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I’m a volleyball player and fan from New York City. I’ll be at VNL 2023 & Paris 2024 Olympics! (I play opposite, and most of my favorite players are Opposites.) My favorite teams: Men’s: ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ?? Women’s: ??, ??, ??

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Anything on Annie Drews? Everyone else from team USA has revealed what club they’re playing for next season, except Drews. Really hoping for Minas. 

@marcobelottii i wonder if they will swap. I’ve always said that I would like to see Drews on Scandicci. Many fans, myself included, are thinking she may go to Brazil. I once asked her where she would like to play and she said “Brazil” has always caught her eye.  But i agree. I would like to see her in Italy again. Or perhaps Turkiye. 

Any information on Annie Drews? As usual, it’s quite difficult to figure out anything until she tells us! ?