usually it happen to us that one - or two - may be doesn't work so well, but not all toghter!). And I'm absolutly sorry about that, but I think it's understandable thinking about the competition formula and also to the fact that it's since the ECh that the players have no rest for more than a week (or even less, if you think about Macerata, or better JW and Trento with the WCCH).
Looking at Serbia, European champion, I can just thank our guys for what they've done so far i this WC, because we can't take nothing for garanted.

Let me also say that probably it is more a symptom of deconcentration losing two sets vs China like Brazil did (and with the subs, that are supposed to be more rested), that losing vs a very solid Cuba. Because we didn't our best today, but it's also true that Cube probably over..did? (=ha superato) himself: like Parodi sayd, they weren't expecting a team that - in adding to their great skills in attack - digs so much, played so effective with the MBs, distribuite the ball so well etc...
Cuba-Italy 3:1

in the same page you can find Pol-Chn 3:1, Cuba-Serb 3:1; USA-Rus 0:3
I'm so sad about our loss ?(((

BTW, I think Serbia strategy make sense. I hope they''ll use it also tomorrow ?
Damn, it was so important for us winning vs Cuba, since Serbia started playing badly I have thi sensation that they'll play as they did in ECh tomorrow for a question of honor, and now that they used the younger today, theyr titoulars are also refreshed... I hope the different will (for us losing means saying bye bye to the podium, for them means nothing since they're already out) will make the difference...
Proud wrote the link for the download on the thread about the World Cup, and before I wrote the link for the streaming ;) (in the same thread)
@Berny: really, you trained with him? Awsome! I like him a lot, I follow M.Roma so I had many opportunities to watch him playing last year (also this year, but Sabbi is titoular) and I apreciated him, he gave me the impression he really cares about the team, and he did well (very often over 20 points for match), expecially if you consider that he was supposed to be the second opposite, and he find out to be the titoular at his first year in A1 and in Italy in general! Unfortunally sometime he doesn't handle well the most important point, or he can committe an errors after a previous mistake. Me and my firend support him (but also Sabbi), and between us we friendly call him "Milano" ? (we use to "italianize" foreing names of the player xD)
41-39 - 1° set - Italia-USA 3-1 - 25 Novembre 2011

37-35 - 2° set - Tunisia-Australia 1-3 - 22 Novembre 2007

36-34 - 3° set - Cina-Canada 2-3 - 21 Novembre 2003

31-29 - 3° set - Cina-Egitto 3-0 - 20 Novembre 2003
31-29 - 4° set - Cina-Tunisia 3-1 - 30 Novembre 2003
31-29 - 1° set - Venezuela-Egitto 3-1 - 30 Novembre 2003

I 30-28

18 Novembre 2003- Serbia-Egitto 3-1 (1° set)
30 Novembre 2003- Serbia-Italia 3-1 (3° set)
30 Novembre 2003- Korea-Canada 2-3 (1° set)

18 Novembre 2007 - Brasile-USA 0-3 (2° set)
19 Novembre 2007 - Brasile-Spagna 3-0 (1° set)
22 Novembre 2007 - Bulgaria-USA 2-3 (3° set)

21 Novembre 2011 - Serbia-Polonia 1-3 (4° set)

@Berny: how is doing Milan?!
proud, ?DDDDDDD thanks a lot!!!
Here you can watch in streaming (and download with real player) USA-Ita

@proud, I will be so so grateful if you would upload it like you did for Ita-Bra, because with this format it's impossible to me to chose from what point watch the match, and the last time I could watch only until the middle of the 4th set of Ita-Bra (both on real player and directly in streaming in the website...)... few after the second TTO it started from the national anthem again!!! And I had the same problem also with Ita-Ger of famale WC, probably the matches were to long...
and Italy won!!!!!!!!! ?D (3-1)

I'm so glad ? Wonderful match, I loved it!
USA-Italy 0:1 39:41!!!!!!!!!!! Almost like the incredible set of the semifinal of the WL Arg-Bra! And after the 25th there were really really few mistake, so, amazing volleyball! ?DD
Is not strange that for the third match in a row we will have the same referee??
@someone: I also hope so, if the alternative would be not be on the podium...
But actually I hope we will be in a battle for the first place ?DDD (at least! ahahahaha)
Indeed, two surprise!!
Iran beating also Argentina (honestly I expected a strong Iran, because they did well in the Asian Ch and expecially because of Velasco... but not THAT well! Beating Poland and Argentina in a row is better than I imagined!); China taking TWO set to Brazil (totally totally unexpected after wacthing Italy-China, but I defintly apreciate ?).
And I thought Serbia would have won it...

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