
Brazil for us is like we are to Poland - we can beat them again, no problem

Originally posted by Lucho from Bulgaria
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
Very strong and tall player, reminded me for Ivan Milijkovich

Originally posted by Lucho from Bulgaria
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
To jest siatkarz ktory wraz z Pawłem Zagumnym przczynili sie najbardziej to mistrzsotwa europy...

Originally posted by aaa from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
Niesamowity filmik. Takich meczów jak z Rosją, Francją czy Sisleyem się nie zapomina do końca życia...

Originally posted by daniel. from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
Bez dwóch zdań to ikona Polskiej Siatkówki - oby pograł jeszcze parę dobrych lat na wysokim poziomie czego mu szczerze życzę!

Originally posted by wck from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
Piotr Gruszka i wszystko jasne ?

Originally posted by Nice from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
WOJT I am only against your opinion cause you are insulting players by accusing them of simulating. For professional athlete health is the most important thing, that's why they care for it really bad.

Originally posted by MK from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
Pamiętacie przemowę Gruszki po przegranym meczu o 3. miejsce z USA w LŚ '07? Marzenia właśnie się spełniły i radzę kibicom nie psuć tej atmosfery, która jest w kadrze, ciągłymi pretensjami do młodych zawodników, którzy tylko zdrowi są w stanie grać w reprezentacji przez długie lata. Gruszka i Świderski mogą sobie grać z plastrami i na tabletkach, ale właśnie ich problemy sprawiają, że Winiar i Wlazły nie chcą dzielić ich losu. I chyba Wy też nie chcecie.

Originally posted by K8W from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0

Originally posted by zannik from Germany
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
MK the way you discuss is pitiful man, you just insult everybody who has different views than yours. I wont change my oppinion. Maybe I exaggerated, that they always try to avoid playing for the national team, but remind yourself qualifications to the EC. Winiarski, Wlazły and Zagumny didn't gave a shit about that double match against Belgium. And we got the qualification only thanks to Świderski.

Originally posted by WOJT from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
piekne chwile zwlaszcza w pamietnym meczu Polska - Brazylia w katowickim Spodku wygranym przez nas ?

Originally posted by Gorales from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
Kazan jesteś dupkiem i tyle ... gdyby nie Piotrem nie było by złotego medalu na ME.

Originally posted by Tricq from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
Dobra produkcja choć nie podoba mi się obecnie jako zawodnik. Kiedyś może i był dobry ale teraz ta jego śmieszna zagrywka i plasy mnie denerwują. Jest mało skoczny i wolny. Delekcie może i pomoże ale oby w reprezentacji już nie grał ...

Originally posted by Kazan from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
nie docenialem go

Originally posted by beach monster from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
MK is rigt. But I'd like to focus on one thing - video is very good, but it doesn't show real Gruszka's power - his intteligence and amazing ( only Antiga ? has better ) skill in attacking block-out - he doesn't have to attack so strong like Kurek or Wlazły - he just has to end that f**king difficult ball, that he gets! It's impossible - how can he score points for ( i think ) about 80% of that kind of balls!!!! I like him very much?

Originally posted by cinek from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
You're an idiot WOJT if you think that Wlazly and Winiarski avoid playing in national team. They are badly injured and if they would be in full health they wouldn't resign from the national team.

Originally posted by MK from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
Gruszka and Świderski are the tough guys from Poland, they would do everything for the national team and they are always ready to play (unless they are badly injured). They are not as Wlazły or Winiarski who always try to avoid playing for the national team. Respect for them. I have to admit that before EC I thought that Gruszka will be our weakest point, he turned out to be the best and just amazed me. His masterful performances gave our team a lot of confidence and Zagumny knew that he has the man who will find the way to score in most difficult moments.

Originally posted by WOJT from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
Nasz bohater? Nasz Piotrek! Filmik genialny! Tylko jedno malutkie ale: można było więcej dać akcji z ME?

Originally posted by Mon from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
0.20 the best

Originally posted by nick from Poland
Piotr Gruszka 14 anos atrás 0
no kurde napatrzec sie nie mogeeee kocham go noo

Originally posted by beach monster from Poland

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